Chapter 55: The Siren's Song (6) - Manhwa chapter 50

The audience looked puzzled as Louis ceased singing.

“What’s going on?”


“Is it over already?”

“But he’s still playing, isn’t he?”

Louis had been silent for quite some time, making the host wonder whether to wrap up his performance or not.

Just then…

”…On this cold winter night…”

A gentle voice flowed from behind the stage and resonated beautifully with the listeners.


“What was that?”

Everyone knew immediately—it wasn’t Louis’s voice.

A smile spread across Louis’s face at the sound. His fingers began dancing nimbly along the strings once more.

“I watched our beautiful child sleeping under her blanket.”

As the next verse continued, the identity of the singer was gradually revealed.


“It’s Lucia the Siren!”

The sudden appearance of Lucia startled the audience and sparked whispers, but they quickly quieted down as her clear voice captivated everyone present.

“It seems like my lovely child is having a pleasant dream. She’s smiling so beautifully.”

Singing, Lucia moved to the center of the stage and gazed calmly at the crowd.

Despite longing for this moment, despite wanting nothing more than to sing on this very stage, she had always been too afraid to step forward. But now, fear no longer gripped her; instead, she felt incredibly comfortable, almost unbelievably so. It was as if she had finally found her true place.

With a smile gracing her lips, Lucia continued singing.

Her captivating performance left the audience spellbound.

Then came the sound effects from the twins:

“Rustle rustle.”

“The child is giggling happily now.”

It was as if Lucia and the twins had rehearsed together; their voices harmonized seamlessly.

Rustle rustle…

How could it be so beautiful?

Gurgle gurgle…

The baby seems restless.

Wah wah…

Our child is crying.

Is she having a nightmare?

Fear spreads across her lovely face.

With a clear voice, Lucia sang the lyrics, reaching the final chorus that adorned the end of the song. She smiled at Louis and the twins who had set the stage for her.

Would you like to join me?

Her eyes seemed to ask this question, and accordingly, Lucia led the chorus.

“Hush now, hush now…”

“It’s okay, dear. We’re here for you.”

Long ago, Lucia’s parents had spoken these words to her as a child, and now she was saying them herself. Before Lucia sang this song to Louis, it was a comforting phrase from her parents when she couldn’t sing due to being trapped in her past. In this moment, Lucia offered herself the comfort her parents would have given if they were still alive.

“Aah! Aaaaah!”

As Lucia softly hummed, Louis joined in with his lyrics.

“Ah, the noise is gone. The monster has stopped.”

Then, the voices of Louis, Lucia, and the twins harmoniously blended together. The twins provided sound effects.

Lucia sang her parents’ song while Louis sang the child’s song:

Hush now…

My dear, there is nothing to fear. Daddy will defeat the monster with his axe.

Daddy! The monster is moving away. It’s running away!

Hush now…

My dear, you don’t need to be scared. If the monster still chases you, come for Mommy’s embrace.

Mommy! The snowstorm that had turned the world gray has stopped.

The entire lyrics of ‘Child’s Dream’ conveyed how the love from their parents dispelled the monsters in the child’s dreams, restoring peace within them. The audience, well aware of the meaning behind the lyrics, reached the peak of their immersion. Additionally, the emotional exchange between Lucia and Louis blossomed brilliantly.

Hush now…

My dear child, we’re here for you.

Ah, warm sunlight shines as snow melts away.



Finally, Louis and Lucia’s soft humming gradually faded into silence, bringing their story to an end.

However, there was no immediate reaction from the audience. They were still captivated by the dream-like performance of Louis and Lucia.

Suddenly, a sobbing voice broke the silence.

“Sob…Hic… It’s the siren… The siren has returned.”


The source of the tears was none other than Carrie. He couldn’t help but cry, deeply moved by Lucia’s singing, which he believed had never sounded more beautiful.

Clap, clap, clap!

“Bravo! Absolutely brilliant!” Carrie, his face covered in tears and snot, applauded enthusiastically while holding two large bouquets of flowers.

His applause sparked cheers from the crowd, joined by his henchmen.

Clap, clap, clap!

The wave of clapping quickly spread throughout the audience, filling the square with thunderous applause. Soon, loud cheers echoed across the stage.


At this reception, both the host and judges could only shake their heads.

Well… There’s no need for judging.

Even if they went through with it, everyone’s rankings were already clear except for first place.


Moana, watching from backstage, hurriedly wiped away her tears of joy.

Well done… My baby brother.

Considering all his struggles over the past few years, this moment felt even more significant for both Lucia and Moana.



“The twins!”

As thunderous cheers erupted around them, Lucia gently looked down at Louis, who was barely half her size.


The little boy beamed up at her, and she couldn’t help but smile back, her eyes glistening with tears.

“Thank you…,” she whispered softly.


Her voice was drowned out amidst the loud cheers, but their eyes met, conveying her gratitude perfectly.

At that moment, Louis grabbed Lucia’s hand and pulled her along.

“C’mon, this way.”

“Huh? What?!”

Even as they descended from the stage, the applause continued unabated. Ignoring the commotion, Louis briskly led Lucia away until they reached Carrie.

Louis paused briefly while Carrie approached them with two large bouquets of flowers. She swiftly took one bouquet from him.

“Heh-heh, why did you bring these?”


Carrie suddenly realized why Louis had instructed him to prepare the bouquets.

Carrie glared at Louis with annoyance. “…Did you have me bring them for yourself?”

“Oh geez, I had no idea you’d go to such lengths. You could’ve come empty-handed.”

“…But you told me to get these.”

“Well, since you went through all this trouble, I’ll accept them.” He chuckled as if he were doing Carrie a favor by taking what he himself had requested.

Carrie rolled her eyes at Louis’s antics. Then Louis whispered something quietly so only she could hear while struggling to hold the bouquet almost as big as his entire body.

“What’s up?”


“There are two bouquets here, right? Did you plan on giving one to someone else?”

“Oh…!” Finally, Carrie looked down at the flowers still remaining in her hands.

Louis’s gaze shifted to Lucia standing off to one side. As soon as Carrie met her eyes, he froze like a statue. Louis whispered as he brushed past him.

“The moment matters more than the gift itself.”

With that, Louis gently nudged Carrie forward.


Carrie hesitated briefly but eventually approached Lucia with the flowers. She bashfully accepted them with a small smile. Louis watched this exchange with a mischievous grin.

“Young love…” He then gazed up at the starlit night sky.

On the final day of the Wishing Ceremony, the song of sirens echoed through the night sky of Luft Hagenn for the first time in ages.

The eventful Wishing Ceremony had finally come to an end, and it was time for Louis’s group to board their ship back home from the Winter Continent.

A tearful drama unfolded at the pier.

“You’re really leaving?”


Having grown attached to each other during their stay, tears welled up as the siren sisters hugged Louis and the twins goodbye.

Pablo watched this scene unfold and interjected, “Um…excuse me… I’m going with them too.”

“Shut up! You were always drinking instead of taking care of our kids!”

“But those drinks were necessary—”

“No excuses for your poor parenting!”

“Ugh…” Pablo lowered his head sheepishly like a husband enduring scolding after coming home drunk.

Moana ignored him, squeezing her face between the twins’ cheeks while sobbing.

“You won’t forget me, Kha…Kha…Khan…?”

“Nope, I’ll never forget you!”

“Don’t worry!”

“We’ll see each other again, right?”

“Yes, definitely!”


The twins’ cheeks were squished like sticky rice cakes as they giggled and waved their arms around.

Louis faced a similar situation with Lucia.



“Can we not be sisters anymore? Can’t you stay here instead of going back?”

“I can’t.” Louis firmly rejected Lucia’s plea despite the urgency to return home quickly. Seeing tears welling up in her eyes, he sighed and relented slightly.

“I’ll come back…”

“You promise! Promise!” As Lucia hugged him tightly, Louis patted her on the back helplessly.

Just then…


Louis spotted a boy with fire in his eyes standing at one end of the pier.

“Hold on.” Louis gently detached Lucia and approached Carrie, whose jealousy was palpable.

“You’re back?”


“Oh, Sis Lucia’s embrace is truly warm, heh-heh.”

“You little…” Carrie glared at Louis’s provocation.

Louis returned the stare without backing down, and their glaring contest continued for some time until Carrie ended it by tossing something to Louis.


“…?” Louis looked down at the small box now in his hand and grinned as soon as he realized what it contained.

With his lip jutting out, Carrie explained, “I promised you this.”

He had agreed to give Louis the necklace in exchange for returning the siren’s song. And now, he was keeping his promise.

Louis eagerly opened the box.


“What?” He blinked at its contents.

Alongside the promised Siren’s Tear, there lay a large ring inside the box.

Confused, Louis looked up at Carrie. “What’s this for?”

“…Just take it with you.”


“When you return to Luft Hagenn later, show them that ring. It should help you anywhere affiliated with House Bunt.”

“Oh, I see.”

“Well, personally, I hope you never come back here again.”

Louis chuckled as Carrie grumbled.

Then, unexpectedly, Carrie blurted out, “Hey!”


“Th-thanks for everything.” Flustered, he rushed off after spitting out those words quickly.

With his face flushed, Carrie spewed out words like a machine gun before running off.

Louis shouted after him, “Don’t listen to those old men and do anything weird! Stick with what I told you!”

“S-shut up! I’ll figure it out myself!” Realizing that Louis’s advice was about winning over women, Carrie yelled back as he sprinted away.

As Louis chuckled while watching Carrie quickly disappear, an announcement signaled their imminent departure.

“The autumn continental cruise is departing shortly. All passengers, please board immediately.”

The group boarded the large passenger ship, leaving behind the sisters of Siren Rest who seemed disappointed at having to part ways so soon.


After sounding its long horn, the massive oars began rowing, setting the ship on its journey.

“Come back soon!”

“You must return!”

Louis and the twins waved goodbye to the sisters who remained at the pier, waving their hands until the very end.



Louis spotted Carrie, whom he thought had already left, standing at the edge of the pier watching the departing ship. Louis couldn’t help but chuckle.

“That brat, quite adorable.”

While Louis considered himself cuter, Carrie’s actions were indeed charming. Their initial impression of Carrie hadn’t been favorable, but getting to know her revealed she was a good person.

Good luck with Lucia. Keep trying, even if it takes a hundred attempts; maybe you’ll succeed once.

Internally, Louis wished Carrie well.


As the massive sail unfurled, the ship swiftly picked up speed, gradually leaving Luft Hagenn behind.

“Whee! It was fun here!” Stretching, Louis turned his back on the winter continent.

Louis stretched and turned away from Winter Continent. Their next destination was Autumn Continent. He already looked forward to its abundance.

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