Chapter 93

Wang Gangjun’s list of ingredients was simple: three eggs, noodles, scallions, and garlic.

“Boil the noodles.”

Following Wang Gangjun’s instructions, Kang Jin took out the noodles and placed them in boiling water.

“Add more noodles.”

Kang Jin complied with Wang Gangjun’s request.

“One more batch?”

At this instruction, Kang Jin looked at Wang Gangjun uncertainly.

“I feel like we’re using too many noodles compared to the other ingredients… Should I add more eggs?”

“No need.”

With Wang Gangjun’s reassurance, Kang Jin nodded and added another portion of noodles.

This should be enough for five servings…

As Kang Jin observed the cooking noodles, Wang Gangjun continued his directions.

“Please scramble the eggs well. Also, finely chop the scallions and garlic. Ah! Don’t mince the garlic too finely; slice it thinly instead.”

While Kang Jin prepared the ingredients as per Wang Gangjun’s instructions, he waited for the noodles to cook. Once ready, Wang Gangjun spoke up again.

“Sauté the garlic and scallions in oil.”

Kang Jin retrieved a frying pan at his words.

“That one is too small. Use this.” Wang Gangjun pointed towards a wok on the side, which Kang Jin picked up. It was larger and deeper than a regular frying pan, resembling those commonly used in Chinese restaurants.

After adding oil, Kang Jin sautéed the garlic and scallions. As their fragrant aroma filled the air, Kang Jin looked at Wang Gangjun.


“No, that’s enough. Now, drain the noodles, squeeze out excess water, and add them to the wok.”

Following Wang Gangjun’s instructions, Kang Jin squeezed out excess water from the noodles and placed them in the wok.

Sizzle! Fizz!

Despite being drained, the wet noodles made loud sizzling sounds as they hit the hot oil.

Sizzle! Fizz!

As the aroma of garlic-infused oil permeated the noodles, Wang Gangshin suddenly poked his head into the kitchen.

“It smells delicious.”

Kang Jin glanced at Wang Gangjun before responding to Wang Gangshin’s compliment.

“I heard Chinese people enjoy noodles, so I decided to make something simple.”

“That’s true. We Chinese indeed love our noodles.” Wang Gangshin smiled while inhaling the scent of garlic.

While Kang Jin focused on the noodles, Wang Gangjun instructed him:

“Turn off the heat and transfer the noodles to a large bowl.”

Hearing this, Kang Jin ladled out some noodles into a large bowl.

But why no eggs?

As if reading his mind, Wang Gangjun spoke up.

“Now mix in the beaten egg with the noodles.”

Following Wang Gangjun’s instruction, Kang Jin poured the beaten egg over the noodles and mixed it thoroughly. The heat from the noodles caused the egg to coagulate, forming a semi-solid state, neither fully cooked nor raw.

It’s similar to making carbonara pasta.

Although the ingredients were different, using only eggs instead of cream or cheese, the method resembled how one would make carbonara sauce. By not cooking the sauce separately but allowing it to be absorbed by the hot noodles like soup.

With this thought, Kang Jin picked up a strand of noodle.


Watching the egg coating each noodle strand made Kang Jin’s mouth water. Although he mentioned carbonara as an example…he actually thought it might taste too rich or greasy.

As he lifted the noodles to ensure even mixing of the eggs, he noticed Wang Gangshin observing him intently. The elder man scrutinized the egg noodles with such intensity that it felt like his gaze could pierce through them. Eventually, he turned to Kang Jin and spoke.

Unlike earlier when he had spoken slowly and clearly, this time, his tone was strong and rapid, making it difficult for Kang Jin to understand him. However…

Where did you learn this?

Kang Jin managed to comprehend two words from what Mr. Wang said.

“I learned it from a Chinese person while working part-time.”

Then Mr. Wang Gangshin spoke again, but this time Kang Jin understood his intention through actions rather than words. Seeing him repeatedly extend his hand, Kang Jin realized he wanted some noodles. Thus, Kang Jin scooped up ramen noodles and offered them to him.

“What’s going on?” Yoon Soo-hong approached during their exchange.

“I’m not sure.”

Although Kang Jin claimed ignorance, he had a hunch why Mr. Wang Gangshin was behaving like this. Since these were the same noodles that Wang Gangjun’s mother used to make, they held sentimental value for Wang Gangshin as well, reminding him of his past memories with her.

Wang Gangshin stared blankly at the noodles before picking them up with chopsticks, taking a large bite, and starting to chew. Witnessing this, Kang Jin placed another bowl across from Wang Gangshin and set down his own chopsticks.

Seeing this, Wang Gangjun looked at Kang Jin with gratitude.

“Thank you.”

Then, Wang Gangjun picked up his chopsticks and started eating egg noodles. Of course, to others, it appeared as if he was consuming the soul of the food.

Through the space connecting the hall and kitchen, both ghost and human, brother and sister, faced each other while enjoying their egg noodles.

Wang Gangjun took a large bite before glancing at Wang Gangshin. She slowly savored her meal, savoring every flavor. Observing her quietly, Wang Gangjun spoke softly:

“In those days, eggs were quite precious. So, whenever I earned a decent amount of money, I would buy two eggs for dishes like these… My younger sister absolutely loved them.”

Wang Gangjun paused briefly and then smiled warmly. “He always said eating these noodles with eggs felt like being an emperor compared to just having plain noodle soup all the time.”

Kang Jin didn’t respond directly to Wang Gangjun’s comment. With Wang Gangshin present, it would sound like he was talking to himself. Instead, Kang Jin glanced at Wang Gangshin, who had stopped eating her egg noodles mid-bite. She looked down at her bowl before speaking up:

“When I was young…the Emperor’s Noodles tasted similar to this whenever my brother earned a lot of money and could afford to add eggs.”

“Emperor’s Noodles?”

“It’s essentially our usual noodle soup with just an added egg, but…I named them that because it made me feel like royalty when we ate them.”

“I named it Emperor’s Noodles because I thought it sounded fancy.”

“I see.”

“It tasted so good back then.”

“And now?” Kang Jin asked with a grin.

Wang Gangshin chuckled. “It was delicious at that time…”

His words implied that it wasn’t as enjoyable now, which was understandable. The dish consisted of noodles lightly stir-fried in oil with sautéed onions and garlic, followed by beaten eggs mixed in. Without any additional seasoning, how could it truly be flavorful?

“I’m sorry; I should have made it more palatable for you.”

“No worries. Still…” Wang Gangshin paused and smiled warmly. “I never expected to taste this flavor again in South Korea.”

Wang Gangshin smiled as he looked at his bowl of noodles.

“May I have more?”

“Of course.”

As Kang Jin served him additional noodles, Wang Gangshin took a bite with his chopsticks but immediately grimaced. Truthfully, it wasn’t particularly flavorful.

“Could you give me some raw garlic?”

Kang Jin retrieved a clove and reached for a knife, but Wang Gangshin waved his hand dismissively.

“Just give it to me as is.”

He picked up the garlic, started chewing it noisily, and said, “Yes, this is how it should be eaten.” With a smile, he alternated between eating a large mouthful of noodles and biting into the garlic.

“After achieving success, I’ve been craving this dish.”

“It doesn’t seem too difficult, does it?”

“Not really, but it never tasted like this before. Whenever I tried making it, the eggs ended up overcooked, turning it into egg-fried noodles. Now I see that instead of adding eggs directly to the frying pan, one should separate the noodles first before adding them.”

“The residual heat from the noodles cooks it. If you add eggs when the noodles are too hot, they overcook as you mentioned.”

“Right… That’s why my attempt failed.”

Wang Gangshin looked contentedly at his noodles and shared, “Since I was raised by my older brother since childhood, I don’t remember our parents’ faces. To me, my hyung was both my father and mother.”

As he spoke, a cup was placed in front of Wang Gangshin. It might be called reminiscing? When the conversation turned to memories, Yoon Soo-hong quickly brought soju and cups nearby.

“Thank you.” Wang Gangshin accepted the cup filled with strong liquor and took a sip. Seeing this, Kang Jin offered him another cup.

“I’ll have one too…”

In response, Wang Gangshin poured a drink for Kang Jin. However, instead of drinking it, Kang Jin subtly placed the cup in front of Wang Gangjun.

Wang Gangshin nodded slightly to Kang Jin in appreciation.

“Thank you.”

Kang Jin acknowledged with a small nod and then turned to Wang Gangshin.

“You’re not drinking?”

“Is it considered rude if I don’t drink right away?”

“Not at all.”

With that reassurance from Wang Gangshin, Kang Jin filled a bowl of noodles and offered it to Yoon Soo-hong.

“I’m sorry…”

“That’s fine.”

As Yoon Soo-hong carried the bowls over to the dining table, Wang Gangshin poured himself another shot before speaking up.

“My older brother raised me. Then when I was around eight years old…he suddenly disappeared.”

“He disappeared?” Kang Jin feigned surprise. He knew Wang Gangjun had died in an accident but couldn’t reveal it.

Observing Kang Jin’s reaction, Wang Gangshin continued:

“He used to work late and not come home for a day or so… but this time it’s been over a week.”

“I see.”

“At first, I was worried, but after a week, I got angry. Do you know why?”

Kang Jin shook his head as if he didn’t understand. In response, Wang Gangshin looked at his bowl of noodles.

“I was hungry.” Wang Gangshin chuckled wryly. “Instead of being concerned about my hyung not coming home, my hunger became more painful and irritating.”

As Kang Jin watched Wang Gangshin smacking his lips, she refilled his glass with soju. After taking a sip, Wang Gangshin continued, still smacking his lips.

“That’s when I decided to leave home. I went straight to the construction site where my hyung worked, but…no one there knew anything about him. Fortunately, one uncle heard my story and directed me to a nearby bar.”

“A bar? Why would they send a child to a bar?” Kang Jin asked curiously.

Wang Gangshin chuckled at her question. “Thinking back now, I believe they sold me there.”

“S-sold you?”

Seeing Kang Jin’s surprised expression, Wang Gangshin explained further.

“At that time, it was common for orphans to be taken to bars and sold for a drink or a meal. There were just so many of us.”

“But why is that fortunate?”

“At least I wouldn’t starve,” Wang Gangshin said with a smile, glancing sideways discreetly. His son had approached him unnoticed by then. Taking his son’s hand, Wang Gangshin continued, “Remember what I always told you about Emperor’s Noodles?”

His son nodded as Wang Gangshin pointed to the noodles.

“I know the taste you’ve been describing all this time.”

With these words, Wang Gangshin handed over the bowl. The son took a bite, tasted it, and then set the bowl down.

“It’s not bad, right?”

“Yes, it is delicious,” replied Kangjun.

Wang Gangshin smiled at his son’s response.

“How can that be? Even I don’t find them particularly tasty…”

He then turned to Kang Jin.

“Where were we?”

“You mentioned you weren’t starving.”


Nodding at Kangjin’s reminder, Wang Gangshin continued:

“The thought crossed my mind while doing odd jobs like washing dishes and promoting bars. I wondered if perhaps your brother had abandoned me.”

Kang Jin quickly responded, startled by Wang Gangshin’s words: “No way!”

Surprised by Kang Jin’s reaction, Wang Gangshin looked at him curiously.

“How do you know that?”

Kang Jin glanced subtly at Wang Kangjun before replying:

“Someone who created Emperor’s Noodles for their sibling wouldn’t abandon them.”

“He wouldn’t abandon his younger sister.”

Wang Gangshin looked at Kang Jin and nodded initially but then shook her head.

“No, I believe my brother ran away from me.”


Seeing Kang Jin’s puzzled expression, Wang Gangshin explained:

“If he didn’t abandon me…then why hasn’t he returned home yet?”


Kang Jin trailed off, unsure how to respond. Wang Gangshin smiled and continued,

“If he hadn’t abandoned me…it means he must be dead. That’s what I thought when he never came back, even as I cursed him.”

As she spoke, Kang Jin glanced sidelong at Wang Gangjun, who watched his sister with a sympathetic gaze.

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