Chapter 84: A Sword Between His Teeth (1)

The large auditorium capable of seating five thousand people was packed without an empty seat to be found. While most attendees were mages, numerous nobles and merchants from across the continent had also gathered for this year’s Academic Festival. There appeared to be some members of royal families as well. Everyone eagerly awaited the commencement of the presentation.

Gradually, the lights illuminating the room dimmed.


A single beam shone down on the center of the stage, revealing a man standing there. Soon, his image was projected onto the ceiling like a giant billboard, courtesy of the organizers of the festival for the audience’s benefit.

“Ahem.” The sharply dressed gentleman cleared his throat. “Can everyone hear me?”

It sounded like he was using holy magic to amplify his voice throughout the vast auditorium. After confirming it worked correctly, he proceeded with his prepared speech.

“Thank you all for attending the 127th Fall Academic Festival of Continental Towers. I am Fon, your host for today’s event. The order of presentations can be found on the handout distributed at the entrance, so please refer to that.”

A rustling sound echoed from various directions as attendees retrieved their programs. The host then briefly provided additional information about the festival.

“Before we begin the main presentations, please note that only the chairmen participating in this year’s Academic Festival have the right to ask questions during the Q&A sessions. This decision was made due to the overwhelming number of distinguished guests attending.”

As soon as the host finished speaking, images of mages seated on the front row of the VIP section appeared on the ceiling. They were the chairmen from each tower presenting at this year’s Academic Festival. The image then switched back to the host.

“Well, with that out of the way…let us begin the 127th Annual Academic Festival, which so many have been eagerly awaiting!”

The boisterous host swiftly pointed toward one side of the stage.

“Our first presenter is from…the Wish Tower.”

With that cue, an elderly man walked into the spotlight—none other than Dexter. He strode neither too quickly nor too slowly onto the illuminated platform and glanced around.

Finally, I stand here.

Dexter could feel ten thousand eyes focused on him.

“Whew…” He took a deep breath before addressing those gathered. “Greetings, everyone. My name is Dexter, chairman of the Tower of Wishes. Some of you may already know this, but let me explain for anyone unfamiliar with our organization…”

He paused briefly before continuing.

“The Tower of Wishes is the only institution dedicated to studying gadgets within the Autumn Continent. Our tower’s primary focus is unraveling the principles behind countless devices.” Pride for the Tower of Wishes was evident in Dexter’s voice.

“That’s why today we will showcase our latest invention. Ideally, I should provide you with detailed explanations, but…this old man isn’t great at public speaking. So instead of lengthy descriptions, I’d rather show you the results directly.”

Dexter took another deep breath after finishing his speech. Despite trying to appear calm, his heart was pounding wildly. For decades, he had worked tirelessly toward this very moment. It would be a lie if he claimed not to feel nervous or jittery. However, despite his racing heartbeat, his eyes sparkled with passion.

He gazed intently at one corner of the auditorium.

C’mon, make your entrance.

It was time to prove that all the years spent pursuing his dream were worth it.

Dexter’s fervent gaze fixed on the shadowed area of the auditorium.


A strange sound emerged from the darkness.


The massive noise reverberated with an eerie rhythm as Dexter’s voice boomed over it.

“Over fifty years of researching gadgets! Throughout this time, I have pursued one singular truth: Gadgets, like holy magic and martial arts, can transcend human limitations! What you’re about to witness will prove my theory!”

As Dexter spoke, the Transcender slowly revealed itself.


An enormous silver figure lumbered toward the stage, its bipedal gait illuminated by spotlights. With heavy footsteps, it reached the center of the auditorium, knelt on one knee, and waited regally, projecting an image reminiscent of a king awaiting his command onto the dome ceiling above.

Gasps of astonishment erupted throughout the hall.

“A giant?!”

“What is that thing?!”


“That’s also considered a gadget?”

As the first presentation of the event, Dexter’s introduction of the five-meter-tall iron-armored giant shattered many preconceived notions about gadgets, including those held by the organizers themselves.

“Wh-what is that?!”

When scheduling presentations for the Academic Festival, the organizers had dismissed Tower of Wishes’s topic as unimportant and placed them first on the agenda. The reason was simple: It involved a gadget.

Although researching various types of holy magic and their applications fell under gadget studies, most mages regarded it as secondary. They believed practicing even one more holy spell would lead to quicker growth and recognition than studying gadgets.

The unexpected announcement for the first presentation caught the organizers off guard.

Buzzzzz… Buzzzzz…

Perhaps due to the intense start, the audience remained abuzz even after the presentation ended.

Meanwhile, inside the Transcender that had captured everyone’s attention…

“Ugh… It’s cramped.” Louis grumbled as he leaned forward.

Although the interior was modified for piloting, the rushed job left much to be desired. The space turned out narrower than anticipated; even Louis, who was small-statured, could only operate it by crouching awkwardly.

‘This isn’t what I envisioned…’

Louis had dreamt of a cockpit adorned with dazzling buttons and various levers.

‘An interface responding automatically to the pilot’s thoughts wouldn’t be bad either…’

Instead, he was cramped inside a narrow space, manipulating joystick-like controls and pressing buttons. Despite this harsh reality being completely different from his dreams, Louis gave it his all.

I need to make a strong impression if I want people to remember me as the first operator!

While Louis diligently performed his duties, Dexter also did his part by enthusiastically explaining things to the audience.

He pointed at the Transcender and raised his voice dramatically. “This is known as the Transcender. Although classified as a gadget, it surpasses conventional limitations of such items.”

Dexter gestured with his eyes toward one side of the room. Pablo and Douglas entered carrying a thick steel beam, placed it on the ground, then disappeared again.

Dexter’s voice grew louder. “Not only those trained in holy or martial magic but even…”


The Transcender stood up as if responding to Dexter’s voice. Dexter continued without paying attention to its movements, having already coordinated with Louis earlier.

“Even ordinary people without Attribute Power can—!”

Just as Dexter’s booming voice captivated the audience, their eyes were glued to what was happening at center stage.


The Transcender bent down and grabbed hold of the steel bar. Although its movements weren’t yet smooth enough to mimic human actions perfectly, this didn’t bother those witnessing it for the first time. To them, it was simply fascinating. What followed next completely blew their minds away.


The Transcender slowly bent its arm while holding onto a thick steel beam as wide as an adult male’s forearm. As it did so, the beam gradually began to fold.

Dexter paused briefly before continuing his speech. “This Transcender created by our Tower of Wishes will lead humanity beyond their current limitations!”


As Dexter finished speaking, the steel beam folded completely in half.


A heavy thud echoed throughout the auditorium when the Transcender released the beam, making it clear that this was indeed solid metal.

Once silence settled over the room, Dexter concluded his presentation. “…With that, we conclude the Tower of Wishes announcement and will now take questions.”

The presentation lasted less than five minutes—a mere blip compared to the time invested in developing the Transcender. However, this brief moment would have far-reaching consequences, as evidenced by countless hands raised among the chairmen eager to ask questions.

Dexter remained on high alert.

It’s not over yet.

They had unveiled their invention before many witnesses, but it was during the Q&A session that they’d discover if others recognized its potential.

With a serious expression, Dexter pointed at one of the mages.

“Please go ahead.”

“I am Heron from the White Tree tower. Earlier, you mentioned that proficiency in holy or martial magic does not matter. Does that mean even those without Attribute Power can operate your gadget?”

“Yes, indeed. Although Transcenders rely on Attribute Power and holy magic, ordinary people can still operate them.”

Before Dexter could finish his answer, another question came from beside him.

“It’s Chairman Donners of the Flaming Tower. If even non-mages can use them, does that mean someone is piloting the gadget right now?”

“Exactly as you surmised. Currently, one user inside is controlling the Transcender.”


After these initial exchanges, questions started pouring in from all directions.

“How long can this gadget be utilized?”

“Theoretically, with maximum output, its limit is currently 30 minutes.”

“How long does it take to manufacture one?”

“With sufficient time, materials, and manpower, we can produce at least one per year.”

“Can you share the holy magic spell used for its creation? Even just an approximation would be helpful.”

“That information is classified.”

The exchange of questions and answers continued briskly. Dexter kindly responded to each query. As time went on, the number of inquiries gradually decreased. Most had been relatively straightforward until now, but the tone shifted abruptly.

A person clad in an ivory robe sitting in the front row raised their hand and stood up.

“It’s Chairman Blake from the Thunderous Tower.”

“Please ask your question.”

“Can you explain what this Transcender gadget can actually do?”

”…What exactly are you asking?”

“I’m asking if bending a steel bar is the full extent of its capabilities.”


“Well, it’s clear that this metallic doll-like gadget possesses extraordinary strength beyond ordinary bravery. But can it move like warriors trained in martial arts or display supernatural abilities akin to mages who’ve mastered holy magic?”

Dexter felt his emotions welling up at Blake’s line of questioning but managed to suppress them with superhuman restraint before responding.

”…The Transcender project is still in its early stages. There is indeed much room for improvement.”

“Heh-heh, I see. Then how long will it take to achieve these improvements? Ten years? Twenty years? Or perhaps fifty or even a hundred?”


Dexter couldn’t answer easily because even as its developer, he wasn’t sure how long it would take for the Transcender to move like a true warrior.

But Blake’s barrage of questions continued unabated.

“And assuming you complete these improvements, do you really believe this gadget can match the power of a real warrior?”


The room fell silent at Dexter’s inability to respond. Everyone watched Dexter and Blake intently, except one person who was boiling with anger.

That damn old man!

Louis, seated inside the Transcender cockpit, seethed. Dexter had poured his life into creating the Transcender, embodying Louis’ own dreams, only for Blake to crap all over them. There was no way Louis could let that slide.

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