Chapter 177

“So where do you live?”

“Near Iseul Station.”

“That’s quite far away, isn’t it? Do you walk here every time?”

“It takes about two hours to get here on foot.”

“Why come all this way instead of picking them closer to home?”

“We pick them farther from school just in case our classmates see us.”

Kang Jin let out a small sigh at the ghost’s words.

Just because they’re poor doesn’t mean they lack pride.

Muttering silently to herself, Kang Jin took out a plastic container and placed some filleted mackerels inside.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m giving these to you.”

“If you’re going to give them, why not grill them first? Grilling mackerel requires skill, you know.”

It might seem as simple as placing them on a frying pan, but grilling mackerel indeed demanded finesse.

To achieve a crispy exterior while keeping the interior moist required fine control of heat, timing for flipping and cooking duration.

Kang Jin shook his head at Bae Yongsoo’s words.

“If we were eating it here, then yes, those skills would be necessary. However, these kids have to walk two hours home. A well-cooked mackerel that cools down during their journey won’t taste as good as a roughly cooked but warm meal they can enjoy at home.”

“Ah… That makes sense.”

Food always tastes better when freshly made rather than cold from sitting out.

“Do you have cooking utensils at home?”

The middle-aged ghost nodded upon Kang Jin’s question.

“Yes, I do.”

The ghost’s words prompted Kang Jin to stop talking. He closed the plastic lid and added some condiments to a small container. Then he wrote something on a memo pad.

<Pour plenty of oil in a frying pan, then turn up the heat. Place the fish skin side down first. Be careful as the oil might splatter. And…>

Kang Jin meticulously wrote down the order and method for grilling mackerels including when to flip them before attaching it to one of the containers. Finally, he placed all the containers inside a bag and exited the kitchen alone.

“Here you go.”

He handed over the bag to the sister. She looked puzzled by its weight. It was heavier than half a mackerel should be. Kang Jin responded with a subtle wink at her expression.

He gave her a small wink. Kang Jin handed it to the sister instead of the brother, thinking she might be more receptive. The sister seemed slightly more outgoing than her brother. Kang Jin shifted his gaze from the sister back to the brother.

“If you enter this alleyway, it leads behind the store. Would you like to move your cart there first? Since these boxes create dust, I’ll bring them over towards where you’re standing.”

“Understood.” Under Kang Jin’s watchful eye, the elder sibling nodded and left the shop.

Once he was gone, Kang Jin led the younger sister towards the restroom area. There were several empty boxes stacked near the restroom.

“I wish we had more boxes, but unfortunately, that’s all we have.”

“Thank you for this too. But…these…”

As her sister showed him the contents of the bag, Kang Jin explained:

“I added some uncooked mackerels since I thought they’d make a good meal on your way home. There’s instructions inside on how to grill them. Just follow those and add a bit of seasoning at the end.”

Surprised by his words, she opened the bag to confirm. Seeing several mackerels stacked neatly as described, she shook her head and handed it back.

“My hyung will scold me if I take these.”

“But didn’t you say your mother likes them?”

A hint of hesitation flickered across her face before she nodded.

“Thank you.”

While she feared getting scolded by her brother, being able to give something delicious to their mother…

Besides, this tastes amazing.

Seeing his sister’s thoughts, Kang Jin picked up some trash and said:

“Come back tomorrow.”


“If it’s okay with you, come around eleven o’clock. It feels awkward serving drinks while there are customers here.”

“We can just pick them up outside if that’s easier for you.”

“When visiting a restaurant, one must eat before leaving. Besides, I find eating alone quite boring, so let’s have lunch together at eleven.”

“That sounds good…”

“Great.” Smiling, Kang Jin exited through the back door and spotted her hyung pulling a cart down the alleyway. She gestured towards him as she loaded boxes onto the cart, prompting her sister to discreetly place the bag in a corner of the cart. Kang Jin subtly smiled at her sister before turning to her hyung.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Kang Jin said to her hyung.

He bowed his head at her words. “Thank you for today.”

“No problem. I appreciate that you’re taking care of this stuff. Please keep coming back.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

As he grabbed the handles and started pulling the cart away, Kang Jin suddenly asked him:

“You seem like a student, so why aren’t you at school?”

Her question made him smile. “It’s summer break.”

“Oh! Right, it is!”

“Goodbye.” He nodded politely as he pulled the cart along. His sister reached out to grab hold next to him, then waved brightly at Kang Jin before following behind.

Kang Jin waved back and glanced at Junghoon’s ghost.

“They’re such good kids.”

“Yes, they are. If only I…were still around, my children wouldn’t have to struggle like this.”

With a sigh, Junghoon gave a small bow to Kang Jin and hurried after his children.

“My son, let’s go together.” Of course, his son couldn’t hear him.

Watching them interact left a bitter taste in Kang Jin’s mouth.

I miss my dad.

The thought of her father made her wistful again. Seeing how guardian spirits stayed with their children despite everything…she felt resentful toward her own father for leaving her behind. He could’ve at least stuck around to look after her, considering all she had gone through. If he were still here, they might be able to talk now.

Kang Jin shook her head as these thoughts swirled in her mind.

If Dad was still around, I’d probably just cause him more grief… It’s better that he peacefully ascended to heaven.

Had her father been by her side as a guardian spirit, he would have witnessed his brothers sending her to foster care…which would’ve broken his heart even further.

Kang Jin watched his brothers walk away.

Come by often. I’ll make sure to cook something delicious.

Muttering under his breath, Kang Jin headed toward the kitchen but paused and looked back at them.

I should’ve packed some side dishes for them.

It bothered him that he’d only sent them off with mackerel, but knowing Jinho’s personality, they probably wouldn’t have accepted any additional food anyway. With a shake of his head, Kang Jin went inside the restaurant; customers were waiting.

The next morning, Kang Jin headed to the park carrying two plastic containers. One held snacks made from cow’s milk for Whitedung, while the other contained dog food.

Kang Jin waved his hand as he approached the pavilion with the containers.


At Kang Jin’s call, Whitedung emerged from under the pavilion.

Woof! Woof!

Whitedung happily barked and wagged its tail, circling around on the ground. Kang Jin stroked its face and head before opening one of the plastic containers.

Inside were hot dogs, rice, and canned tuna purchased at a JS convenience store. Of course, it wasn’t sushi-grade tuna but rather the contents of a can emptied out onto the rice.

“I bought you some yummy treats. Enjoy!”


With another joyful bark, Whitedung’s tail wagged wildly back and forth. Kang Jin set down the container.


Whitedung barked once more before burying its nose in the food and starting to eat rapidly.

Chomp! Chomp!

Kang Jin stroked Whitedung’s back while watching him eat. Then he placed down a container of dog food meant for strays nearby. Although Whitedung could consume human or ghostly food, Kang Jin had purchased separate pet food for the stray dogs.

After Whitedung finished eating, Kang Jin continued to stroke his back before suddenly extending his hand.

“High five!”


Whitedung raised his paw, making Kang Jin laugh.



“Lay down!”


“Stand up.”



Whitedung tilted his head at this command, eliciting another chuckle from Kang Jin as he extended his hand again.

“High five!”


While playing with Whitedung, Kang Jin heard a voice behind him.

“I see you here again.”

Kang Jin turned around at the voice. It was Norma pulling her cart towards him as she had done yesterday.


“I come here daily for my walk,” replied Norma. She then looked where Whitedung stood, although of course, she couldn’t see it.

“What are you doing?”

“Oh, I’m trying this out when I meet some kids.”

Norma chuckled at Kang Jin’s response.

“You’ll get bitten that way.”


“Yes, never extend your hand to unfamiliar cats. Even I often get scratched.”

Smiling, Norma noticed the bowl Kang Jin placed earlier and remarked,

“The cats already came by and ate from there.”

“They visited just now.”

“I usually arrive after they’ve eaten… Seems like they prefer your spot.”

“They don’t come around here often?”

“Well, some of them do…but most avoid this place,” Norma said with a smile as she took out three bowls from her cart, filled one with rice, and placed it under the pavilion alongside another bowl containing water.

“I’ll see you next time then.”

“You’re leaving already?”

“I have work today.”

Norma smiled warmly at Kang Jin.

“I’ve heard your restaurant serves great food.”

“It certainly does,” Kang Jin replied promptly, which made Norma laugh.

“Most people would humbly say, ‘No, not really.’”

“Do you enjoy good food?” asked Kang Jin.

Norma nodded affirmatively.

“Who doesn’t like delicious food?”

“Then please come by my restaurant. If you don’t enjoy it, I won’t charge you.”

“You sound very confident.”

“A cook must be confident in their creations. How could one sell something they themselves consider unpalatable? In that sense, I truly believe the dishes I make are delicious.”

Norma smiled at Kang Jin’s words.

“You’re right. One shouldn’t sell anything without confidence.” She nodded as if appreciating his insight before letting out a small sigh. “Indeed, never sell something without believing in its quality.”

The auntie softly repeated Kang Jin’s words and stood up.

“I’ll see you later.”

“See you again.”

“Oh! And will you come back for your bowl later?” The auntie pointed at the bowl she had placed on the bench.

Kang Jin nodded. “I’ll make sure to retrieve it so no one does anything bad with it.”

Understanding her request, Kang Jin agreed readily.

“That too…but if it’s not too much trouble, could you also bring my bowls when you come back?”

“Of course.”

“But…there isn’t just one here.”

“There are more?”

“Yes, there’s another under that streetlight over there. Then further ahead, behind the public restroom, is another.”

“So, I just need to clean three spots?”

“Could you please do that for me?”

“I should at least help since we’re looking after these kids together.”

“Thank you.”

Smiling, Norma pulled her cart and started leaving the park.

Kang Jin watched her go before extending his hand forward.

“High five!”


Whitedung emerged from under the pavilion and placed its paw on Kang Jin’s outstretched hand.

“Double high five!” When Kang Jin raised both hands, Whitedung stood up tall and pressed its paws against them.

Pleased, Kang Jin laughed heartily.

“When Hwanggu hyung arrives later, I’ll introduce you two. He’s also very nice, so you’ll get along well.”

Whitedung cocked its head at Kang Jin’s words, seemingly asking who Hwanggu was. Kang Jin extended his hand towards Whitedung.

“High five!”


Kang Jin chuckled as Whitedung responded with lightning speed.

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