Chapter 151
Kang Jin gently stroked Hwanggu’s head as it lay on the floor, watching the door intently.
“It seems like the elderly gentleman has somewhere else to be.”
Despite Lee Taehoon appearing perfectly fine, Kang Jin sensed that he knew his own death was imminent. As the owner of the Underworld Restaurant, who constantly dealt with death…it wouldn’t be strange for him to know when his time would come.
Whimper, whimper…
Seeing Hwanggu emit small whines, Kang Jin continued petting its head and body while speaking softly.
“Miss Sohee, whom you adore, will visit later today. Don’t be too disappointed.”
At the mention of Kim Sohee, Hwanggu looked up at him.
“You seem eager to see Miss Kim too.”
Huff! Huff!
Seeing Hwanggu lick his lips, Kang Jin got up and retrieved some chili peppers and garlic from the kitchen. He started sautéing them, as virgin ghosts were often enticed by their aroma.
Zzzt! Zzzt!
“Ackkk! Ahem!” As the spicy smell filled the restaurant, causing Kang Jin to cough, Hwanggu suddenly barked loudly.
Bark! Bark!
Kang Jin glanced toward the entrance as Hwanggu continued barking and scratching at the door with his paw. However, since he was a ghost dog, his paw passed through the door, merely swiping at thin air.
A living dog would scratch the door itself, but this ghost’s paw goes right through.
‘Does he want to go outside? Then why doesn’t he just leave?’
A ghost cannot enter someone’s private residence without permission from its owner. However, they can freely come and go through commercial establishments like shops or restaurants, even if the doors are closed.
Therefore, Hwanggu could easily leave whenever it wanted to. Yet, here it was scratching at the door… It seemed that despite being a ghost, Hwanggu still needed someone to open the door for it.
Kang Jin noticed this behavior and called out:
Woof! Woof! Responding loudly to Kang Jin’s call, Hwanggu barked towards the door again. Seeing this, Kang Jin glanced at the door, turned off the gas stove, and stepped out of the kitchen alone.
“Did Miss Kim happen to arrive?”
Woof! Woof! As Hwanggu continued barking towards the door, Kang Jin stroked its head and cautiously opened the door slightly.
As soon as Kang Jin opened the door slightly, Hwanggu darted out like lightning through the narrow gap.
Yip, yip!
Kang Jin spotted Kim Sohee standing outside. With Hwanggu playfully running around her feet, she finally lowered her sword to pet him. The dog wagged his tail incessantly at her touch and then flopped onto his back, exposing his belly for more attention.
Kim Sohee obliged by gently scratching his tummy while seated on the floor.
“Did you miss me, Hwanggu? Did you really miss your noona? Oh, you’re so cute. You’re adorable!”
Hearing this unusually gentle tone from Kim Sohee, Kang Jin glanced over at them.
I didn’t know Miss Kim had such a side.
As Kang Jin watched her, Kim Sohee smiled and continued scratching Hwanggu’s belly.
Kang Jin then turned to look at the sword floating in midair beside Kim Sohee.
The ghost’s sword is quite unique.
Intrigued, she studied it closely. Although she had seen Kim Sohee wielding this blade several times before, she never got a good look at it. Now that the sword was floating by itself, she could examine it more thoroughly.
Swoosh… Swoosh…
Kang Jin squinted as she observed the weapon.
Wait, isn’t this…a Japanese katana?
Kang Jin wasn’t well-versed in swords, but he recognized this as typical of Japanese blades. Similarly, Miss Kim’s sword also had the distinctive grip design unique to Japanese swords.
The missus was part of an independence army yet wields a Japanese sword? Did she take it from one of her enemies?
As Kang Jin pondered over this, Kim Sohee, who had been petting Hwanggu’s belly, looked up at him.
“Was Taewoon here earlier?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“And did he leave Hwanggu behind?”
“It seems caring for Hwanggu would be difficult going forward… He left Hwanggu with us. He mentioned you love dogs, Miss Kim.”
Kim Sohee sighed while continuing to scratch Hwanggu’s belly at Kang Jin’s words.
“I already miss that boy.”
Kim Sohee gently stroked Hwanggu’s head one last time before standing up and turning to Kang Jin.
“How long has Taemun been gone?”
“It’s been about ten minutes now.”
As she continued petting Hwanggu, Kim Sohee asked, “Could you please show me where Taemun is?”
Hwanggu barked loudly at her request and quickly dashed off in a certain direction. Watching him go, Kim Sohee turned to Kang Jin.
“I’ll be back shortly.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
With that, Kim Sohee swiftly followed after Hwanggu.
Kang Jin was astonished as Kim Sohee effortlessly caught up with Hwanggu in no time.
She’s incredibly fast.
It wasn’t just fast; it looked like some kind of teleportation or superpower. Considering they were ghosts, maybe that was indeed their supernatural ability.
As Kang Jin watched Kim Sohee and Hwanggu vanish from view, he glanced to his side. Not only had Kim Sohee arrived at the store, but other virgin ghosts had gathered there as well.
Lee Hye-sun caught Kang Jin’s gaze and sniffed the air before looking toward the shop.
“Oh, the smell is heavenly today!”
Kang Jin laughed at her comment. “The owner of Wonju’s Underworld Restaurant prepared this meal himself, so not only does it smell great, but I’m sure it’ll taste amazing too.”
“Wonju? The owner of the Underworld Restaurant came here?”
“Yes, earlier—”
“So then, the dog owner…?”
“That’s right.”
“Oh… I see.” Lee Hye-sun gazed in the direction where Hwanggu had gone.
“I’ve never seen a ghost dog before.”
“You too?”
“Animals usually ascend to heaven unless they have significant regrets. This is my first time seeing a ghost animal as well.” Lee Hye-sun laughed while scanning the restaurant interior. “I heard Wonju Underworld Restaurant has great food, so I’m excited to try it today.”
“You’ve never been there before?”
“It’s quite far from here, so no, I haven’t had the chance. Anyway, I can’t wait!”
Kang Jin looked at her with amusement as she grinned brightly.
“How did you manage to put up with my cooking all this time?”
“How do ghosts discern good or bad food? We eat whatever we’re given.”
Lee Hye-sun’s joke made Kang Jin chuckle and shake his head.
“Oh, you sure know how to flatter me.”
“What? Are you teasing me about being a ghost now?”
Hearing Lee Hye-sun’s response, Kang Jin shook his head again and checked the time by opening the shop door.
Kang Jin checked his watch after opening the restaurant door. “What do you want to eat?”
“I heard there’s a dish made by a chef from Wonju. Let’s try that one.”
“Sounds good.”
Lee Taehoon had prepared plenty of food, enough for all the virgin ghosts to enjoy their fill.
Lee Taehoon waited at the Gangnam Express Bus Terminal late at night for a bus heading to Wonju. As he kept an eye on the time, his hand reflexively reached out next to him.
His fingers brushed through empty air as he instinctively went to pet Hwanggu, who was usually by his side…but wasn’t anymore. Lee Taehoon stared at his hand and sighed.
It reminded him of a cold winter day with icy rain falling…
Lee Taehoon had first met Hwanggu at the place where he followed a sobbing ghost dog. The puppy was struggling to suckle from its dead mother’s breast… That was their first encounter.
Hwanggu was trembling amidst the corpses of his mother and siblings who perished due to hunger and cold weather. Seeing this heartbreaking scene with the ghost mother wailing sorrowfully over her pup, Lee Taehoon decided to raise him. Since then, Hwanggu had always been by Taehoon’s side, literally…in life and even after death.
Now that Taehoon had left behind Hwanggu…he felt as if half his heart had been ripped out.
“You would like it there because you can see Miss Sohee.”
“…Hwanggu would prefer to be with you rather than me.”
Lee Taehoon’s face lit up at the sudden voice. It was the voice he had longed to hear again. Although it sounded cold and distant, Lee Taehoon could sense the warmth behind those words, which brought a smile to his face.
He looked up to see Kim Sohee standing there with a somber expression on her face.
“Miss Kim.” As soon as Lee Taehoon addressed her, she sat next to Hwanggu and stroked its head.
“You left this one behind,” noted Kim Sohee.
Lee Taehoon glanced at Hwanggu, who wagged its tail happily while gazing at him. Sensing Lee Taehoon’s gaze, the dog promptly began licking his hand.
Lick lick lick!
As if pleading for him not to leave, Hwanggu continued licking Lee Taehoon’s hand relentlessly.
Lee Taehoon sighed at Hwanggu’s behavior. “Miss Kim would be happy to see you…but why have you returned?”
Whine! Whine!
Hwanggu stopped licking Lee Taehoon’s hand and started whimpering while nudging his leg with its head. It was pleading him to take it along, promising to behave this time. Lee Taehoon sighed once more but soon nodded as he stroked Hwanggu’s head.
“Well then…let’s stay together for a few more days, buddy.”
Woof! Woof!
Hwanggu barked loudly upon hearing that they’d remain together. Then, it placed its paws on Lee Taehoon’s shoulder, almost hugging him. Lee Taehoon chuckled, petting Hwanggu as he stood up. He turned to look at Kim Sohee.
“It has been a long time.”
“It’s been about fifty years now, right?”
“I believe so.” At Lee Taehoon’s response, Kim Sohee gazed at him. As she took in his white hair, memories of his younger self came flooding back to her—his bright eyes, short hair… His broad shoulders and tall stature had caught the attention of many young women from Wonju whenever he visited the market. Those same women would later track down Lee Taehoon at his workplace.
Now, here was Lee Taehoon with graying hair due to old age.
Kim Sohee opened her mouth as she continued observing him. “Why didn’t you get married?”
Lee Taehoon smiled gently at her question. “My heart already belongs to someone else.”
“Tsk! You always say such nonsense.” Her slight frown made Lee Taehoon grin wider.
If she saw me in my shop… Would she have blushed?
She must have blushed for sure. Despite her tough exterior, Kim Sohee was quite sensitive and easily embarrassed.
“I’ve never had my eye on someone as lovely as you before.”
Kim Sohee glanced at Lee Taehoon’s playful tease.
“You haven’t changed your sense of humor even after all these years.”
“Well, sudden changes can be fatal…but not yet, it seems.” Lee Taehoon smiled brightly at her.
“Were you disappointed that I didn’t visit your shop?”
“…I did want to see you.”
Kim Sohee squinted at his unexpected response. Although she appeared miffed, Lee Taehoon knew better. Her reaction indicated her unease and discomfort.
“The first time I saw you, Miss Kim, I thought of you as my sister. As time passed and I grew taller than you, I fell in love with you. And when I started growing facial hair, I wanted to marry you.”
Kim Sohee rolled her eyes at Lee Taehoon’s words and looked away. He continued despite her reaction.
“I heard from Bokrae that life on the other side isn’t so bad.”
“You met Bokrae?”
“Not exactly, but he delivered a letter for me.”
“I see.”
Bokrae referred to Shin Suho. Considering Shin Suho worked as a lawyer in the afterlife, it made sense that he could deliver mail between this world and the next.
“I’ll wait for you.”
Kim Sohee glanced at him. Lee Taehoon smiled under her sympathetic gaze.
“It turns out, I’m quite wealthy over there. I’ve planted many peach trees and cucumbers, which you like.”
“I…have killed many people. I doubt we’ll end up in the same place.”
“You’re quite skilled as a lawyer, though. And…money talks louder in the afterlife than it does here.”
Kim Sohee sighed and patted Hwanggu’s head while watching Lee Taehoon smile at her.
“It’s time to go now.”
She turned to leave but suddenly paused, hesitated for a moment, then spoke again.
“Stay in Wonju. Someday…I might visit you.”
“I’ll be waiting.”
Whether it’s at your restaurant in Wonju or…in the afterlife.
Lee Taehoon watched Kim Sohee slowly walk away, stroking Hwanggu’s head all the while.
“Well, let’s head home.”
Hwanggu barked loudly in agreement with Lee Taehoon’s suggestion.
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