Chapter 58: The Battle for Discipleship, III

Louis looked at Aiden with disinterested eyes as he explained his lack of enthusiasm.

“The second-largest tower?”


“So you’re saying it’s not even the largest tower, just the second-largest? And you’re only the vice tower master?”

“Well…” With Louis’s interest clearly waning, Aiden hastily tried to explain himself. “Th-there are over a hundred towers on the Autumn Continent alone. Although we’re ranked second, our tower is still among the top twenty out of nearly a thousand across all four continents!”

Despite Aiden’s best efforts to promote his tower, Louis’s lost interest could not be regained.

“I’m still not interested…”

“…” Louis’s lack of enthusiasm left Aiden speechless.

Louis reeled in his fishing rod and turned away from the crestfallen Aiden. His delicate white hands began tidying up around him. Once he finished, Louis bowed politely to Aiden.

“It was nice talking with you. Good-bye.”


Louis briskly walked off, leaving behind a flustered Aiden staring blankly after him.

Aiden finally snapped out of it when another fisherman returned, sporting a bushy mustache.

“Huh? Where did that Louis kid go?”

The fisherman immediately scanned the area for Louis upon his return. As soon as he did, Aiden snapped out of it and urgently asked:

“Is that boy’s name Louis?”

“What?” The fisherman finally noticed Aiden standing there dumbfounded. With bright eyes and a strong presence, the old man exuded the aura of a second-tier hunter, subtly overwhelming those around him. Intimidated, the fisherman stammered:

“I-if you mean th-the white-haired kid… Yes, sir.”

“Thank you. May your nets be full today.”

“Th-thank you, sir.”

Aiden patted the fisherman on the shoulder with satisfaction before turning away, leaving behind a bewildered man. Determination shone on Aiden’s face.

This won’t be easy.

Had Louis been an ordinary person or even of lower caliber, he would have been intimidated by Aiden’s energy like most people were. Instead, Louis didn’t back down and had even dared to mock him before leaving.

“Heh-heh-heh.” Aiden found this very appealing.

Not only is he talented, but his personality shines as well! He has it all!

Aiden, who had thick skin himself, perceived Louis’s attitude as strong-willed rather than disrespectful.

Nice! Anyone walking the path of mana must possess such fortitude!

Those with weak personalities would crumble when faced with obstacles instead of overcoming them. In Aiden’s eyes, Louis was a prodigy destined for greatness.

“Ha-ha, what a charming brat!”

Aiden believed Louis had what it took to lead the revival of the tower and wouldn’t give up at this minor hurdle.

It’s probably because he’s shy around strangers. Once we get more comfortable with each other, I’m sure he’ll open up.

Despite Aiden being completely mistaken, there was no one present to correct him.

I’ve got twenty days left, not just today.

If they spent enough time together, Louis would surely warm up to him eventually. That’s what Aiden firmly believed. With a hopeful grin, he walked away, hands clasped behind his back.

The next day…


“Tsk… What’s he even good for?”

Louis looked disapprovingly at Pablo, who was still suffering from seasickness.

Pablo writhed like a corpse and reached out to Louis. “H-help me…”


His hand fell limply as if he were on his deathbed. However, since he occasionally twitched, it appeared that he wasn’t quite dead yet. For some time, Pablo lay motionless.

“…Huff!” He suddenly gasped loudly and grabbed Louis’s ankle, making him look eerily like a zombie.

“…Spare me…” Louis sighed, feeling pity for Pablo’s trembling hands.

“Oh well, I guess this is my fate.” Resigned, Louis once again cast holy magic on Pablo’s head.

“Ahhhhh…” Pablo let out a strange moan and fell asleep instantly with the most peaceful expression Louis had ever seen on him.

With his task complete, Louis dusted off his hands and rose to leave Pablo behind. That is, until an unexpected voice stopped him.

“My boy.” A figure clad in black robes suddenly appeared at one corner of the room, blocking Louis’s path.

“Mr. Twaht!” Startled, Louis stumbled back, shrieking at the newcomer. “Don’t sneak up on me like that!”

“Heh-heh, my apologies.”

A hearty laugh emerged from beneath the robe.

Louis snapped irritably, “I told you not to pop up unannounced!”

“Heh-heh, forgive me. But tell me, did I not just witness you casting some holy magic there?”

“Oh dear, pretending not to know me again?”

“Wh-what do you mean…?” The man under the robe hesitated and stammered defensively at Louis’s curt tone.

But Louis had no intention of letting him finish his sentence.

“I—I’m not doing this!”

“…Doing what?”

“I refuse to be your disciple!”

“How dare—!” The figure flinched as if startled.

Louis glared at him. “Are you senile or something? I already told you yesterday that I have zero interest!”

“What are you talking about? This is my first time seeing you!”

“You really are senile… Wait, huh?” Louis’s frustration turned to surprise when the old man removed his robe. He mumbled in confusion upon seeing the face beneath it.

“H-huh? …That can’t be.”

It was indeed the same old man with the long white beard from yesterday, but there was one distinct difference between them: The newcomer…

He’s bald!

Yesterday’s elder had boasted an unusually thick head of hair for his age, while this new fellow sported a shiny dome.

The bewildered Louis blinked rapidly as the bald old man retrieved something from within his robes to show him. It was the platinum badge he’d seen yesterday.

“My dear boy, my name is Logan, and I am the vice tower master of Dusk Tower on the continent of Autumn.”


Was it just Louis’s imagination, or did that introduction sound oddly familiar?

Louis was rendered speechless.

The old man continued with a wide grin, seemingly oblivious to Louis’s reaction. “Would you accept me as your mentor?”


Despite his age, Logan appeared quite fit and healthy, smiling brightly at Louis. The young man couldn’t help but feel uneasy, staring blankly up at him.

Is this déjà vu?

No, it felt more like someone had reversed time itself. With trepidation, Louis asked:

“By any chance… is Grandfather’s tower also on the autumn continent?”

“Oh! So you’ve heard of it!”

“Could it be the first one?” Louis hesitantly questioned.

At this inquiry, Logan flinched slightly.

Avoiding Louis’s gaze, Logan replied, “No, not first…but third.”

“Oh, I see…” Louis slowly backed away from him.

However, Logan wasn’t about to let Louis off that easily and pursued him relentlessly.

“Be my disciple!”

“…” Louis was taken aback.

Seriously, what is with these people?! Why are all the successors of the towers on this continent acting so bizarrely?

It had been quite some time since he’d felt this uncomfortable around someone.

I must have jinxed myself yesterday…

Dark clouds seemed to be gathering over his previously peaceful voyage.

These incidents were happening one after another every day now. Louis cautiously sized up the situation and made his decision.

I need to run away!

He was looking for an opportunity to make a break for it, but even that seemed impossible. The bald man before him emanated an extraordinary presence. Yesterday, Louis had been able to intimidate the old man with his words alone, but today, he felt overpowered by Logan’s aura. It wasn’t due to their difference in strength but rather from Logan’s sheer determination.

Louis could feel Logan’s overwhelming conviction: I will have you as my disciple! It unnerved him.

With intense focus, Logan firmly grasped Louis’s hand. “Please accept me as your master!”

“Oh…” Louis looked utterly horrified. He tried to free his arm but couldn’t break loose from Logan’s grip. Caught between two options…

Should I just hit him and run?

He weighed his sense of Eastern etiquette against attacking an elder. Just as he was about to tip toward the latter—

“You son of a biiitch!” A voice rang out, loud enough to shake the air around them.

It was a familiar voice that made Logan whip his head around instantly.

“Th-that voice is—?”

Aiden was charging at them with murder in his eyes. Even Louis flinched at Aiden’s ferocity. As soon as Logan released Louis’s wrist, though, Louis seized the opportunity to make a hasty escape.

Aiden’s next words left Louis stunned.

“You bastard! How dare you lay hands on my disciple!”

“What?” Logan’s face hardened at Aiden’s accusation.

The two men squared off with Louis caught between them, glaring fiercely at each other.

What is this asshole doing here?!

What is that son of a bitch doing here?!

They had been bitter rivals for some time now. The Dawn Tower and Dusk Tower were ranked second and third, respectively, among all towers on the fall continent. Not only were they geographically close to one another, but both vice tower masters shared the same goal of surpassing the number one tower. Consequently, their paths crossed often enough that avoiding each other was impossible.



Silence filled the air as they glared daggers at each other.

Aiden spoke first. “…What do you want with my disciple?”

“Your disciple?”

“Yes, he’s my disciple!” Logan turned to Louis and glared at him as if questioning his claim. Louis shook his head vigorously, denying it outright.

Seeing this, Logan bellowed, “See?! He said no!”

“But he will be my disciple soon enough!”

“Over your dead body!”

“It’s my choice!”

Their conversation was more akin to that of two squabbling children than mature adults, and it only deteriorated further with each passing moment.

“This is absurd!”

“You’re delusional! I chose Louis as my apprentice yesterday!”

“Oh-ho! So now you know his name?”

“Don’t think you can get away with stealing information from me, you thief!”

“Heh-heh. You just spilled the beans yourself… Are you already suffering from dementia at your age?”

The two old men bickered like children as they enjoyed the sea breeze on this sunny day. Naturally, Louis was mortified by their display.

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