Chapter 121
After feeling Kim Bongnam’s pulse, Heo Yeonwook shook his head while looking at Kang Jin.
“It seems too early for him to handle ginseng.”
Hearing this, Kang Jin looked disappointed as he addressed Kim Bongnam.
“Your body might not yet tolerate wild ginseng.”
“I thought so.” With a smile, Kim Bongnam glanced at his wrist.
“But you’re quite skilled at pulse diagnosis.”
Kang Jin hadn’t realized it before, but both his and Dahyun-nim’s pulse diagnoses had reached the same conclusion.
“I’ve endured much hardship, honing my skills.”
“Why not formally study traditional medicine? Being a chef is great, but letting such talent go unused would be unfortunate.”
With a laugh, Kang Jin shook his head at Kim Bongnam’s suggestion.
“I’ve already attended school for quite some time, and going back to school again… Phew! Just thinking about it makes me dizzy.”
Kim Bongnam looked at Kang Jin before nodding understandingly.
“It’s unfortunate, but…I guess there’s nothing we can do.”
As Kim Bongnam spoke, Kang Jin discreetly glanced at Heo Yeonwook.
Moreover, these skills aren’t truly mine.
While Kang Jin observed Heo Yeonwook, Kim Bongnam placed the shopping bags he had brought onto the sink counter.
“Here’s the soju I asked you to get.”
Kim Bongnam pulled out four one-liter bottles from the shopping bags as he explained. Additionally, he revealed an empty bottle with intricate patterns etched on its surface.
“I thought this glass bottle would be perfect for infusing the liquor.”
“You must have known that I couldn’t consume alcohol?”
“I visit Monk Dahyun twice a week for treatment, so I know about my health condition. She mentioned it would be good to take herbal medicine once spring arrives, and since ginseng is known as a potent tonic, I thought this might work well.”
People often believe that herbal remedies boost one’s energy levels, but in reality, they should ideally be consumed when one has sufficient energy. Herbal medicines can even harm the body if taken without adequate vitality.
Kim Bongnam then examined the ginseng closely.
“I initially assumed Jangno-sam had unearthed this wild ginseng, but I didn’t expect it to be over a hundred years old.” Smiling, he looked at Kang Jin. “Do you know how to properly prepare ginseng?”
“Not really.”
With Kang Jin stepping aside, Kim Bongnam rolled up his sleeves and began skillfully preparing the ginseng.
Bongnam carefully brushed off the dirt and trimmed it without damaging any of its roots before suddenly asking,
“But there are no leaves?”
“There weren’t any when I dug it up.”
“So, you excavated it while still underground?”
“I don’t know who did this, but they’re quite skilled. To extract such a ginseng root without seeing the leaves is impressive.” As he spoke, Kim Bongnam meticulously cleaned the remaining soil with water. He then grabbed a bottle of soju and poured some over the ginseng like one would rinse fruits or vegetables. Carefully opening the cap, he attached the string from the lid to a nearby tree branch. Next, he opened another container filled with more soju and poured it into the bottle.
Gushhh! Glugghh!
The strong scent of alcohol wafted as the liquor filled the bottle.
“This stuff’s potent.”
“This is also something we make ourselves; it’s about fifty proof.”
“That sounds strong.”
“You can use regular soju, but aged mountain ginseng liquor tastes better over time, which requires more poisonous insects. That’s why I asked you to bring stronger soju, right?”
“Oh…right.” Kim Bongnam nodded at Kang Jin’s explanation and carefully placed the ginseng root inside the bottle. After securing the cork, he looked up at Kang Jin.
“Do you have any wax candles?”
“Yes, I do.”
Kang Jin retrieved a candle from a kitchen drawer. Kim Bongnam lit the candle using the gas stove, then tilted it to drip wax onto the seams of the cork, sealing them shut.
“This way, no air will get in.”
“I see.”
As they were busy sealing the jar with wax in the kitchen, one of their guests called out to Kang Jin from outside.
When Kang Jin emerged, he found the guests already finished eating and standing up at their table.
“We’d like the bill, please.”
Kang Jin quoted the price and received payment. With that first table settled, others also rose from their seats to pay for their meals.
After bidding farewell to all his customers, Kang Jin glanced back towards the kitchen. Kim Bongnam was still sealing the lid with melted candle wax.
Finally, Kim Bongnam lifted his hand away.
“Make sure this wax doesn’t fall off. And occasionally reseal it by melting more wax over it.”
Kim Bongnam dusted his hands while smiling. “This is quite…”
“Why is that?”
“I need at least ten years before I can enjoy this fine liquor…”
“Ten years?”
“For such high-quality ginseng, it’s best to let it steep for about ten years, wouldn’t you agree?” Kim Bongnam chuckled and continued, “Looks like we’ll have to stay friends for at least a decade.”
He implied that if they weren’t close by then, he might not get any of the ginseng-infused soju when it was finally ready.
Kang Jin laughed along with him. “I’d actually prefer our friendship to last well beyond ten years… Perhaps we should wait even longer before opening this bottle.”
“Haha! At this rate, I might not live long enough to taste it!” Kang Jin watched as Kim Bongnam joked lightly.
“We have some kimchi from our recent kimjang day. Would you like to join me for a bowl of rice?”
“That sounds great. Nothing beats freshly made kimchi right after kimjang.”
“Please take a seat; I’ll bring it over.” Kang Jin scooped out rice and added kimchi while speaking softly to Heo Yeonwook standing nearby.
“Is dandelion root okay with him?”
“It depends on the type. Regular dandelion root is fine, but medicinal-grade roots aged thirty years or more should be avoided.”
Taking note of Heo Yeonwook’s advice, Kang Jin brought out just the rice and kimchi.
“Dinner is served.”
“Looks delicious.” Smiling, Kim Bongnam generously placed a piece of kimchi atop his rice and popped it into his mouth.
Crunch, crunch!
The sound of chewing kimchi brought laughter to Kim Bongnam’s face.
“Rice paired with fresh kimchi—can’t go wrong!”
Kang Jin nodded at Kim Bongnam’s contented smile.
“Today’s guests also enjoyed kimchi.”
“That’s for sure. Koreans can’t live without it.” Smiling, Kim Bongnam added more kimchi to his rice and relished every bite.
After finishing his meal, he took a sip of water and remarked, “That was truly delicious.”
“Thank you,” replied Kang Jin with gratitude.
Kim Bongnam smiled warmly. “I usually express my appreciation when customers enjoy my food… Hearing those words from you feels quite refreshing.” He wiped his mouth with a tissue before continuing, “By the way, do you have any business cards for your restaurant?”
“I don’t have any business cards for my restaurant.”
“Wouldn’t it be better to have them for guests who want to make reservations?”
“You’re right about that.”
Having business cards would indeed facilitate reservations. With advance notice, he could prepare meals beforehand, allowing customers to dine promptly upon arrival.
Kim Bongnam then took out his phone, found a number, and showed it to Kang Jin.
“I’ll contact him first, so call me when you need your order.”
Business Card Printer
“Thank you.”
As Kang Jin entered the number into his phone, Kim Bongnam stood up.
“Well, let the ginseng liquor age properly now.”
“Yes, sir. And…”
Kang Jin went to the kitchen and returned with a bag.
“This is for you.”
“What’s this?”
“A dandelion root.”
“You must’ve dug up quite a variety on that mountain.” Smiling, Kim Bongnam opened the bag, but his expression turned to surprise at what he saw inside. He had expected it to be just any ordinary dandelion root from the mountainside, but it wasn’t.
“What is this…?”
“I was told it’s about thirty years old.”
Kim Bongnam nodded as he carefully removed the item from the bag.
“This precious thing…
“It can be harmful if consumed raw like ginseng, so please soak it in alcohol when you get home.”
“But it’s too valuable…”
As someone well-versed in fine ingredients, Kim Bongnam recognized its worth immediately upon seeing the dandelion root.
While sharing ginseng roots was common practice, offering dandelion roots as gifts made it harder for Kang Jin to accept easily.
Kim Bongnam noticed Kang Jin’s hesitation and said, “Um…”
“Is there something you need?”
“Well, our guests seem to really enjoy Gamhongro.”
“Oh! Great. I also feel guilty just accepting such valuable items, so this works out perfectly. Let me pack some Gamhongro and royal pastries for you.”
“Thank you very much.”
Although it couldn’t be considered a simple exchange, Kang Jin had indeed hoped to obtain some Gamhongro for Kim Sohee.
“No, that’s not necessary…”
Kim Bongnam took out his phone and made a call. “Tell Chongsik to send twenty bottles of Gamhongro and two sets of palace pastries to the store I previously mentioned.”
Seeing Kim Bongnam hang up abruptly, Kang Jin remarked, “Twenty bottles might be excessive…”
“It’s not enough to reciprocate such valuable gifts.”
“Then I gratefully accept them.”
As they continued their conversation, Kang Jin subtly nodded towards Bae Yongsoo and Heo Yeonwook. This was a signal for them to leave temporarily since Yunam Restaurant employees couldn’t locate the shop due to the ghost presence earlier. Accordingly, Bae Yongsoo and Heo Yeonwook exited the store.
Shortly after, someone resembling a Yunam Restaurant employee entered with multiple shopping bags in both hands.
“Suksoon-ssi.” The employee bowed, and Kim Bongnam warmly greeted him, taking the shopping bags and placing them on the dining table.
Thud! Thud!
Kim Bongnam then retrieved a wooden box from one bag and set it on the table before pulling out an elegant hanji box from another.
When he opened the hanji box, brightly colored snacks were revealed.
“They look pretty.”
“People often think of Korean cuisine as simple and rough, but that isn’t true for palace or banquet meals. In particular, there was great emphasis on harmonizing five colors representing the Five Elements…”
As Kim Bongnam explained, he chuckled.
“I unintentionally started sounding like my teacher now. While understanding the significance behind food is important, taste matters most. Go ahead and try one.”
Following Kim Bongnam’s suggestion, Kang Jin picked up a pink-colored hanguo snack and popped it into his mouth.
The crispy exterior gave way to a delightful sweetness and smoothness upon biting into it.
“Ah… It’s delicious.”
Smiling at Kang Jin’s words, Kim Bongnam lifted a pouch.
“It seems I’ll put this to good use then.”
“Put it to use?”
Kang Jin looked puzzled at Kim Bongnam’s comment about not eating it himself.
“As you said, consuming this could harm me, so I should share it with others.”
Kim Bongnam turned to one of his staff and offered them the dandelion root.
“Take a look.”
The employee examined the contents of the bag, their face filled with surprise.
“This…seems to be over thirty years old!”
As expected from someone working at Yunam Restaurant, they immediately recognized the dandelion root. Kim Bongnam responded:
“It may not be much, but there should be enough for each chef to have a taste.”
“You’re letting us eat such a precious item?”
“Why? Don’t you want it?”
Hastily shaking their head, the employee replied:
“No, not at all! I definitely want to try it.”
Kim Bongnam chuckled and nodded approvingly.
“You need to understand its flavor to cook with it properly. So don’t worry about wasting such a precious ingredient; just taste it.”
“I’ll enjoy it, thank you.”
Kim Bongnam nodded at the employee’s response and then turned towards Kang Jin.
“Well, see you next time.”
“Leaving already?”
“Now that we’ve unearthed this treasure, it will inevitably start wilting. It’s best to consume it while still fresh.”
Kang Jin nodded as Kim Bongnam held up the bag containing the dandelion roots.
“We’ll meet again soon.”
“Please visit our restaurant sometime. Since you’ve given us something valuable, I’ll treat you to a good meal.”
“That would be appreciated.”
“Alright, we’re off now.”
With a smile, Kim Bongnam left the store accompanied by his staff member, waving goodbye. Kang Jin watched them depart before returning inside to move boxes of soju into the kitchen.
I should give these to Sohee.
He hid them away so other ghosts wouldn’t try to consume them.
At 11 o’clock, ghosts gathered outside Kang Jin’s shop, including some familiar faces.
In response to Kang Jin’s call, Choi Hocheol waved his hand.
“How did you get here?”
Recently, Choi Hocheol had been spending time with female ghosts who were close to the evil spirit. It had been quite a while since he last visited Kang Jin’s shop. He chuckled and shrugged at Kang Jin’s question.
“That bastard is dead.”
Kang Jin looked at him, surprised by Choi Hocheol’s statement.
The evil ghost is dead?
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