Chapter 15: Including Paid Ads (1)

Late at night, the multi-game streamer ‘Daltan’ started his broadcast. He was one of the successful streamers considered as part of the so-called “big corporations.”

It wasn’t because he had outstanding physical abilities or good game sense. However, his gentle personality and mild tone created a pleasant broadcasting atmosphere, while his perseverance to achieve set goals despite lacking skills garnered much love from viewers.

“Welcome, my moonlings.”

With Daltan’s greeting, the broadcast instantly surpassed 5,000 viewers within moments. But this number didn’t even reach half its potential yet. This initial phase involved casual banter before diving into serious gaming. As he engaged with viewers about recent events, the audience quickly swelled beyond 10,000.

Just as he was getting even more excited…

[A viewer named “Hyungnimobsonsandra” has sponsored your stream with ₩30,000.]

Someone had sent him a sponsored video clip. Daltan glanced at it curiously.

“Huh? What’s this? Is it porn or something?”

—Porn? Bring it on!

—??? No way? Then pass.

—Secretary of the Interior! Over here!

Daltan made some jokes before playing the clip, and his viewers eagerly teased him in the meantime.

“Oh, Sandra. She really caught hell from Bark, didn’t she? I heard her yelling even while taking a shower.”

–Lol, she got so much flak…

–Her aim is notoriously bad…

–Out of her 25-hour stream, seven hours were spent being cursed out LMAO

“But what do you mean I haven’t seen it yet?”

As he watched the video playing on his monitor, his eyes widened like a pro gamer’s would at a crucial moment.

“What? What’s this? Is that Sandra? This isn’t the Sandra I know!”

The footage was a compilation of Sandra clips uploaded to Purple Youtube. Most viewers had similar reactions.

–Is she playing a different game?

–How is Sandra being so friendly?

–Ah ha-ha-ha, this is trending these days.

–Shhh! Don’t mention Taes or you’ll get banned!

Some viewers pretended to be oblivious, but even they knew their limits due to Daltan’s rule prohibiting mentions of other streamers.

“No way, seriously? How did this happen? Tell me—I won’t ban you.”

Daltan was being genuine, but his viewers didn’t take it that way.

[‘TrapCardActivated!’ has sponsored you 1,000 won.]

[You just activated my trap CARD!]

[‘DaltanSecretThoughts’ has sponsored you 5,000 won.]

[Sponsoring Taes’s videos? Time to teach them some manners.]

The playful sponsorship messages frustrated Daltan.

“No, I’m serious! Do they think I’m gullible or something? Fine! I’ll find out for myself.”

Searching wasn’t difficult since the title of the sponsored video appeared below the message. He set up his channel page not to display and started browsing Purple’s Youtube account.

“Wow… Who is this guy? Is he crazy?”

The first videos to catch his eye were Purple’s highlight reel and footage of him playing the slot machine.

–Is this for real?

–Isn’t it acting?

–Lol, our hyung sure knows how to act, huh?

–Fact: Moonie was eliminated first in the mafia game.

–Exactly! Hyung’s HP is already at zero!

While viewers mocked Daltan, all he could do was marvel at Purple’s physical prowess.

“No, no. I won’t mention any names just in case, but seriously, he’s fucking amazing. He’s number one when it comes to physical abilities among anyone I’ve seen.”

His admiration seemed genuine. There was no reason for him to exaggerate or feign excitement.

As such, the viewers started to become interested.

-Look at how impressed he is?

-Everything looks great through hyung’s eyes. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Info: That streamer has been certified by the developer itself.

Daltan didn’t miss the information appearing in the chat window.

“Hey, even the developer confirmed it? Then it’s over. Wow, there are really many amazing people in this world.”


-Hyung should be amazing too~

-His aim is extraordinary in another sense ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Want to recruit him for the company?

-To increase the Dirt Box family?

‘Dirt Box’, the MCN that Daltan belonged to, was quite famous for managing several popular streamers.

Daltan quickly waved his hand dismissively. “Hey, do you think I’m the president or something? Why would I recruit anyone? Okay, okay, enough of this. I don’t want any more weird rumors spreading.”

His words prompted viewers to start moderating each other’s comments. Before changing the topic, Daltan raised an eyebrow thoughtfully.

“Ah, but with all this attention, he’ll attract plenty of trolls. He better be prepared for that…”

-Let’s stop it now!

-Haha, there he goes again

-Self-imposed ban pls

“All right, seriously, end of discussion! Enough! So today, we’re playing~!” Daltan swiftly transitioned to streaming a game.

A new section was added to Purple’s Youtube channel:

[Bio Crisis Hidden Story]

Previously, videos had been highlights lasting less than ten minutes each, but with Chapter Three completed, full story uploads were now possible.

[-Oh, there’s the story video!]

[-It feels a bit long for Tribe binge-watching.]

[-Great job, Editor!]

Thanks to Choi Byunghoon’s editing skills, viewers eager for more of the storyline found these videos perfect. However, not all subscribers were satisfied; most weren’t.

[-Only Korean?]

[-Please add English subtitles!]

The reason being, there were no foreign language captions available on the story videos.

Since over half of Purple’s subscribers were from abroad, comments requesting subtitles quickly gained traction and rose to the top.

[-Deal with it or LOL]

[-Did you provide Korean subtitles for us?]

[-If you’re bothered…you know what to do…]

[-LOL If you don’t like it, learn Korean]

[-Some YouTubers purposely leave their comments in English. So lame.]

[-Rude AF not even trying to use a translator]

However, the response was chilly due to foreign streamers also not providing subtitles.

Netizens captured screenshots of these exchanges and posted them online, but the community forums were already buzzing about other topics.

[Spoilers] Bark Chapter 3: Recap of Clues (999+)

[Is anyone else watching this? It’s an assassination attempt LMAO (878)]

[Daltan is mind-blown by PerTube LOL (647)]

[Voting: Jessica vs Sandra (593)]

The newly revealed foreshadowing, Purple’s performance, Daltan’s reactions, and clips of the second heroine’s appearance were all trending topics. However, there was another significant reaction:

[I’m doing the Logan Execution Challenge]

[Goddamn killed Logan cleanly, but it still doesn’t feel satisfying enough. I don’t have the physical strength to uncover hidden secrets, and even if I did, capturing giant Logan seems impossible.

So, I thought about giving up… But then it hit me - can’t we kill Logan in the original route too?

Immediately loaded Bark and replayed the chapter where Logan dies. Haha!

After killing him around 20 times, it felt somewhat cathartic. Recommended for other frustrated fans like myself.]

[-Oh haha! There is a way after all.]

[-Are you…a genius?]

[-Prepare yourself, Logan, for 30 deaths!]

[-Kudos to the creative b-bong!]

It was a post about executing Logan, the mastermind behind the survivor massacre. As more challenge completion posts started appearing, it became a trend within the Bio Crisis community.

[Mod for Physically Strong B-Bongs]

[I’ve made some effort for those b-bongs who can’t reach Logan’s execution yet.

Honestly, I initially felt uneasy about killing them one by one, but then I had a sudden idea.

This mod overlays Logan’s source onto Bark zombies.

It only works on regular zombies, not special ones, but that shouldn’t matter, right?

Enjoy, as it’s being distributed for free.]

[-LMAO, insane! ]

[-Shut up, you overpowered freak!]

[-Damn! Already feeling relieved…]

[-True b-bongs seeking Logan’s execution…]

[-Whoever gave that thumbs down is a loser…]

[-Boss, can you make a Purple Mode?]

Someone even created a mode dedicated to executing Logan. This effort became viral across various online communities.

As game forums buzzed about the bio crisis…

[Here it comes…]

[The reckas have started their engines.]

A new post had been uploaded. It contained a short message with a link to a Youtube channel known for compiling and sharing hot topics from internet communities.

[-He’s ripe for the picking.]

[-“Crazy Fitness Streamer Becomes Instant Hit with 100K Subscribers Overnight - Verified by Developer.”]

[-Reckas always come up with great titles ᄏᄏᄏᄏ]

[-Isn’t this just teasing us?]

[-It’s like adding wings to a bird ᄏᄏᄏ]

Initially, few people had any issues with these videos. Most summarized Purple’s impressive feats or explained how incredible he was. As many users of the community were fans of Purple, they were satisfied with this content.

However, not all channels portrayed him favorably.

[WTF is this?]

[I saw these related videos at the end while watching on PurTube.

Uncovering Bark’s Hidden Story

Bark’s Tale Revealed Through Clues

Streamer Emerges Like a Comet and Receives Developer Support?

Aren’t all these clips from PurTube? Can you just use them like that?]

[-What the hell? It has nothing to do with the title, lol.]

[-This is why Lekka gets so much flak when making videos.]

[-Seriously clueless, haha.]

[-They raise suspicions but provide no substance.]

[-Just clickbait. Lekkas only care about increasing their views.]

These channels used provocative titles to grab attention, yet the actual content failed to deliver. Naturally, viewers found it irritating.

It was no wonder people were irked by it all.

[Purple’s back with another rant!]

[I reached out to the PerTube channel admin, and they confirmed that permission wasn’t granted for using the footage of the Rekkas. They’re not just stupid Rekkas but also thieving bastards! LOLLLLLL]

This comment fanned the flames.

[Cyber Rekkas are all the same…]

[Why can’t we advance? LOLLLL]

[Let’s report them en masse…]

[Reporting without hesitation.]

[Give ’em hell!]

With justification on their side, netizens sprang into action. Before long, most of the videos were either deleted or deemed ineligible for monetization.

[BREAKING NEWS] Youtube Rejects Unauthorized Reports!

[Hah, Rekkas don’t stand a chance! LOL

(Vibrant laughing frog emoji)

No matter what happens!

(Mocking frog emoji)

We’ll never!!!

(Determined smiling frog emoji)

Restore your videos, Rekkas! LOL

(Dancing frog emoji)


(Magic-wielding frog emoji)

You’ll only come to your senses after getting beaten up!

(Frog throwing punches emoji)

Once you’ve seen enough, get lost.

[(Smoking frog emoji)]

[-LMAO, what a bunch of idiots…]

[-LOL so damn funny…]

[-LMAO, ban these Rekkas already…]

[-Tonight’s gonna be a good night for sleep ]

The Bio Crisis community was relishing their victory.

Meanwhile, Choi Byunghoon was monitoring the trends on various communities.

I don’t need to upload anything separately for Tonight.

On Tribe’s community forum, the “Hot Clips” section of Tonight showcased numerous clips featuring Purple’s performance on the first page. Unlike before, these were fan-made clips uploaded by viewers instead of Choi Byunghoon himself.

Next, he checked Youtube. The video views and subscribers continued to steadily increase, with the channel surpassing 130,000 subscribers already. Its growth trajectory remained smooth, further evidenced by the attention from cyberstalkers.

“Tsk tsk, they should at least respect basic ethics.”

He clicked his tongue as he observed the channel being bombarded with complaints and reports.

Had they sought permission to use the footage and discussed its content with Purple, this wouldn’t have escalated so quickly. Choi Byunghoon had already spoken with Lee Kyungbok about granting other channels permission to use their videos, and they had reached an agreement.

It could’ve been a win-win situation.

After all, these controversial clips attracted more viewers.

“Even GSL is asking for clarification.”

The popular Youtube channel Game Story Lounge, also known as GSL, with over half a million subscribers, had contacted them, and they gladly gave approval.

GSL’s high-quality videos were immensely popular, so featuring Purple on their platform would significantly boost her visibility and recognition.

And they’re trying to trash Purple? I can’t let that slide.

Videos showcasing Purple’s achievements were fine, but the ones stirring up trouble just for views had to go. If this tactic worked, more such videos would flood Youtube, and the platform’s algorithm would become chaotic.

I’m glad everyone helped out.

It was Choi Byunghoon who posted on various communities about the matter. Ideally, he would have preferred to take care of it himself, but that wasn’t possible. Legally, video copyrights belonged not to streamers but to game developers. Streamers could monetize their content only because developers allowed it.

At least we’ve shown them what happens when they cross the line, so they should be cautious now.

Cyber Lecca wouldn’t give up that easily. Knowing how well controversy worked for them, they would re-edit and upload their video again. But this was still the best outcome at present.

“Ahhhhh… Let’s wrap this up quickly.” Choi Byunghoon gulped down his caffeinated drink before getting back to work.

Just then, he received a notification sound followed by a pop-up message.

“Hmm?” His eyes lit up.

The email account linked to the pop-up had been created solely for managing Purple’s Youtube channel.

“Oh my God…”

It read:

Hello, manager of the Perfect Play YouTube channel.

This is the marketing team from CAP Company Korea.

It was an official business email—the first-ever advertising inquiry for streamer Purple.

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