Chapter 66: All Heavens City, Home
Qin Shu found himself at a vast floating plaza, boundless and endless. In the distance stood a colossal structure that seemed to reach the heavens. This was not the God Soul Continent.
Welcome to the City of All Heavens. This is your identity token for the city. Please keep it safe.
A voice echoed in his mind, and a beam of white light materialized before him.
Qin Shu instinctively reached out and grasped it. It was a jade token, intricately carved with five white dragons encircling a pearl.
The White Jade Five Dragons Token, he realized, a proof of identity within the City of All Heavens.
In that instant, a flood of information washed over his mind, clarifying the nature of this place.
The City of All Heavens.
A unique realm, opened by the great menhuans of the Five Immeasurable Realms using divine powers. It acted as a meeting ground between the Five Realms, akin to the City of 3,000 Worlds.
Qin Shu now stood in the white dragon district, a haven for promising fourth-rank cultivators seeking growth and knowledge through mutual exchange.
Within this city, there existed only one designated arena for matters of life and death. Elsewhere, injuring others came without consequence; but should anyone perish, their death must be avenged.
At the heart of the white dragon district towers the Heaven Piercing Tower, a mighty edifice with ninety-nine levels. A fourth-rank cultivator who could conquer this tower would be rewarded with a tremendous opportunity.
Commerce in the City of All Heavens was facilitated by its own currency: the Heaven Coin. Fashioned from the solidified essence of spiritual energy, these coins bore the mark of transcendental power.
Each White Jade Heaven Coin was equivalent in value to the total strength of an ordinary fourth-rank cultivator’s body.
The value of a single jade piece was equivalent to a spiritual artifact and could be used for cultivation. It served as the common currency in All-Heavens City.
If exchanged for spiritual soul coins, the ratio stood at one million to one.
In short, they were immensely valuable.
On the back of the White Jade Five Dragons Command Medal, Qin Shu noticed the number five hundred—equivalent to five hundred White Jade All-Heavens Coins.
Qin Shu understood that this was All-Heavens City’s welcome gift for newcomers. He had slain five fifth-order Abyssal monsters, earning a hundred each, which totaled five hundred.
The White Dragon District’s White Jade Dragon Command tokens were divided into nine ranks, with the highest being the White Jade Nine Dragons Command. One could upgrade by conquering the Heavenspan Tower or by engaging in life-or-death combat with other holders of the same rank. Victory would allow one to take their opponent’s token, merging and upgrading it.
For new arrivals, the maximum token one could obtain initially was the White Jade Five Dragons Command.
The public square bustled with activity; some people had set up stalls while others, like Qin Shu, materialized suddenly and gaped at their surroundings.
A man dressed in a purple Confucian scholar’s robe approached him. “Honored friend,” he called out. “Is this your first visit to the White Dragon District? Perhaps you need guidance? I am Ning Daoquan. For a single White Jade All-Heavens Coin, I will spend a day showing you around the White Dragon District.”
“Er, no need, thank you,” Qin Shu declined with a polite shake of his head. A single White Jade All-Heavens Coin would be sufficient for him to teleport freely throughout the White Dragon District for a whole day. Some things were best experienced independently.
“Friend, you may be unaware that Bai Long District is vast, divided into numerous regions, each dominated by powerful factions. If you inadvertently encroach on their territories, I’m afraid it won’t end well!”
Ning Daoquan continued his sales pitch.
“I have a map,” Qin Shu said mildly. Then, ignoring Ning Daoquan, he teleported away.
“A map? How can a newcomer have a map?” Ning Daoquan trailed off, suddenly realizing, “Ah, it’s a Five Dragons Token! It hasn’t appeared for months—this is significant. I must swiftly report this upward.”
“Five Dragons Token, huh? Looks like we have another top-tier genius here.”
A fourth-rank cultivator arriving in Zhoutian City was considered a genius, whether they came from the God Soul Continent or any of the other four immeasurable realms.
However, only the most exceptional among geniuses could wield a Five Dragons Token. This was the Spirit Realm’s evaluation of an individual, unrelated to external factors.
Due to Qin Shu, a small stir began in a corner of Bai Long District.
While rare, even new Five Dragons Tokens were not unheard of, so it merely attracted some attention.
By now, Qin Shu had arrived at a teleportation circle.
This was the All-Heavens Teleportation Circle, the single-person type. Each use cost one hundred pure white jade All-Heavens Coins, equivalent to one hundred million Spiritual Soul Coins.
Compared to the teleportation from the Money God Shopping Mall, this portal was a steal.
After being teleported away, there were two ways to return:
- Conquer the Abyss and use the White Jade Dragon Commandment to be teleported back for free.
- Use 200 White Jade All-Heavens coins to be directly teleported back.
This portal could take you anywhere, with a cost of just 100 White Jade All-Heavens coins per use. Even if Qin Shu wanted to go to the god realm, he could.
This meant he could finally return home.
So what were you waiting for?
Qin Shu stepped into the portal, spent one hundred White Jade All-Heavens coins, and began selecting his coordinates.
God Soul Continent, Central Heavens Territory, Nine Provinces Holy Court, Yangzhou City, Kangjiao District in the southeast.
As he made his selections, maps of the God Soul Continent began to appear within the portal, zooming in until Yangzhou City’s Kangjiao District was clearly displayed before him.
Within this area, he found his home, clicked on his bedroom, and chose to teleport there.
The power of space fluctuated, and Qin Shu was instantly teleported away.
The world around him shifted; it felt like an eternity yet also like the span of a single breath. He had arrived back in his bedroom.
Not a single item in the room had been moved. Everything was exactly as he’d left it, perfectly tidy.
It must’ve taken Mother considerable time to clean this place.
Qin Shu’s heart raced. It had been nearly two years since his departure. Checking the date, he realized that it wouldn’t be long before Qin Qing awakened her spiritual soul.
Thank goodness I made it back in time.
He took a deep breath, his face breaking into a smile as he pulled open the door and stepped out.
Downstairs, the familiar aroma of home-cooked meals wafted through the air.
The family was gathered for lunch on this Saturday afternoon.
Hearing footsteps, they all turned towards the stairway to see Qin Shu slowly descending.
The eight members froze, then blinked simultaneously in disbelief.
Dajie Qin Yu smiled, “Mom, I must be thinking too much about our little Shu. Isn’t he walking right towards us?”
“Ah, I see him too,” Wang Yurou said.
“Fourth Brother!” Only Qin Hao didn’t question his eyes, leaping from his chair in excitement and rushing towards Qin Shu.
“Qin Hao!” Qin Shu wrapped his arms around him. “How have you been, my little brother? Were you good while I was away?”
“I was, I was very good,” Qin Hao nodded.
“That’s my boy!” Qin Shu ruffled his hair affectionately, then turned to look at their parents, older sisters, and younger sister. “Mom, Dad, Dajie, Eruo, Sajie, Xiaqing, Xiegui, I’m home.”
Wang Yurou heard Qin Shu’s voice distinctly. Gazing at him, her eyes were already brimming with tears.
“Thank you for waiting for me,” Qin Shu continued.
Wang Yurou could no longer hold back. She left her seat and embraced Qin Shu tightly, with little Qin Hao squeezed between them.
Sobbing, she said, “You’re back. That’s all that matters. You’re back.”
Qin Yu, Qin Rou, Qin Ying, Qin Qing, and Qin Gui also came over, and the family held each other in a tight embrace.
Well, except Qin Wei. As the old father, he was more able to control himself.
“You’re finally home.”
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