Chapter 142

A door invisible to ghosts and unknown even to Shin Suho…

It wasn’t hidden or concealed; rather, Shin Suho simply had no knowledge of its existence.

“Does that mean only the owner of the Underworld Restaurant can see this door?”

A house is said to be connected with its owner. Although Shin Suho lived here for quite some time, his connection was different from the true master’s. In other words, it appeared only the owner of the Underworld Restaurant could perceive this door.

“If only the owner can see it, then I have no choice but to ask another owner of an Underworld Restaurant.”

Kang Jin became curious about the mysterious door. How couldn’t he be? After all, it was visible only to him despite being invisible to everyone else.

Should I try asking another owner of an Underworld Restaurant?

Kang Jin pondered for a moment before heading downstairs to the restaurant. Regardless of what that door was, it was almost time to open for business.

Upon reaching the ground floor, Kang Jin spotted Choi Hun and Captain Jeon seated at a table near the kitchen.

“Have you been waiting long?”

“Not really… It’s fine.”

Hearing Choi Hun’s response, Kang Jin glanced at the TV screen.

“I should’ve turned on the TV before leaving.” As she powered up the television, she looked back at Choi Hun. “Did you check how far you could go?”

Choi Hun pointed toward a table behind Captain Jeon. “We can reach there.”

With that range, they wouldn’t cause any inconvenience to Choi Hun or Captain Jeon.

“That’s good,” said Kang Jin as she placed a sign outside the entrance to indicate opening hours. Then, addressing the two ghosts, she requested apologetically, “And… I’m sorry, but could you please wait in my car for a bit?”

“Pardon?” The female ghost captain looked at Kang Jin, puzzled by his statement.

“Are we not welcome here?”

“People might feel uneasy if ghosts were present.”

“But they can’t see us anyway?”

“They may not see you, but your unique energy… It seems customers avoid coming when there are ghosts around. So please return after 11 PM tonight. At that time, I’ll treat you to delicious seaweed soup.”

The mention of seaweed soup made the captain’s mouth water, and Choi Hun smiled, responding:

“It’s understandable; having ghosts around isn’t ideal for business. Let’s go.”

“I wanted to watch some television…”

“My apologies. Instead, I’ll set up TV viewing in the car.”

Since modern navigation systems often have built-in TVs, this was possible. Choi Hun nodded with understanding, leading the captain out through the back door as per Kang Jin’s suggestion.

“It’s okay; I understand your concern.”

As car-bound spirits, they must have felt both puzzled and disappointed. After becoming ghosts, this was their first encounter with someone who acknowledged them. They were undoubtedly thrilled to hear about his restaurant catering specifically for ghosts. As spirits confined to cars or their immediate vicinity after death, the idea of having a comfortable home where they could relax must have been appealing.

However, being asked to leave before business hours began… It would understandably make them feel disheartened and let down.

Despite their disappointment, Kang Jin couldn’t allow it to disrupt his operations…

‘During business hours, I’ll send them away, but during off-hours, they can stay and unwind.’

With this thought, Kang Jin turned on the navigation system and prepared to switch on the TV when Choi Hun shook his head.

“If you keep using the navigation system without starting the engine, it will drain the battery.”


“So please don’t worry about us and focus on your work.”

At Choi Hun’s words, Kang Jin pursed her lips before turning to the captain.

“I’ll let you watch TV all night tonight.”

The captain glanced at the navigation system with reluctance before nodding.

“…Thank you.”

Her unexpected response made Kang Jin smile as she closed the door.

After finishing their dinner service around 10:30 PM, Kang Jin started preparing food for the ghosts.


Hearing Kang Jin’s call, the captain turned away from the TV show that had been making her laugh.

“What kind of meat should I add to the seaweed soup?”


“Should I add beef, chicken, tuna, or eggs?”

The captain raised his eyebrows at Kang Jin’s question.

“Tuna and egg in seaweed soup?”

Kang Jin suddenly recalled seeing various versions of seaweed soup with ingredients like tuna, eggs, cuttlefish, or mackerel in cooking practice rooms. However, upon reflection… He had only seen recipes using beef; he’d never tried seaweed soup with other ingredients before.

Would it taste good?

Wondering if adding tuna and eggs might enhance the flavor, Kang Jin looked back at the captain.

“What do you think?”

Since neither of them had tasted these variations, they couldn’t confidently recommend any specific combination. The captain responded:

“Add beef to the seaweed soup.”

“Yes ma’am.” Kang Jin smiled and took out some beef as she asked,

“What were you planning for Choi Hun’s birthday?”

“Seaweed soup.”

“But it’s his birthday! Surely, seaweed soup wasn’t the only dish you prepared, right? What else did you make?”

Kang Jin’s words prompted the captain to glance subtly at Choi Hun before replying,

“I had prepared several dishes…”

“What kind of dishes?” Kang Jin probed further.

The captain hesitated momentarily before asking, “If I lie now, will I really go straight to hell?”

Kang Jin chuckled at the captain’s response. It seemed her earlier comment about lying leading directly to hell had struck a chord with him. She reassured him, “In the afterlife, even lies are judged during your trial.”

“I’ve prepared stir-fried octopus… grilled pork belly… and Japanese-style rolled omelet…”

“You seem to be quite skilled at cooking.”

The captain chuckled awkwardly at Kang Jin’s compliment.

“Uh… I just followed recipes from convenience stores.”

Kang Jin smiled warmly at her response.

“Oh, those recipes are indeed excellent.”

“Absolutely! Convenience store recipes never disappoint.”

“That’s true. And it doesn’t matter if you didn’t cook everything yourself, right? The effort lies in thoughtfully preparing the meal ahead of time.”

“Yes… that’s right,” agreed the captain.

Considering the ingredients available in the kitchen, Kang Jin suggested, “Since smoked pork belly is similar to bacon, how about I serve you bacon with stir-fried octopus and Japanese-style rolled omelet?”

“Is it really okay for me to have all that?”

Kang Jin responded to Choi Hun’s question with enthusiasm.

“Of course! Enjoy your meal.”

The captain nodded briefly at Kang Jin’s words.

“Thank you.”

With that, Kang Jin acknowledged his gratitude and headed back into the kitchen. She sliced some meat, soaked it in water, and took out eggs and short ribs. After gathering her ingredients, she opened up a cooking reference book and quickly flipped through its pages.

Japanese Rolled Omelet

Prepare three eggs per person. Crack them into a bowl and add sugar…

As Kang Jin read the recipe for Japanese rolled omelets, she raised an eyebrow.

Why does it require so many ingredients?

Unlike regular omelets, which typically only need salt and vegetables, Japanese rolled omelets included various additional elements such as sugar, salt, mirin, soy sauce, and milk…

Soy sauce and milk…

Kang Jin nodded as she finished reading the recipe and started gathering ingredients to mix together.


She quickly cracked eggs into a bowl and whisked them with chopsticks before adding seasoning and milk, pausing at one point with confusion.

What kind of taste will this have?

Adding sugar made it clear that the omelet would be sweet, but considering soy sauce, seaweed broth, and milk were also included, she couldn’t predict how they’d all blend together.

I’ll have to try some once it’s done.

With that thought, Kang Jin put down the beaten eggs and began seasoning the oxtail bones. Food always tastes best when eaten right after cooking, so her plan was to prepare everything beforehand and start cooking just before eleven o’clock.

Gurgle, gurgle!

Kang Jin smiled as he tasted the boiling seaweed soup.


The savory flavor of tender beef combined with the warm and rich broth was comforting to his soul.

With a grin on his face, Kang Jin placed the oxtail bones in a frying pan and started sautéing them.

Sizzle, sizzle!

As the oxtails cooked, he began making Japanese-style rolled omelets. He poured beaten eggs into the frying pan, stirred it with chopsticks, pushed it to one side, then added more egg mixture.

It’s similar to making regular scrambled eggs. Makes sense since this is also an omelet.

Muttering to himself, Kang Jin continued rolling the omelet while simultaneously shaking the frying pan containing the oxtails with his other hand.

Sizzle! Sizzle!

As Kang Jin cooked, Bae Yongsoo appeared beside him.


“Should we serve food now?”

Kang Jin glanced at Bae Yongsoo’s words and noticed his spiritual form watching him closely.

“It’s already eleven o’clock?”

“Yes, it is.”

Following Yongsoo’s suggestion, Kang Jin peeked into the hall where ghosts were gradually entering one by one.

“I’ll set out the rice; please ask the guests what they’d like to eat.”


Bae Yongsoo ventured into the hall and addressed the incoming ghosts.

“What would you like to order?”

As the ghosts started listing their preferences, Yongsoo attentively listened and memorized their choices.

“Understood,” he responded.

Watching Yongsoo retrieve menus, Kang Jin briefly checked on the hall again.

Captain Lee and Choi Hun looked at each other with surprise, touching their faces.

“Your face…”


“Oh no!”

Kang Jin smiled as he watched them stroke each other’s faces while preparing the food.

Bae Yongsoo entered the kitchen and started taking ingredients out of the refrigerator.

“What should I do?” Kang Jin asked him.

“You just finish making that dish first,” Bae Yongsoo replied.

“All righty!”

As they spoke, Kang Jin placed some thick egg rolls on a cutting board. He began slicing them with his knife.


The egg rolls easily separated under his blade. Kang Jin transferred the slices to a bowl, then grabbed one last piece for himself and popped it into his mouth.

“Phew! Phew!”

It was hot since he had just made it, but once he started chewing, he found it quite tasty.

I didn’t know egg omelets could be sweet. Maybe adding milk makes them softer as well? Anyway…it’s pretty good.

Kang Jin smiled at the taste and served the stir-fried pork ribs, seaweed soup, and rice before leaving the dining area alone.

“Your food is ready.” Kang Jin’s announcement prompted the captain and Choi Hun to look up from their conversation toward the dishes.

As they did so, Kang Jin addressed them. “Welcome to One Meal Restaurant, where ghosts can dine on human food like any other person.”

Choi Hun glanced between Kang Jin and the spread of food. “Thank you for welcoming us here.”

“Please enjoy your meal.”

Kang Jin slightly bowed and turned away to give them space to enjoy their meal comfortably. However, he spotted the refrigerator with alcohol, grabbed some soju, and brought it over to their table.

“Happy birthday.”

Choi Hun smiled as he glanced at the soju bottle.

“Thank you.”

Today wasn’t his actual birthday. But Choi Hun’s birthday coincided with the day they passed away, and Kang Jin wanted to celebrate since they never got to exchange gifts while alive.

“There’s more alcohol and beverages in that refrigerator if you need any additional servings.”

“Got it, thank you.”

With that, Kang Jin retreated to the kitchen, allowing them to dine peacefully.

Sizzle! Ssszzz!

Sung Yongsoo smiled as he glanced towards the hall while grilling some pork belly on a frying pan.

“I envy them.”

Kang Jin looked at Sung Yongsoo’s words.

“You envy them?”

“All these ghosts here are alone…but they’re a couple. They won’t be lonely.”

At Sung Yongsoo’s words, Kang Jin shook his head.


Curious about Kang Jin shaking his head, Sung Yongsoo stared at him. In response, Kang Jin clicked his tongue.

“It can’t feel good to lose someone you love.”

“That’s… true.” Sung Yongsoo nodded with a sigh. Upon reflection…

If it were me, I would have wanted my partner to live.

No one wishes for their loved ones to die unless committing suicide together. Love means wanting your significant other to live even if you don’t.

Even if he died, Kang Jin would have wanted his opponent to live on; this is what love entails.

As Bae Yongsoo flipped over the grilled pork belly, he started pulling out milk and flour from the refrigerator.

“What are you making?”

“It’s a special dish for my beloved lover.” Sung Yongsoo said as he looked towards Kang Jin.

“You cook today,” Sung Yongsoo said while handing him a pair of tongs.

Kang Jin took the tongs and continued flipping the grilled pork belly whilst watching Yongsoo.

Sung Yongsoo poured some flour into a bowl, added milk, then began cracking eggs into it.

‘What is he trying to make?’

Under Kang Jin’s gaze, Sung Yongsoo started mixing the milk and flour together.

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