Chapter 14: Not Human, II

The chat window was chaotic.

-LMAO, my head hurts from this plot twist

-If John isn’t human, then what is he?!

-Jonny, Lifenem’s full recovery means…

-I bet his memory loss also plays a part somehow

-Suddenly it feels like we’ve switched genres to a mystery thriller

Speculations about the protagonist with regenerative abilities ran rampant.

“I would’ve been even more surprised if this were just one instance. Who knew he wasn’t human…” Lee Kyungbok couldn’t help but express his shock at the unexpected turn of events.

However, laughter emojis started flooding the chat window.

-LMAO, neither are you, dude!

-Purple and John seem quite synchronized

-Nottings are surprised by other nottings! Haha!

-I’m guessing Purple was more shocked since his health didn’t decrease at all

-Hmm, that makes sense;;

-No damage taken for real?

-LMAO, I didn’t realize automatic healing was possible

In another sense, Lee Kyungbok had transcended human limitations as well.

”…I don’t know what I am either.” John broke the silence with a serious expression. With a determined look on his face, he took a firm step forward.


“But one thing is certain.”

Sandra flinched and retreated, but John stepped closer and grabbed her gun barrel.

“Sandra, I want to help you.” John pressed the muzzle against his forehead and stared straight at Sandra with clear eyes. “If you can’t trust me, pull the trigger.”

-Like a real man! Bravo!

-??? : If you’re scared, then die!

-Russian Roulette? Hahaha

Sandra’s finger trembled on the trigger, but she couldn’t shoot John.

“I’m sorry…” Tears streamed down her face as she lowered it.

–Sandra is blameless!

–Lol, classic Dor!

–It’s only natural to panic!

–But what if it was Tusu instead of John?

–???: I’d… (BANG!)

–Would you shoot immediately?! Lol

As if understanding her predicament, John embraced Sandra tenderly. With two eyes watching them closely, he gently wiped away tears streaming down Sandra’s cheeks and naturally lifted her chin for a kiss as the screen faded to black.

–Look at those smooth moves…

–Nice touch, Jinchul!

–Don’t fall for that, Sandra!

“No, they skipped over this part again…” Lee Kyungbok sounded disappointed once more, eliciting laughter in the chat window.

–What did John see? Show me too!

–The reconciliation moment felt intense…

–Haha, did he go insane?

–They meant shaking hands, right?

-LMAO, they probably held hands though.

-Seriously, stop joking around!

-His mind is full of fantasies!

The viewers’ chats were teetering on the edge. Meanwhile, another cut scene started.

“Ah, we seem to be back again. Let’s focus.”

John and Sandra emerged from the subway stairs. They had returned to the city center via the railway tracks. However, unlike when they initially left, dark clouds now filled the sky.

“It looks like it might rain.”

“Let’s hurry back.”


Their relationship seemed to have returned to normal, but Sandra still looked troubled.

“How should I convey this information…?”

“It’s okay. I’ll be by your side.”

“Thank you.”

In front of the hotel, Sandra lightly slapped her cheeks to compose herself.

“Billy, Lloyd. I’m here…” Sandra greeted them with a bright voice but couldn’t finish her sentence. It was because there were no survivors visible who should’ve been standing guard.


“Something is strange.”

They couldn’t sense any human presence nearby. Sandra and John immediately drew their guns.



–No way?

The viewers became uneasy as well.

“Billy? Lloyd? Helen?” She called out the names of the survivors. However, there was no response. The hotel was eerily quiet, as if everyone had left.

Suddenly, John rushed towards one direction like he was possessed.

“John?” Surprised, Sandra followed him. There on the floor, hunched over, was John, and over his shoulder, she saw…

A torn teddy bear.


–Oh man… Story getting intense…

The viewers instantly grasped the situation.

Before leaving the hotel, a child had tried to give John a doll named after him as a protective charm. The developer inserted a flashback scene to remind everyone of this moment.

“No…” John muttered under his breath, blood seeping from his hands.

Without hesitation, both he and Sandra rushed upstairs.


They encountered traces of furniture used for barricades, black bullet holes on the walls, bloodstains, and fallen bodies below them. Sandra trembled uncontrollably, almost in a trance, before breaking into a run.

“Sandra!” John chased after her immediately.

Together, they reached the top floor and the suite room.

“Oh no… No, it can’t be like this…” Sandra mumbled, dazed.

Beyond the shattered door and broken furniture, a large curtain swayed. Something protruded from beneath it, surrounded by bloodstains. It was easy to guess what was hidden behind the curtain.

“Ah…” Lee Kyungbok involuntarily sighed.


-In previous routes, they died too, but not like this total annihilation…

-I thought only the difficulty level had increased, but the storyline is even more intense now.

-The Scoville rating is off the charts!!

The viewers shared similar emotions. However, the cutscene wasn’t over yet.

With a pouring sound, rain began cascading through the broken window. The wind accompanying the rain slightly lifted the curtain, revealing adult legs outside and the small legs of a child tucked inside.

It was evidence that he had tried to protect his children until the very end.

-Message deleted by moderator (Warning: 1st strike). >

-Hey! Mind your own business! >

-These Lifenem bastards have gone mad. >

-Fucking assholes! >

-Message deleted by moderator (Warning: 1st strike).

The chat exploded with messages. The majority were censored by the moderator due to excessive profanity, reflecting how deeply immersed viewers were in Lee Kyungbok’s broadcast.

Unlike most streamers, Lee Kyungbok set the immersion level of his capsule to maximum. Consequently, there were few reminders, such as the Heads-Up Display (HUD), indicating they were playing a game. Additionally, Lee Kyungbok contributed further to this immersive experience by refraining from talking during cutscenes, creating a powerful synergy effect.

“…This is outrageous.”

Lee Kyungbok felt similarly to his viewers. Although it was just a game, he couldn’t help but feel enraged.

“I-if only I could’ve saved everyone…”


“What should we do? John…what should we do…?” Sandra sobbed.

She had barely managed to pull herself together, yet all her neighbors with whom she’d shared joys and sorrows were now dead. It was remarkable that she hadn’t fainted on the spot. Witnessing her distress, John gritted his teeth.

“How did Lifenem moved so quickly—?”

Before he could finish…

“Aaaaargh!” A scream resembling a wail echoed from below. Without hesitation, Sandra and John looked at each other and rushed out of their room.

-Survivor incoming!


-If the streamer has any conscience left, this won’t be a total wipeout…

-I sense something ominous…

The chat quickly filled with comments reflecting their anxiety, but Lee Kyungbok had another thought on his mind.

This feeling…

A chill ran down his spine as he heard the scream, similar to the ominous sensations he’d experienced during encounters with the cluster and the giant zaracne.

A boss is here!

John and Sandra rushed downstairs to find the source of the screams, only to discover it wasn’t who they were hoping for.

“…Wh-what’s that?”

Before them stood a grotesquely massive creature with its back turned. Its bulk was mostly comprised of twisted muscles.

-Boss fight incoming!

-It’s Zaigant!

-Info: In previous versions, Zaigant was considered one of the final bosses.

-One hit and you’re done…

-Its HP is meaningless.

-Even bullets won’t work unless you hit its weak spot…

-And if you just run away, it’ll regenerate anyway.

-Purple ain’t happy about this, huh?

The viewers recognized the monster but were unaware of something crucial.

“This side effect… Aghhh… I can’t hear anything…” The voice came from Zaigant itself.


-What’s going on?

-A sentient Zaigant?!

-Damn devs keep crossing the line with these stunts.

-Is this their idea of level design?

-There should be a rule that developers have to clear a game before releasing it.

-This is ridiculous.

The entire situation felt malicious, but there was more evil lurking beneath the surface.

As Zaigant turned around, John and Sandra’s eyes widened at the sight of Logan’s face peeking out from his bulging muscles—an unmistakably familiar visage.


“How is this possible?!”

The viewers reacted similarly to the characters on-screen.

-What is he doing there?!

-How did he survive?! WTFFFFFFFFF!!

-He must’ve teamed up with Lifenem!! LMFAO!!

-His severed arm regenerated?!


-[Message deleted by moderator. (Warning #2)]

-I thought he was just Great Shitposter but turns out he’s Ultimate Shitposter?!

Logan’s face was covered in blue veins as he smirked at John and Sandra.

“Ohhh… Who cares about that now? I can kill you all anyway!”

He immediately charged toward them.


Caught off guard, they hastily threw themselves aside. They narrowly avoided getting hit but ended up running in opposite directions.

Logan slammed into the wall with a loud crash but shook it off and punched the barrier again with his massive fist.

“I’ll crush you all!”

Roaring like a beast, Logan continued pummeling the wall until chunks of debris fell from the ceiling.


The collapsing rubble surrounded them, separating John inside with Logan and Sandra outside.

Eventually, control reverted to Lee Kyungbok, marking the beginning of the boss battle.

“So Zaigant Logan is the boss here. Looks like this might be quite challenging.”

Kyungbok’s instincts sounded alarms as soon as he laid eyes on Logan. It was clear now that the chat about one punch being enough wasn’t hyperbole.

LMAO, I’m seriously pissed…

I quit playing because of him.

Need to avoid using invincibility frames.

At least arenas were open spaces before these ring matches!

BTW, how could he beat someone with high intelligence?

Despite Purple’s high rank, most viewers believed he would struggle against Logan.

However, it was precisely because of his rank…

[“AvengersAssemble” has proposed a quest!]

[Objective: Do your utmost to kill Logan]

[Reward: ₩10,000]

Someone expressed their faith in Purple.

-Kill him somehow?

-Sudden quest alert!

-I feel like Purple could one-shot Logan somehow.

-LMAO, I’m joining in too.

[“AvengersAssemble” has added to the quest reward.]

[Cumulative Reward: ₩60,000]

Similar to previous quests, while individuals could set their own rewards, there were also group quests where the amount was determined through collective donations from viewers. This current situation fell under the latter category.

-Purple hyung can do this, right?

-Yesss, we gotta take down Logan once and for all LMAO

-Tbh, I’ve been waiting for this moment.

Perhaps due to the donation freeze being lifted:

[“ProperEducation” has added to the quest reward.]

[Cumulative Reward - 90,000 won]

[‘PurpleWillGiveIt’ has added to the quest reward.]

[Cumulative Reward - 110,000 won]

[‘Jammin’ has added to the quest reward.]

[Cumulative Reward - 150,000 won]

The viewers quickly participated, and the accumulated amount rose steeply.

-But isn’t it too difficult?

-If he pushes himself too hard, he might die.

-Can’t he just restart if needed?

-Won’t his node records be lost though;;

-Ah, Purple will handle it!

Some viewers were worried, but the majority opinion had already tilted one way.

[‘PerfectGoer’ has added to the quest reward.]

[Cumulative Reward - 1,197,000 won]

Just looking at the amount made it clear.

Lee Kyungbok nodded slowly. “I was actually thinking that I need to teach this… no, this character to some manners.”

There was no reason to decline. Although it seemed challenging, he didn’t think it was impossible. Moreover, he didn’t want to disappoint his viewers’ expectations.

-L-L-L-L-L-Look! It’s Purple now!

-H-H-H-Holy shit! I can’t believe this!

-Purple almost got busted by Ghostface~

-Ch-Ch-Charge at him and teach him a lesson!

-Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha, it’s indeed Purple!

The viewers couldn’t hide their excitement. As Lee Kyungbok accepted the quest, time resumed its flow.


Outside, Sandra aimed her pistol at Logan and fired. The bullet struck Logan’s body with the sound of gunfire, but that was all. Embedded in his muscle, the bullet caused no significant harm. With a creepy grin, Logan chuckled.

“Oh, what an incredible body. Sandra, just wait; I’ll tear you apart!”

Lee Kyungbok frowned slightly. “Looks like regular bullets won’t work on him. In that case…”

He held up the combat knife he’d taken from one of the mercenaries in one hand and his gold shotgun in the other.

LMAO! He’s crazy lmfao

If a pistol doesn’t work, try a shotgun LOL

We need guns, big ones!

But can he shoot with just one hand?

Why does he have a knife too?

While viewers understood why he had grabbed the shotgun, they couldn’t fathom the reason for taking the knife as well. Lee Kyungbok didn’t bother explaining; actions spoke louder than words.

Here it comes.

His sixth sense abruptly stopped sounding its alarm. Then, as if experiencing déjà vu, all his senses kicked into high gear simultaneously. Lee Kyungbok trusted this foresight.

“Get out of my way!” Logan charged at incredible speed.

However, Lee Kyungbok anticipated his move and swiftly sidestepped to trip him with a practiced maneuver. But that was just the beginning of Kyungbok’s attack. He crossed both arms, aiming the shotgun barrel directly at the split wound on Zaigant’s leg.

No need for precision when firing at close range.

That explained why he held the shotgun with one hand.

With a loud bang, pellets poured into the gaping wound.

“Aaaaaargh!” Logan screamed as it tumbled to the ground.

The viewers finally snapped back to reality.

-What just happened?

-He tried to charge straight at Zaigant?!

-One wrong move, and it would’ve been game over!

-LMAO, this dude has some balls!

-LOL, he’s got nerves of steel~

-LP If bullets don’t work, shoot it from within.

The chat window exploded with comments at this unexpected start to the stream. But this was just the beginning.

“I’m going to test if zombies can die from excessive blood loss.” Lee Kyungbok calmly spoke as he shook off the blood on his blade.

-Lol, Purple is savage! ROFL

-ROFL, why does swinging his sword look so cool?!

-Is that his actual voice? LOL

-Fact: It is.

Meanwhile, Logan struggled back onto its feet.

“You son of a bitch!” The enraged giant charged again. Its ankle wound had already healed, but since it couldn’t extract the foreign object lodged inside, it limped heavily.

“Step aside!”

Apparently, Logan had learned from his mistake and didn’t blindly charge at Kyungbok this time around. Instead, he maintained some distance while utilizing the advantages of his massive physique. When Logan threw punches, they whistled through the air due to the force generated by his huge muscles. However, none of that mattered if he couldn’t land a hit.


-Did you see that?!

-RPG, fighting game, shooter—classic lines all mixed together LMAO

-Purple’s doing all three now, aren’t they?

Fists flew at machine-gun speed, but Lee Kyungbok didn’t allow a single hit.

I can anticipate every move.

This heightened perception was born out of both his anger toward the game as well as caution due to its high difficulty level.

Not only did he evade Logan’s attacks effortlessly, but he also countered with his combat knife whenever there was an opening.

“Aaaaaargh!” Logan screamed as blood poured from multiple lacerations on both arms.


[Ah ha, that’s satisfying.]

[Did you see how the blade lodged in its muscles?]

[Looks like it aimed for the tendons.]

[Huh…? Is that possible?]

[Seems so? It can barely move its arms now.]

As per the chat, Logan’s arms were visibly trembling and weak.

After all, these creatures are modeled after human anatomy.

Lee Kyungbok, who enjoyed working out regularly, had a good understanding of muscle structure. Regardless of their size, if the tendons connecting the muscles were damaged, they became useless.

“You bastard! If it wasn’t for youuuu!” Logan roared again, enraged.

Perhaps due to Zaigants’ unique regenerative abilities, its drooping arm regained some strength.

However, unlike muscles, lost blood was not replenished easily, and Logan learned that close combat was no longer advantageous for him.

“I’ll crush you!”

He changed tactics accordingly. Logan grabbed some debris from the boundary line and hurled it upward, causing more cracks to form on the already crumbling ceiling.

“Aaaargh!” Unrelenting, he then slammed his body against a nearby wall, making the entire hotel building tremble with the impact.


-Is this like a second phase boss fight?

-Did they create additional patterns?

-Haha, these jerks have no mercy!

The viewers’ predictions were spot-on. Debris began falling amidst rumbling sounds, but that wasn’t all.

“Dieeeee!” Logan started throwing whatever objects he could grab indiscriminately.

Kyungbok now had to dodge both falling debris and projectiles coming at him from the front.

-Lol, is this a shooting game now?!

-Wth, who said it was over?!

-I mean…how do we win?!

-Is this Purple’s first livestream?!

Viewers instinctively sensed that the game was over for Lee Kyungbok based on the chaotic scene unfolding before them. However, as usual, he exceeded their expectations.

“I’ve got my angle.” With those words, Lee Kyungbok sprang into action. He simultaneously sheathed his combat knife and grabbed his riot baton.



-Looks like a death wish to me…

-Why’s he using the riot baton?

-One, two, three, Purple fighting!

The chat window filled with question marks.

Lee Kyungbok swiftly evaded incoming projectiles as if it were second nature. Then, after pausing momentarily, he leaped onto some debris just as it collided with another projectile.

I think that should be enough to complete the quest.

Lee Kyungbok swung his riot baton forcefully at some falling debris. It flew straight into Logan’s face with a thwack.

“Aghhh!” The projectiles paused momentarily as Logan staggered backward.

Kyungbok sprinted forward upon landing and leaped off the rubble onto a pillar, instantly closing the gap between them. He thrust the riot baton into Logan’s open mouth.

“Oh, shut up already.”

Logan looked on, stunned. Lee Kyungbok aimed a shotgun directly at Logan’s gaping jaw. With the click of the trigger came the sound of a gunshot, followed by Logan’s eyes rolling back into his head. Due to his overly muscular build, the buckshot didn’t exit the other side.

With a heavy thud, Logan collapsed to the ground.

–Haha, say “ah” ^^

–Is he a dentist? LOL

–Shotgun implantation LMAO

-Look at those legendary eyes! LOL


-We live in Purple’s era now.

-Purple is God! Purple is God! Purple is God!

-God: No, I’m ‘Purple’.

-Breaking News: National Institute of Language changes “legend” to “purple”.

-They’re both English words though LMAO

The chat exploded with messages.

[Quest successful!]

[One hundred thirty-one sponsors, including VengeanceSeekers, have sponsored you 1,270,000 won!]

The quest success notification popped up along with it. The sponsorship amount had continued increasing even during the battle.

Lee Kyungbok gave an awkward laugh and expressed his gratitude. “Thank you for processing the quest. It felt almost too easy…”

This triggered another wave of comments in the chat window.

-Was breaking Logan’s leg and severing his Achilles tendon that effortless?

-I never thought Purple could be so terrifying.

-LLOL, he’s a serial killer with a smile!!

-He ain’t human, so it’s all good^^

The chats continued in jest as control of the scene shifted again and the cutscene progressed.

“John! Are you okay?!”

“Yes, but this building looks like it’s about to collapse. Hurry—”


The structure Logan had shaken earlier appeared on the verge of crumbling. Sandra looked up with anguish, undoubtedly thinking of the survivors who hadn’t even been able to retrieve their fallen comrades’ bodies.


“…I understand!”

There was no time left. At John’s urging, she squeezed her eyes shut, and together they escaped just before the building began collapsing around them. The torrential rain drenched both of them instantly.

“…Lifenem.” Sandra gritted her teeth, tears mixing with the rainwater streaming down her face.

“We’ll get our chance,” John reassured her.

John clenched his fists as he watched the building collapse, and then everything gradually faded to black.

-Lifenem, go for total annihilation!

-If you have time, create a route where they all get annihilated.

-Haha, make it an unstoppable mode

As viewers demanded revenge, the scene changed.

“Several days passed.”

The voiceover accompanied by footage of the city skyline prompted confusion among the audience.

-What’s this?

-Is Purple narrating now?

-Feels like narration.

-Sounds like a professional voice actor LOL

“I’ve been keeping quiet.” Lee Kyungbok spoke briefly.

-Ah HAHAHA, I’m so confused!

-Honestly, I prefer Purple’s voice

-LOL, can tell it’s synthesized

-Listening to your narration feels like honey on toast LOL

Lee Kyungbok chuckled at the viewers’ reactions.

“So much has changed. Both Sandra and I needed some rest.”

The scene then shifted to Sandra and John, showcasing their journey as they searched for a new hideout while gathering food and resources. It played out like a panoramic montage.

“Sadness doesn’t fade easily. We never intended to forget it.” John’s tone gradually grew stronger. “There is only one reason we endure this horrific reality. The sorrow we’ve experienced must be etched deep within our hearts.”

Sandra and John traversed through the city center until they reached a massive building. Unlike the crumbling structures around them, this edifice stood intact, bearing the emblem they had become all too familiar with.

“Lifenem must pay for its sins.”

As John spoke, the screen gradually darkened.

-Lol! Aaaaaahhhhhh!

-Haha, Lifenem is cancer

-Kya, let’s exterminate Lifenem once and for all.

-Ah, haha, cancer needs to be swiftly removed.

Then, amidst the darkness, text appeared on the screen.

[Chapter 3: “No Way Out” — End.]

The third chapter had come to its conclusion.

–Oh ha-ha-ha, here comes the trailer.

–Everybody buckle up!

–Popcorn at the ready!

–Hey, move your head already!

–Put some smart links over there, will ya?!

As expected by the viewers, Chapter 4’s preview immediately followed.

John and Sandra were lying on their stomachs atop a building, surveying Lifenem headquarters.

“…There are too many mercenaries.”

“They’re heavily armed for mere security personnel.”

Not only did they have firearms, but they also had armored vehicles. It was clear these weren’t standard tools of a typical pharmaceutical company.

–These mercenaries look fierce.

–This wasn’t part of the original storyline, right?

–Ha-ha, where’d those armored vehicles come from?

Sandra sighed and shook her head. “Attacking them directly would be suicide.”

“It’d be great if we could find a weakness though…”

As John squinted to scan their surroundings…

…say again?

A faint voice crackled through the speakers. Shocked, John and Sandra exchanged glances.

“John, it’s coming from your walkie-talkie.”


The sound came over the police radio.

“What is this?”



“Yeah, that’s him!”

“Shhh! Gathpago will report back later.”

Some viewers seemed to recognize what was happening.

Meanwhile, John paused before answering the call but eventually nodded at Sandra and responded.

”…Who is this?”

“Oh, thank goodness I could reach you.”

“Answer me first.”

“I’m Jessica, a researcher from Lifenem.”

Their eyes widened at the mention of Lifenem.


-Jessica’s here too?

-But isn’t Sandra still alive?


-The fandom is excited about their inside scoop, huh?

-Is this not a spoiler? Shut up already!

-Info: Jessica is the second heroine.

-Purple’s going to the birdcage?

-W-w-wha… Hahahaha

The chat window descended into chaos with the sudden appearance of a new character.

Meanwhile, the cutscene steadily progressed.

[Wait! Please don’t misunderstand me! I was preparing to blow the whistle!]

Jessica urgently spoke out again.

“Blow the whistle…?”

[I’ve been gathering evidence of Lifenem’s wrongdoings and periodically sending radio messages seeking help. Are you a police officer?]

John frowned at her question for a moment before responding.

[That’s good. I was worried no one would receive my message… In any case, could you please assist me?]

“What do you mean by ‘help’?”

“I need to pass on incriminating evidence and vaccines to someone outside this facility. Once they’re delivered, the military will intervene and resolve everything.”

“But there’s no way out…”

“Yes, there is.”

Jessica’s confident assertion caught their attention.

“There’s a sewer connected to the research lab. It should be empty.”

With that, the scene abruptly cut off.

-LMAO! This cliffhanger though…

-I knew it was multi-episode content

-Fight over Sandra, Jessica, or John?

-Sandra all the way for me!

-KingJessica is cute tooooo!

The viewers eagerly chatted while awaiting the next chapter. However, Lee Kyungbok hesitated before pressing play again.

-Wait…this feels familiar somehow?

–Oh no…

–No way! Purple wouldn’t do that.

The chat window reflected viewers’ unease.

Lee Kyungbok lightly clapped his hands together.

“Well, today’s stream was fun. There were quite a few shocking developments. No wonder Bark is so popular.”

–Stop teasing us!

–Ah, give us more!

–Don’t leave it like this!

–But you know…you can still keep chatting, right?

–I’m feeling tired just thinking about the Zaigant boss battle


Most of the audience pleaded with him, but some understood why he had to end things there due to how intense the boss fight appeared to be.

“Thank you for watching again today. I’ll see everyone on my next broadcast!”

Of course, Lee Kyungbok’s decision remained unchanged regardless of their pleas.

–Knife edge incoming Will you slice them up real good?

–Purple slices well indeed


–Sniffle, sniffle. Dinner tasted great tonight.

–Purble out!


Ultimately, the viewers resigned themselves.


Smiling, Lee Kyungbok bid farewell.

This chapter is translated using Omni Translator, Omni's state-of-the-art novel machine translation LLM, and corrected by human editors. If you'd like to read ahead, you can try using our translator webapp to translate the raw text or link for free.