Chapter 76

Kang Jin climbed up to the seats inside the auditorium with food piled high in both hands. He intended to feed some of it to the high school ghosts present there. The ghosts whispered among themselves as they watched Kang Jin approach with his offerings.

“Is he a loner?”

“Woah! Why does he have so much food?”

“He doesn’t look like much, but he must be really hungry.”

Upon hearing their murmurs, Kang Jin placed the food on a chair and spoke out loud:

“I brought this for you guys.”

The ghosts looked at him curiously.

“Who’s he talking to?”


They glanced around, realizing that only Kang Jin and the ghosts were occupying the seats.

“Come eat,” Kang Jin urged again.

This time, the ghosts squinted suspiciously at him.

“What a nutjob!”

“It gives me goosebumps… First time seeing someone this crazy.”

“He looks young, yet…he’s seriously unhinged.”

Kang Jin took a deep breath at their words and pointed directly at them with his hand.

“Come here to eat.”

The ghosts were startled as Kang Jin accurately gestured toward them.

“You’re…seeing us now?”

Since becoming ghosts, this was the first time someone alive had spoken directly to them. The shocked expressions on their faces made Kang Jin grimace.

“It’s creepy when you stare like that.”

Although he had grown somewhat accustomed to seeing ghosts, these blood-drenched apparitions still frightened him. Moreover, they were unlike any ghosts he’d encountered before, making him feel uneasy.

“Come closer.” At Kang Jin’s command, the ghosts exchanged glances before hastily approaching him.

“You can see us?”

“That’s why I’m talking to you. Have you ever tasted sacrificial food?”

Kang Jin placed his chopsticks on top of the food, surprising the ghosts with this gesture as well.

“I have to go for a match soon… Are you just going to watch me?”

“How can you see us?”

“Hyung is someone who feeds ghosts.”

“A person who feeds ghosts? Such people exist?”

At the female ghost’s question, Kang Jin nodded.

“Haven’t you heard about the restaurant specifically for ghosts?”

“No, I haven’t.”

“You haven’t?”

“No.” Kang Jin looked puzzled at their responses and asked:

“Do ghosts not talk about restaurants serving other ghosts?”

“We’ve never seen any other ghosts besides ourselves.”

Kang Jin raised an eyebrow at the ghost’s reply. Just as humans typically interacted with other humans, ghosts usually spent time with fellow ghosts.

“Have you never encountered any other ghosts?”



“We’ve never seen any other ghosts before…so we haven’t.”

Kang Jin cocked his head at the male ghost’s response again.

“So why not?”

“Because we haven’t seen them.”

Kang Jin looked at the male ghost and pointed to the food.


The ghosts glanced at each other, picked up their chopsticks,

Shwip! Shwip!

and grasped faintly visible utensils. They began eating the food Kang Jin had brought for them. The meals appeared hazy on their plates as well.

These weren’t actual physical dishes; rather, if souls existed within the food, then the ghosts were consuming those souls.


“Just regular food.”

Kang Jin nodded at the ghost’s words. The reason ghosts were delighted with the food they ate while materializing at One Meal Restaurant…was because it was real food when consumed in their physical form. Kang Jin had never tasted sacrificial rice, so he didn’t know how it tasted. However, based on what most ghosts said, it wasn’t particularly delicious.

They claimed that people found it tasty simply because those who remembered them prepared it lovingly. Ghosts ate sacrificial offerings to alleviate the hunger felt by their lingering spirits.

This is why the One Meal Restaurant held great significance for ghosts. In Seoul, it was the only place where they could eat like humans.

As Kang Jin observed these ghosts, he pursed his lips thoughtfully.

Are they land-bound ghosts?

Similar to the elderly ghost Kang Jin had seen at the flea market, some ghosts were tethered to objects or places. The high schooler ghosts must be bound here since they died six years ago but still lingered around this area. He was curious as to why they remained, but he didn’t ask them. Ghosts generally disliked discussing their circumstances, so instead, Kang Jin simply observed them eating.

“So how did you end up cooking for ghosts, hyung?”

“It just happened that way.”

Seeing the male ghost persistently engaging in conversation, one of the female ghosts whispered softly:

“Youngsu…let’s just focus on eating.”

The female ghost’s comment seemed to deflate Youngsu somewhat, and Kang Jin took advantage of this moment.

“Right, let’s eat first.”


As he watched Youngsu pick up meat from his plate with chopsticks, Kang Jin asked:

“You done eating?”

The ghosts put down their chopsticks and looked at him blankly.

“We may be ghosts, but we’re still high school students,” said the female ghost. “Don’t underestimate our appetites.”

Kang Jin nodded understandingly.

“I heard they’re having a barbecue on the field tonight, so stick close by me then. You’ll get plenty of meat.”

Surprisingly, ghosts had many restrictions. They couldn’t casually consume food found on the streets.

Ghosts could only consume food that had been offered to gods or items without owners, such as discarded leftovers, free meals, funeral offerings…and ancestral memorial foods. In other words, ghosts couldn’t eat barbecue at the field since it belonged to someone else. However, if Kang Jin allowed them, they could partake, having received permission from the owner.

“Thank you…” With those words, the female ghost stood up and picked up the plate of food. From appearances, the dishes looked untouched due to the ghosts’ consumption method.

‘Since these dishes were prepared for ancestral rites, it shouldn’t be considered wasteful to discard them.’

Kang Jin muttered this thought as he left the auditorium with the food-laden plate to dispose of it.

After lunch, the team members gathered at the basketball court.

“The teams will split evenly by jackets. The rules follow standard basketball regulations. If you steal the ball within the boundary lines, you must step outside and re-enter before attacking. Each half is five minutes long, with a two-minute break between halves.”

As Kang Jin listened to the staff member’s explanation, he began stretching his body.

Crack! Crack!

Raising both hands high, Kang Jin warmed up while glancing at Lee Sangsub.

“By the way, do you play basketball too, upperclassman?”

“I enjoy sports. I’ve tried everything except wrestling.” Lee Sangsub grinned while dribbling the ball.

Kang Jin watched him briefly before turning his attention to Kang Sungsoo.

Kang Sungsoo was also warming up casually. He had a sturdy physique. Lee Sangsub finished stretching and tossed the ball to Kang Jin while observing Kang Sungsoo’s solid frame.


Kang Jin caught it, dribbled a few times, then gently shot toward the hoop.


As the smoothly flying ball sank through the net, Lee Sangsub grinned.

“You’ve got quite an aim.”

“I played a lot in high school.”

Lee Sangsub didn’t reply further, retrieved the ball, and threw it to Kang Sungsoo instead.


Kang Sungsoo caught it, performed some light dribbling with a spin move, and took a jump shot.


Seeing the ball gracefully swish through the net, Kang Jin chuckled.

“You’re pretty good too, Assistant Manager Kang.”

“Last year, thanks to him and me, our team won the championship.”

Lee Sangsub smiled cheerfully as he glanced at their opponents. The opposing team seemed unconcerned about winning and were chatting casually among themselves.

“Let’s begin,” announced the referee, prompting both teams to enter the court.

“Go, hyung!”

When Kang Jin heard someone call him ‘hyung,’ he turned around to see high school ghost players waving from the sidelines. He subtly waved back as the game commenced.

Kang Sungsoo grabbed the ball right after the tip-off and passed it to Kang Jin.


As soon as Kang Jin caught the ball, he took a quick glance at his defender before launching a jump shot.


The opponent raised their hand, but that was all they could do… The ball, launched by Kang Jin, arced gracefully through the air and swished into the hoop.

‘Just like the senior said, this should be an easy win.’

Seeing his opponent’s defense, Kang Jin sensed their motivation to participate. There was no reason for them to lose if they cared about winning.


As the net swayed, Kang Jin’s shot went through, ending the game. The final score was Export Agency Team 2 at twenty-five points and their opponents at seventeen.

Originally, the margin of victory could have been much larger. With only half-court being used, the pace of play was swift.

However, this wasn’t a national team competition but just another men’s sports event. Although there were winners and losers, it wouldn’t foster camaraderie among colleagues by crushing the opposition too severely. Thus, they played with restraint while still securing victory.

Of course, sports require giving one’s best effort, but neither side felt disheartened that Export Agency Team 2 had intentionally held back. They simply wanted to finish quickly and enjoy a refreshing beer together.

I just wanted to have one drink.

“Now what happens if we lose?”

“Once the wrestling match is over, our team doesn’t have any more events.”

“Really? Then let’s hurry up and lose so we can go drinking.”


Kang Jin inadvertently nodded as he listened to the other team’s players chatting with smiles on their faces.

We don’t necessarily need to win.

An event…is meant to be enjoyed after all.

Although they lost, the opposing team also seemed to relish participating in sports like Export Sales Team 2 did. However, their idea of enjoyment was losing early, then watching others while enjoying drinks. It was simply different ways of having fun.

“You play basketball well, hyung.”

After hearing Youngsu’s comment, Kang Jin discreetly glanced around at his teammates. Since they couldn’t see ghosts, it would seem odd if he started talking to them. Therefore, Kang Jin whispered quietly:

“In the place where I lived before, there was nothing else to do except play with balls.”

“Where did you live?” asked one of the female ghosts.

Kang Jin looked at her and noticed that both girls resembled Kim Sohee as older sisters. Moreover, their pretty faces suggested they might have been called beauties had it not been for the dripping blood.

If only they weren’t dead, they could’ve been college students or young professionals.

“A place where kids my age lived.”

After Kang Jin’s brief reply, Youngsu addressed him again.

“I have a favor to ask you.”

“A favor? What is it?”

“Could you please contact my family?”

At Youngsu’s request, Kang Jin looked at him before walking towards one of the auditorium walls.

“Where are you going?”

“To take a break.”

Lee Sangsub wiped his sweat without further questioning Kang Jin’s actions. Kang Jin reached the wall with two ghosts trailing behind and leaned against it.

“You know that both of you are dead, right?”

“Well… considering our appearance, obviously,” replied Youngsu.

Kang Jin nodded in agreement. “Do you think your families would be happy knowing you’re wandering this world as ghosts?”


Kang Jin spoke as he observed the mute spirit.

“The best thing would be to find a way and ascend quickly.”


“You know, going to the afterlife.”

The girl’s eyes narrowed at Kang Jin’s words.

“Do you think we want to stay here like this? We…we don’t wish for this existence either.”

The agitated female ghost moved away, followed closely by another female ghost beside her.

Even ghosts can’t escape their turbulent teenage years, huh?

As Kang Jin watched the departing female ghosts, Youngsu glanced at him.

“She’s actually quite kind,” said Youngsu.

Kang Jin shook his head in response.

“No, it was my mistake.”


“I thought I had some experience dealing with ghosts…but there’s still much to learn.”

“What do you mean?”

Kang Jin looked at Youngsu and shook his head again.

It was my mistake.

All ghosts desire ascension; they just don’t know how yet… The most frustrating aspect for them is their lack of knowledge on this matter. Kang Jin inadvertently reminded them about their ultimate goal…

“I’m still far from understanding.”

“Understanding what?”

In response to Youngsu’s question, Kang Jin pursed his lips.

“The mindset needed to serve guests properly.”

The primary patrons of Kang Jin’s restaurant were ghosts, but he hadn’t fully grasped their perspectives yet.

I’ve been too hasty.

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