Chapter 79

Kang Jin looked at Bae Yongsoo while observing the auditorium.

“Then you can’t go there?”

“Of course not.”

The Virgin Ghost was scary enough, but Yeongsoo, as the leader of all the individual ghosts, would be even more terrifying. Even Oh Soon-young, who was also female, feared the Virgin Ghosts.

Bae Yongsoo frowned and turned to Kang Jin.

“So why did you call me here?”

“I thought those young ghosts might have become land-bound spirits. I wondered if it was possible for them to travel with you to Seoul.”

“What’s the point in that?”

“Why is it pointless? At least they could eat proper food. Moreover, having ghosts around would be better than wandering alone.”

“If you want to feed them, then cook something yourself… It seems like you aren’t alone anyway, so how can you feel lonely? If anything, I am lonelier.”

“So you’re saying it’s possible or not?”

“Is there any reason to call me a land-bound spirit without cause? Whether I’m bound to an object or location, I cannot leave my assigned place.”

Bae Yongsoo’s words made Kang Jin grimace.

‘If only we were in Seoul…’

“By the way, why is a virgin ghost and bachelor ghost always together?”

Kang Jin responded to Bae Yongsoo’s question.

“I think they died together by accident.”

As Kang Jin explained the circumstances of their deaths, Sung Yong looked at him with sympathy.

“Don’t feel sorry for me too?”

There isn’t a single ghost without a tragic backstory. Although Kang Jin couldn’t remember his past life, he must have had a reason for becoming a ghost. In essence, every ghost deserves pity.

“Yes, you’re also pitiful.”

Kang Jin suddenly looked at Bae Yongsoo while speaking.

“But why did you ask me to make food?”

“You said you wanted to feed them?”

“Even if I cook, they can’t consume it unless we’re inside the restaurant.”

Bae Yongsoo sighed at Kang Jin’s words.

“You seem unaware of your role as the owner of One Meal Restaurant. No, perhaps you lack understanding?”

“What do you mean?”

“You are the master of the One Meal Restaurant.”

“I know that already.”

“And only the master of the One Meal Restaurant can serve meals to ghosts.”

“So you’re saying…?”

“Even outside the One Meal Restaurant, any food prepared by its master can be consumed by ghosts.”

“They can eat the food I prepare?”

“I can’t manifest completely since it isn’t within my shop, but ghosts can still eat your food even outside of the restaurant.”

“Isn’t this similar to ancestral memorial rites?”

“If it was similar, would I be discussing this with you?” Bae Yongsoo’s words surprised Kang Jin.

“Then they can chew, taste and enjoy the food?”

Bae Yongsoo nodded at Kang Jin’s question.

“It is only possible between 11 PM to 1 AM, but that doesn’t matter. They truly get to eat.”

“They can do all those things?”

“You thought being the master of a ghostly restaurant meant just sitting around?”

“Yes, I did…”

Kang Jin suddenly realized something as he spoke. It seemed like he might be late for his basketball game.

“Hey, I need to go.”

“What about me?”

“You head to the restaurant.”

“How am I supposed to get there alone?!”

“You can’t?”

“I said, I can’t go alone!”

Seeing Bae Yongsoo’s outburst, Kang Jin pursed his lips.

Thinking back, he insisted on accompanying me when we went shopping…

Kang Jin observed Bae Yongsoo for a moment before speaking.

“Well then, hang around here. I have to go play basketball at the auditorium.”

“Why did you call me if this was going to happen?”

“I didn’t expect it either.”

With that, Kang Jin hastily sprinted towards the auditorium.

Upon arrival, he saw the starting players already entering the court.

‘Oh no!’

Rushing over to his teammates, Kang Jin bowed apologetically.

“I’m late. My apologies.”

“Shouldn’t you be with the president?”

“How did you know that?”

“When Donghae went to check on you at your tent because you were late, he saw you talking with the president. So, I had Su-chan fill in for you.”

Lim Ho-jin didn’t seem particularly upset. After all, what could he say when Kang Jin was delayed due to a conversation with the team’s president? Of course, it wasn’t technically true since their meeting had ended earlier, and Kang Jin got held up speaking with Bae Yongsoo instead.

“I’ll go in now,” said Kang Jin.

Lim Ho-jin glanced toward the court. Since the game hadn’t started yet, there was still time for a substitution. However, Lim Ho-jin shook his head.

“Soochan also wanted to play one game, so please take some rest.”


“It’s fine,” replied Lim Ho-jin.

Kang Jin pursed his lips and glanced at the court as the match began with the ball being served by the referee.

The game ended with Export Agency Team 2’s defeat for one reason only…

Wo Chuljin.

Intern Wo Chuljin from the overseas business support team was flying all over the court. Lee Sangsub tried desperately to block him but failed each time due to Chuljin’s simple feints leading to successful goals. Unable to stop Wo Chuljin, Export Agency Team 2 ultimately lost. As the players exited the court after the game, they were panting heavily.

“Huff…huff…phew, that was tough.” Lee Sangsub panted heavily as he approached Kang Jin, who handed him some water.

“Good job,” said Kang Jin.

Lee Sangsub took a sip while glancing sideways at Wo Chuljin, who was wiping his sweat and drinking electrolyte-infused sports drink.

“That guy’s definitely a pro.”

“A pro?”

“You know, like a professional basketball player.”


“I’m no slouch on the court myself, but I couldn’t keep up with him at all.”

Kang Jin observed Lee Sangsub shaking his head ruefully before responding, “He certainly played well.”

“Well-played? He was flying everywhere!” Lee Sangsub sighed deeply and pulled out his phone.

“All that’s left now is today’s wrestling match and tomorrow’s soccer game.”

At Lee Sangsub’s words, all eyes turned to Choi Donghae.


Feeling uneasy under their gazes, Choi Donghae looked at Lim Ho-jin for guidance.

“The intern must participate in one event.”

“I understand.”

Lim Ho-jin then asked him, “When is your wrestling match?”

“In twenty minutes.”

“Well, let’s head over and wait.”

Following Lim Ho-jin’s lead, everyone moved towards the wrestling area.

As it neared eleven o’clock at night, Kang Jin glanced around at his team members. They were gathered next to a barbecue grill, enjoying drinks and grilled meat. The employees chatted while drinking soju and eating barbecue.

“Good job today, Donghae.”

“But I should’ve won…I’m sorry.”

Lee Sangsub smiled at Choi Donghae’s response.

“You still won the first round, though.”

Kang Jin patted Donghae on the shoulder, agreeing with Lee Sangsub’s sentiment.

“You did well,” Kang Jin replied.

Choi Donghae scratched his head at Kang Jin’s words. Despite his lack of confidence, Choi Donghae had won the first round against an opponent with muscles sculpted from weightlifting, not soft flab like him. In fact, everyone on Team Two was surprised by this outcome. The opponent was known for being strong within their company, yet Choi Donghae managed to defeat him.

Regardless, this victory boosted morale for Team Two significantly. However, Donghae lost the next match as if it were all a lie, reminiscent of a dragon slaying the final boss only to be killed by a slime afterward.

Still, winning the first round wasn’t something to scoff at. Kang Jin smiled contentedly while watching his team enjoy meat and drinks together. Then he subtly glanced sideways.

Next to them sat high school ghost students, observing people eating samgyupsal (grilled pork belly) and other dishes.

Kang Jin noticed one high school girl ghost staring blankly at them enjoying their grilled pork belly and other dishes. She frowned and spoke up when she caught Kang Jin’s gaze.

“Did you invite us here just to watch you eat? Give us some too.”

With a smile, Kang Jin whispered softly in response.

“I’ll give you something tasty once it hits eleven o’clock. Just wait.”

“Why at eleven?”

“Just wait.” Kang Jin checked the time on his phone. It was about time he started pouring rain so that by eleven, there would be enough food for the high school ghosts.

“I’m going inside where our colleagues are.”

Lim Ho-jin stood up upon hearing Kang Jin’s words.

“It seems to be getting colder. Let’s finish this drink and have another round indoors.”

The other employees nodded in agreement with Lim Ho-jin.

“Yes, I’ve been feeling strangely chilly lately.”

“People say it goes straight from summer to winter… It was warm yesterday, but today is chilly.”

“Let’s head inside.”

As his colleagues spoke, Kang Jin glanced at the ghosts beside him. The drop in temperature due to evening wasn’t solely responsible for the sudden chill; the presence of the Virgin and Bachelor Ghosts made it feel even colder.

Watching the team members head back to their lodging, Kang Jin started tidying up as if everything was normal. Checking on the school staff had been just an excuse. His real intention was to relocate somewhere else to prepare food for the ghosts. However, since his teammates went indoors on their own accord, there was no need to find another empty spot.

Kang Jin quickly cleared the table they’d used and gathered leftover ingredients from nearby vacant tables. There were still plenty of barbecue items he could eat.

Mushrooms, meat, shrimp, green onions, and garlic were among the ingredients Kang Jin collected. He promptly began preparing the food. Naturally, it wouldn’t be as elaborate as his dishes at One Meal Restaurant due to limited resources, but he was confident that the ghosts would find it delicious.


Kang Jin pulled out a pot and instant noodles. While inspecting nearby tables, he spotted a pot and some ramen and brought them over.

‘No ghost dislikes ramen.’

Kang Jin muttered this thought and looked at the ghosts.

“Is ramen okay with you?”


“You haven’t had ramen since becoming ghosts, right? It’s not typically offered during ancestral rites.”

As Kang Jin spoke, he removed the grill used for grilling meat and placed the pot on the charcoal fire, filling it with water.

He arranged charcoal around the pot to quickly boil the water.

“I never thought I’d eat ramen again.”

Kang Jin nodded at Yeongsoo’s words.

“That’s why I brought some along.”

As the water started boiling, Kang Jin added onions, garlic, and chili peppers before glancing at the grilled pork belly.

“Should I put in the pork belly?”

“Pork belly with ramen?”

“It might add too much oil.”

Seeing the doubt on Yeongsoo’s face and the girl’s dislike for it, Kang Jin moved the grill to one side of the fire and placed new slices of pork belly onto it. Even if they didn’t include it in the ramen, they could still cook and eat it separately.

Gurgle, gurgle!

Once the water boiled, Kang Jin tore open a packet and dropped the noodles inside.

As soon as the soup was added and the ramen began to release its aroma, Yeongsoo smacked his lips.

“It smells delicious.”

The high school girl sighed at Yeongsoo’s comment.

“But it won’t be any good if we can’t eat it properly…”

Kang Jin laughed at her remark. “Don’t worry; I’ll make sure you get your fill.”

He continued stirring the noodles while waiting for them to cook. Kang Jin checked the time.


Perfect timing.

By the time the ramen would be ready, it’d be eleven o’clock sharp. He prepared chopsticks and disposable bowls.

“Is it done yet, Kang Jin?” The high school girl eyed the ramen hungrily.

“It’s done cooking. Just give me a minute.” Kang Jin checked his phone for the time and, once it hit eleven o’clock, carefully placed the pot on top of several plastic bags spread out on the table. He then ladled ramen noodles into disposable bowls while keeping an eye on the ghosts.

It’s already one minute past eleven…

Kang Jin glanced at the ghosts as soon as the clock struck eleven.

“Please try some.”

At his urging, the ghosts picked up their chopsticks and started to lift strands of ramen from the bowl.



“You can hear the ramen?”

The ghosts looked astonished. Despite lifting the noodles with their chopsticks…they could actually hear them sizzling. Kang Jin was equally surprised.

He’d heard that between eleven P.M. and one A.M., ghosts could consume food made by humans, but he hadn’t realized they would be able to perceive its sound too.

Although they had heard about it before…they never thought they would actually be able to eat food themselves.

Kang Jin quickly scanned his surroundings. Fortunately, people were engrossed in their drinks and not paying attention to him. He hastily stood up and placed the bowl on the floor.

“Sorry, but let’s eat here.”

Despite Kang Jin’s suggestion, no one questioned why they should eat on the floor when there was a table available. Glancing sideways, he noticed the ghosts staring wide-eyed, momentarily stunned. Then, they eagerly crouched down and started using their chopsticks.

Slurp, slurp!

As the ghosts hungrily devoured the ramen, Kang Jin discreetly arranged chairs around them to prevent any unwanted attention from passersby.

Kang Jin was mindful of potential onlookers nearby. He then wrapped some lettuce around grilled meat from the charcoal grill and handed it to Yeongsoo.

“Ah, open wide.”

Yeongsoo opened his mouth while eating ramen noodles, allowing Kang Jin to place the lettuce-wrapped meat inside.


A look of amazement spread across Kang Jin’s face. As if by magic, the lettuce wrap vanished instantly upon entering Yeongsoo’s mouth. It wasn’t just about quickly consuming it; the moment the food touched Yeongsoo’s lips, it disappeared completely.

‘It’s like the invisibility cloak.’

Similar to how objects became invisible when placed under the invisibility cloak in the movie “Magic School,” the lettuce wrap simply vanished once it entered the ghost’s mouth.

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