Chapter 45: Over the Perfect (2)

Lee Kyungbok quickly focused on his Perception. As always, he was stimulated by the sensation akin to a sweet fragrance wafting towards him.

‘However, speed is more important this time.’

The situation differed from regular games. Instead of obtaining the best items, reducing the numbers of others through rapid farming was the top priority.

“It’s better to decrease their numbers before jumping out of the parachute, right?”

As Lee Kyungbok laughed and ran, the viewers joined in with amusement.

-Lol, slaughtering them before even parachuting?

-Evil, so evil!

-Ah ha, it takes skill to be ‘perfect’ in intuition too

-Rofl, fans must also strive for perfection, huh?

-Is this how you treat your subscribers?

Ignoring the mockery in the chat, he searched for items. Unfortunately, on the first floor of the school, there were only scattered guns and magazines strewn across the classroom floors, with no accessories to be found.


-Why is there a dodgeball?

-Aren’t dodgeballs supposed to be supply items?

-How did this happen?

The viewers immediately expressed their confusion. Supply items typically dropped from ‘supply boxes’ falling from the sky.

Lee Kyungbok responded as questions flooded the chat window.

“Previous games ended before any supply items could spawn, right? That’s why I set up this game so that supply items would appear.”

Unlike regular games, players could adjust settings in practice matches.

-Ah, it’s because this is a training game.

-Lucky break finding a supply item straight away!

-But isn’t this disadvantageous even for Gadfly?

–Lol, other participants will benefit from this too.

–Handicap? Works for me.

It might be different in regular games, but this was a special event match with a 1 vs. 99 format. If every player received benefits, it put Lee Kyungbok at a disadvantage. Despite this, he didn’t seem bothered.

“This should keep my subscribers motivated, right?”

–Hehehehe, agreed.

–Kya-ha! Show us your fighting spirit!

–Idiot! A fool who only cares about his viewers!

–??? : Without supply drops, it’ll get boring fast.

–??? : Skill matters more than gear.

–??? : It won’t matter what they bring to the table.

–Ha! Look how tangled those noobs are They’re like pretzels 🤣🤣

Lee Kyungbok laughed off the viewer reactions and quickly moved to the window. Although most players had already landed despite rushing their descent, there were still some parachuting down. These stragglers were his targets.

However, there were still people descending by parachute. They were Lee Kyungbok’s targets.

“Did you open your parachutes early because you’re afraid of heights? I will help you overcome that fear.”

His comment caused question marks to spread across the chat window. Soon after, Lee Kyungbok pulled the trigger. The bullets fired with a chattering sound, typical for a machine gun. However, no kill messages appeared.

-What is it? What does this imply?

-Huhahaha! Did Purple make a mistake?

-No mistake, he’s trying to scare them, hahaha!

-N-no mistakes for God hah

-L-l-wait a moment…

The viewers tried to infer the meaning behind his actions.




Suddenly, multiple screams erupted simultaneously, causing question marks to flood the chat window with a different meaning.

-WHY did his parachutes suddenly break?

-Huh? Could it be… LOLLOLLOL

-No way… He cut the parachute lines using a ball?

-Is that possible?

-Is this becoming horror?

-Literally, what is going on? LOLLOLLOL

-Ah LOLLOL It makes sense because he’s Gadfly!

Lee Kyungbok glanced at the chat window and lightly nodded.

“Shooting the parachute cords is easier than pulling a grenade pin, right?”

-Ah LOLLOL You’re correct.

-Sounds true. Can’t argue with that.

-There was a laser sight though LOL But still impressive!

-He keeps making legendary moves from the start! LOLLOLLOL

Despite these explanations, the viewers couldn’t hide their astonishment.

[System >> Ground >> PerfectPunchMachine]

[System >> Ground >> PurpleGarassaDaedae]

Soon, numerous kill messages appeared. The count was already nine.

-Kill spree ᄏᄏᄏ All those hits were consecutive?

-Is this his first time playing dodgeball?

-Haha, looks like basic items for the first time ᄏᄏᄏ

-First Time (9 kills)

-Strictly speaking, they died from falling ᄏᄏ

-Huh? So much hate for starting bonuses?

-No Start Bonus (10 deaths)

-Ah ᄏᄏ They don’t want to give out prizes, huh!

-Saving money by intentionally causing falls ᄏᄏᄏ

As viewers labeled him as stingy, Lee Kyungbok couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Wouldn’t it be better if they die fighting against me?”

-Fact check

-Only honorable deaths have value!

-Falling deaths are just accidents ^^

-Lol, even if Purple fell without a parachute, he’d survive.

-Would he ᄏᄏ Really? ᄏᄏ

-Somehow, he will survive?

Lee Kyungbok left behind the chattering viewers and immediately searched another classroom. With 40 fans still targeting him, he needed to secure more ammunition. However, the machine gun Lee Kyungbok found used special caliber bullets different from other firearms.

-Ah, it’s hard to find any armor-piercing rounds.

-The supply rate is extremely poor ಠ_ಠ

-Just regular bullets abound ಠ_ಠ

-Maybe because they’re basic items

-Can he manage with the remaining ammo?

-Shouldn’t he find at least a pistol first?

-Why do only thoughts and drinks keep appearing?

-Is this round not favorable for him?

Some viewers expressed concern about the situation. Despite his skills, dealing with 40 fans while running low on ammunition seemed daunting.

However, Lee Kyungbok wasn’t worried. He recalled his initial sensation when he first discovered firearms and focused on that feeling.

’…This is it!’

He sensed something on the third floor. Immediately, he sprinted up the stairs to locate the ammunition. However, there was more than just bullets waiting for him.


Kyungbok made eye contact with a man crouched down collecting items from the ground.


-Got caught instantly, huh?

-Must’ve been farming starting from the upper floors to avoid confrontation lol

-Watch his shocked expression lmao

Lee Kyungbok detected positive energy emanating from the man. It turned out to be one of his fans, but this perception overlapped with the instinct guiding him towards the item, making it difficult to discern the fan’s presence.

Time seemed to stand still before suddenly rushing forward again.

“I’m glad to meet you!”

Lee Kyungbok showed no mercy even to his fans; rather, he treated them with extra zeal. As soon as the startled fan drew his gun, Lee Kyungbok leaped over the cluttered desk and reached him instantly.


“It was nice meeting you.”

In a flash, Kyungbok twisted the man’s wrist, turning the gun away from himself and aiming it at the fan’s forehead. With a bang, the man crumpled to the ground.

[KoreanBeef>Chicken > D.eagle > KoreanBeef>Chicken]

The kill message indicated that the death had been ruled a suicide.

-How quick! Haha

-The fan meeting lasted only five seconds. Ha-ha-ha-ha

-Ew…ha-ha-ha. Another suicide case.

-Low, so low! Did he really not want to get paid that badly?!

-???: If you can’t draw your gun fast enough, then you don’t deserve any rewards.

-Ah ha, gotta improve your skills if you wanna make money

Viewers were stunned by how quickly it had ended, and many continued to ridicule Lee Kyungbok in the chat.

“Oh, excellent. Are you watching this, viewers? You won’t receive the reward unless I draw my gun first, so please try harder.”

-Is he serious?

-What nerve…

-Did you think getting money from Black Enterprise would be easy?

-LOL How could anyone expect to profit off of Black Enterprise?

-Look at him casually talking about the streamer’s message. LOL

-Lol, this is confidence…

Lee Kyungbok finished his comments and searched the body of the dead fan.

“Wow, you farmed quite well. The concepts are fine for me, but I appreciate the pistol and flashbangs. Is this what tribute means?”


-Forced Tribute

-What is this otherworldly tribute? LOL

-Socially, we have agreed to call it ‘ping’;;

-If Black Enterprise gets their hands on something, they will squeeze it dry!

Lee Kyungbok laughed at the viewers’ reactions before opening his eyes wide. He discovered an unexpected item on the dead fan’s body and immediately picked it up, asking, “Is this it? A completely bulletproof item?”

The item was the symbol of Gunner Ground, the ‘Frying Pan’.

Meanwhile, not all fans arriving at the school had the opportunity to farm items as there were none left. It was natural for resources to be scarce when 50 people converged on one area. Consequently, those unsuccessful in farming could only target loot from deceased fans. This led to fierce battles within the school buildings, but Player ‘PerfectSpectator’ decided against joining them.

‘It’s better to hide and spectate rather than risk dying early.’

She looked through her sole acquired item, an 8x scope, out of the window. Fortunately, from the gymnasium where she was hiding, she had a clear view of the school building.

It’s truly an art form…

Her idol, Purple, was right at the center of her scope’s crosshairs. He fought like he was on a movie set, maintaining perfect posture as he scanned his surroundings and accurately took out enemies emerging from stairwells.

He’s incredibly sexy.

Even though she knew nothing about military tactics, she couldn’t help but be amazed by him. His opponents hit the ground before they could even pull their triggers once his muzzle flashed.

Not against our Purple, though!

Some fans, unable to secure weapons like Haein had, hid inside classrooms and attempted surprise attacks on Purple. However, it seemed as if Purple anticipated these moves, easily incapacitating them with kicks or swings of his gun.

She’s absolutely perfect! How can she be so cool?

And that wasn’t all. Purple would knock out opponents with her gun, use them as human shields, and then eliminate enemies emerging from the hallway despite being in awkward positions. Every single move was executed flawlessly without hesitation or error. No wonder no one who entered the school ever came back out.

Looks like everything is under control at the schoo— Wait! Just as Haein adjusted the zoom to search for other fans, someone on the first floor pulled the pin of a grenade and hurled it toward a third-floor window. It was a powder keg about to explode.

As Haein’s eyes widened, she saw Purple leap out the window without missing a beat.

“What should I do?!” She sprang up instinctively, exclaiming aloud.

She instinctively jumped to her feet with a gasp, but her worry was misplaced as Purple leaped straight out of the window and grabbed hold of the second-floor windowsill.

“Crazy…!” She couldn’t help but exclaim again. How was that even possible? But she had seen it with her own eyes, so there was no denying it.

The explosion shattered all the third-floor windows, sending shards flying everywhere. Meanwhile, Purple fired their gun while dangling from the second floor, causing the fan who’d thrown the grenade to crumple to the ground.

“Wow…that’s insanely cool.” Goosebumps made Haein shiver despite herself. However, the moment passed quickly, and she immediately put her eye back on the scope.

Whoa, they’re heading this way!

Purple landed on the first floor and immediately started crossing the field. Her heart raced at the prospect of meeting him face-to-face soon.

However, Purple abruptly changed direction. Something caught his attention, prompting fans to open fire from where he’d been standing just moments ago.

Oh, the auditorium!

His gaze shifted toward the auditorium, and as if they had been waiting for this moment, the fans stationed there began their barrage.

Is he really a newbie? How is he dodging all those bullets?!

To her surprise, Purple was already one step ahead, evading shots fired from that angle. He didn’t stop running but returned fire toward the auditorium. With each pull of the trigger, more people dropped like flies.

Whether it’s skills or mental fortitude, there’s nothing I can fault him on.

He displayed impressive accuracy with his machine gun even while running. He remained unfazed despite being under heavy fire and responded swiftly to every situation. His quick reflexes and sound judgment were unmatched. She couldn’t help but admire him; watching him was pure bliss.

He’s coming, he’s coming! What should I do?! How can I face him?!

After wrapping up matters at the auditorium, Kyungbok headed toward the gymnasium. Feeling flustered, Haein quickly made her way downstairs. This was an opportunity she couldn’t pass up. Her heart pounded so hard, it felt like it would burst out of her chest.

And finally…the door creaked open as Purple entered.

“Huh? You’re unarmed?” It was the first time Haein had heard him speak, and judging by his reaction, seeing her without any weapons surprised him quite a bit.

Meanwhile, her mind went completely blank.

What should I do?! What should I say?

On the plane, it had been easy to blend in with other fans and strike up conversations. But facing him one-on-one made her feel like she couldn’t breathe properly.

“Well, first of all, nice to meet you. But if I just kill this lady, wouldn’t that make me look bad?”

In contrast, Purple spoke casually, though he wasn’t addressing Haein alone.

I guess he has no choice…

The stream was live, so he had a duty to entertain his viewers. Purple could not monopolize Jin’s attention. However, at least for now, they were sharing the same space together, which satisfied her immensely.


Summoning her courage, she opened her mouth to speak when someone lying prone on the roof of the auditorium caught her eye through the window behind Purple.

A sniper!

Her eyes widened as she tried to warn him, but before she could utter a sound, the window shattered with a loud crash. Startled, Haein squeezed her eyes shut tight. However, what followed was an unexpected noise.


The metallic sound prompted her to open her eyes again. Purple stood slightly frowning right in front of her, and there, suspended just inches from her face, was a frying pan.

Did he save me?

Judging by the trajectory, it was clear that the sniper’s bullet had been aimed at her, not Purple.

“You need more practice.” With those words, Purple tucked away his frying pan and grabbed an automatic rifle instead. The sniper slid off the roof with a thud accompanied by the whirring sound of bullets.

Lee Kyungbok turned around after confirming the sniper’s death.

-LMAO… How did you know and block it?

-Did he use a frying pan to deflect a bullet shot from behind by Snag?

-I think this is all just a popular trope! What if it’s an illusion created by some mad scientist?

-Ah, gotcha. So that mad scientist is actually Purple LOL

-Give me the red pill quickly, like in The Matrix!

-Is this entire thing just a prank show?

-Good morning, good afternoon, good night.

-Twitch streamers love their movie references LOL

Viewers found it hard to believe what they were witnessing. Firstly, considering the distance between them, the gunshot shouldn’t have been audible inside the gymnasium. Yet, Lee Kyungbok had precisely blocked the sniper’s bullet with a frying pan.

“Ah, this time I benefited thanks to him. I noticed it from his gaze and expression,” Lee Kyungbok calmly said to the viewers. The chat window was filled with question marks again.

-Is that possible?

-Aren’t questions about Gadfly’s broadcasts always stupid?

-LMAO, asking if God can do something or not?

-Why ask when he already did it? LOLL

-No way…I just can’t believe it!

-Hey old man, kids these days don’t need convincing anymore?

Seeing the chat, Lee Kyungbok didn’t provide further explanation. There wasn’t really a way to explain it in the first place. Instead, he focused on the fan standing before him.

“So, PerfectSpectator-nim? You’re the last survivor at school. Is there anything you desire?”

Immediately, the viewers’ attention shifted upon hearing this.

-Look at how sweet he is!

-Purple can’t help being irresistible…

-Fact: Purple has always been a smooth guy.

-Haha, even Sandra’s heart melted

-Those who haven’t thoroughly watched PurTube will regret it.

Seeing the viewers mocking him, Lee Kyungbok let out a forced laugh. “No, that’s not what I meant. You were unarmed. If you had attacked me, I would’ve dealt with you immediately.”


The fan shyly opened her mouth, and Lee Kyungbok leaned in attentively.

“Ah, yes, of course.”

“As we discussed on the plane, if it’s okay with you, just one headshot punch…”

Lee Kyungbok’s eyes widened at her words.

“Oh, so you’re that fan!”


LMAO, it was Trsuni on the plane! ROTFLMAO!!

My madness is my old friend!

Did you miss me? LMAOOOO!!

Ahhh, Trsuni nailed it too!

She had been one of the enthusiastic fans shouting during the flight, and other viewers confirmed her identity.

“I’m sorry if this is inappropriate…”

“Oh no, not at all. It’s fine. Earlier in the classroom, someone even asked what brand of underwear I was wearing today.” As Haein started to tear up, Lee Kyungbok waved his hand dismissively.

LOL, that was hilarious.

-The obsession with AhjinGuMan is scary but good!

-I remember him yelling “Oh-ho-ho, Joowong!” when he threw the grenade earlier. ROFLMAO!!

-Jin Sung’s fanboys have gathered here. LOLLL!!

-Still funny thinking about it now. He really lost it.

Moreover, Lee Kyungbok had already encountered other die-hard fans and was used to dealing with them. He chuckled at their antics before responding with some difficulty.

“Well, regardless of all that, I can’t hit someone who isn’t fighting back or unarmed. How about aiming for survival bonuses instead?”

“I don’t need any bonus rewards! If you insist…!” Perhaps not wanting to be outdone by her fellow fanatics, she resolutely charged at Lee Kyungbok right away.

And just like that, she got her wish.


—Her dream came true LOL

—Ah ha-ha, so it’s okay if they attack first?!

—What morals? Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

—???: Those who dare challenge me shall not be forgiven.

—I don’t care what Twitch streamer or fanboy you are! I’ve got my counterpunch!

—This is truly Black Company!

Lee Kyungbok had knocked her out with a clean counter hook. He awkwardly chuckled and shrugged his shoulders.

“I’ll leave the cleanup to the magnetic field. Let’s quickly get out of here.”

The magnetic field was activated once forty people died, gradually shrinking the safe zone. Lee Kyungbok promptly exited the gymnasium, following his intuition. Soon enough, he discovered a vehicle that perfectly suited their needs.

“A school bus, fitting for this location.”

It was a yellow school bus.

-LMAO real bus driver right there

-The zero-balance bus driver strikes again!

-No luck with items but good fortune with vehicles

-Best durability car ever 🚗💨

-A bus without passengers? LMAO

“Indeed. Next time, I might consider participating in squad mode.” While chatting, Lee Kyungbok climbed into the driver’s seat. He unfolded a map to confirm the center of the safe zone.

“Ladies and gentlemen, our next stop is Uptown Station.”

Unlike downtown, this area boasted numerous three- and four-story buildings. Uptown was their destination.

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