Chapter 48: Young Lovebirds (II)
Pablo was startled by Louis’s rapidly darkening expression.
H-he’s furious!
Having worked with Louis for half a year now, Pablo had categorized his boss’s different levels of anger and recognized that Louis had reached a new level he’d never seen before.
He might actually cut this brat into four pieces at this rate!
Causing trouble in the middle of Luft Hagenn territory would be disastrous. Sensing the escalating situation, Pablo quickly intervened.
“That’s enough!”
When the hulking man over two meters tall suddenly blocked Carrie’s path, the lackeys behind him took a step forward as if ready to draw their swords at any sign of harm toward their master. However, Carrie raised his hand to stop them.
Carrie studied Pablo with narrowed eyes. “Who might you be? You seemed quite close to Lady Moana and Lady Lucia yesterday.”
Pablo glanced at Louis for guidance. Seeing that Louis appeared unconcerned about revealing their connection, Pablo felt relieved and answered Carrie’s question.
“As for me, I have some history with those girls’ parents. In fact, I’m the one who named them.”
“N-named them?” Carrie was taken aback by how someone as intimidating-looking as Pablo could have such a deep connection with the siren sisters.
Pablo drove home his point. “Ahem, technically speaking, I am their godfather.”
Carrie’s face turned pale with shock. “Wh-what?! G-godfather?!”
Upon hearing that Pablo was their godfather, Carrie’s expression shifted immediately. He yelled at his subordinates:
“I-I’m sorry; I didn’t know who you were! What’re you doing?! This is Lady Lucia’s godfather! Put away your swords right now!”
The henchmen took a step back and sheathed their weapons as Carrie barked orders with unexpected maturity for someone so young.
Pablo chuckled softly. “Ha-ha-ha, you may look like Natalie Pan but have Terius’s courage through and through.”
Caught off guard by the sudden mention of his parents’ names, Carrie asked cautiously,
“…Do you happen to know our parents?”
“We had some dealings in the past.”
“B-by any chance…what might be your name, sir?”
“My name is Pablo.”
“Pablo… Pablo…?” The name sounded vaguely familiar, yet it puzzled Carrie.
Having finally recalled something, Carrie exclaimed loudly:
“B-Bloodaxe Pablo!”
“Ahem!” The shout made Pablo cough uncomfortably.
Louis watched them with bewilderment and muttered under his breath, “But he wields a hammer, so what’s with Bloodaxe all of a sudden?”
The hidden pin on Louis’s collar whispered an explanation: “Apparently, when Pablo was younger, he used an axe—a massive one at that!”
“Oh really? So why did he switch to a hammer?”
“He carried it strapped to his back due to its size, but after almost losing an ear several times while drawing it during battles, he switched to a hammer.”
“…How peculiar.” Louis shook his head as if disappointed in Pablo.
Pablo had been treated like a child by Louis, but Carrie revered him.
“A-are you really Pablo Bloodaxe?”
“Ahem… The ‘Bloodaxe’ part is unnecessary, but yes, I am Pablo.”
“When our father was captured by those Schukron bastards, you rescued him all on your own!”
“That’s right.”
“You took eight stab wounds during the rescue yet managed to escort my father out before finally collapsing, didn’t you?!”
“Ahem… Yes, that happened. It was back when we were young. That Terius sure likes to talk.”
“E-even now, whenever Father gets drunk, he always tells us about it! He says there has only ever been one person whom he considers his true brother, and that’s you, Pablo!”
“Ahem! Th-that brat always had some honor and loyalty in him, hmph!” Carrie’s eyes sparkled as if she’d met a legendary hero in Pablo.
Louis noticed how Pablo puffed up his chest with pride at her words from behind them.
“I never expected to meet you here, Sir Pablo! It is truly an honor!”
“Oh-hum! No need for such flattery.”
Pablo protested that it wasn’t necessary, but his eyes begged for more praise. He wanted to show off his greatness to the nasty dragon who constantly harassed him every day. As if reading Pablo’s mind, Carrie enthusiastically recounted various tales of Pablo’s exploits that she had heard growing up from her father.
After regaling Pablo with stories for quite some time, Carrie finally got to her question out of curiosity. “So what brings you here today?”
“Oh, I was actually planning on visiting Terius soon anyway.”
“My father?”
“Yes, there’s something I’d like to ask him.”
“What kind of favor is it?”
“Well, you see…” Pablo explained their quest for the elixir in great detail.
When he finished, Carrie beamed at him. “Ah, no need to involve my father for such matters. I can help you!”
“You?” asked Pablo incredulously.
“Ha-ha, yes! Although I’m young, I have excellent connections in that area. Please trust me!”
“Oh really?” Pablo raised an eyebrow skeptically at Carrie’s offer.
With a smirk, she snapped her fingers.
One of the men standing behind her promptly approached them as Carrie gave him instructions.
“You’ve heard what we need, right?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Scour all our medicinal herb shops and the black markets for any elixirs available and purchase everything you can find immediately.”
“But…the cost will be astronomical. We would need Count Terius’s approval…”
“It’s fine. I’ll take full responsibility. Besides, he is my father’s sworn brother. He’d do the same if it were me.”
“Understood.” The subordinate bowed to Carrie before leaving with a few others.
Watching this exchange, Carrie brightly smiled and said, “It may take several days to search for the elixir within Luft Hagenn.”
“Heh… Terius raised his son well.”
“It’s all thanks to you, Sir Fabro, for saving my father. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have experienced any of these blessings now.”
“Hmm… Is that true?”
“Absolutely! Oh right, instead of lingering here, let me invite you to our home.”
“Your home?”
“I humbly request your presence. My father would be truly delighted if you joined us!”
In response to Carrie’s polite invitation, Pablo subtly glanced at Louis. Sensing Pablo’s gaze, Louis internally sighed.
Oh boy… Yes, he deserves this.
Louis didn’t voice it, but he was well aware of how hard Pablo had worked over the past six months. Even the finest horse would break under constant whipping and needed to be rewarded with carrots now and then along with some rest.
Having made his decision, Louis sent Pablo a message.
[Go ahead.]
Pablo’s face lit up at Louis’s permission. Seeing Pablo’s bright eyes asking for confirmation, Louis nodded.
[Yes, I’ll head back to the inn—]
But before Louis could finish, Carrie interrupted him.
“You’re coming too, aren’t you, kid?”
“I mean, you wouldn’t find your way there alone anyway, right?”
Louis’s eye began twitching again. Sensing danger, Pablo hastily interjected.
“Y-yeah! We can’t send this kid alone! L-Let’s go together!”
“…” As Louis glared daggers at him, Pablo quickly turned away, but it was too late to take back his words.
Pablo urged them along as he scrambled for a way out of trouble.
Carrie waved at Louis. “Come on, kiddo.”
“That little…!” Angered by Carrie’s constant provocation, Louis decided to follow just to see how the pompous hunter lived.
And so, Louis and Pablo unwittingly found themselves at the Bunt Mansion.
As soon as they entered the grand mansion, a booming voice echoed through the halls.
“No wayyyyy! Pablooooo!”
“Oh! Terius!”
A middle-aged man with long wavy blond hair and a physique similar to Pablo’s rushed over and embraced him tightly.
Wait, aren’t those two brothers or something?
They seemed quite alike, leading Louis to that conclusion.
“How long has it been?”
“It’s been over ten years now!”
“You should’ve contacted me more often. I felt slighted, bro.”
“Ha-ha! My apologies. But seeing your success brings me great joy.”
“I owe it all to you for saving me back then. Ha-ha-ha!”
“And look at you now! Ha-ha!” The two middle-aged men slapped each other on the shoulder and roared with laughter.
Baron Terius had rushed home after receiving a call from his son earlier and was genuinely happy to see his old friend for the first time in ages. Standing next to him was a refined middle-aged woman.
Pablo greeted her warmly. “Oh! Natalie! You’re as beautiful as ever.”
“It’s always good seeing you, Pablo.” The elegant lady smiled softly with one hand covering her mouth.
Seeing her demeanor, Louis instantly realized whom their awkward child resembled.
Speaking of which, where did that brat go off to?
Carrie, who had invited Louis and Pablo, disappeared like a bullet right upon arriving at the mansion. As everyone else laughed and chatted, Louis stood quietly by himself, feeling out of place.
Terius gestured toward the mansion.
“Come on, boss, let’s head inside. I’ve already been briefed about your situation. I ordered my men to gather everything we need before setting you free. It’ll take several days, so please stay here and unwind with me while we wait.”
“O-okay…” Pablo was about to agree when he suddenly felt a burning sensation at the back of his neck. He turned around just in time to meet the furious gaze of the dragon.
“Would you rather die drunk or by my hand?” Louis’s menacing threat sent chills down Pablo’s spine.
Sweating profusely, Pablo hastily changed his response.
“…N-no! I’d love to, but I have someone to look after.”
“And who might that be…?”
“My n-nephew.”
“Oh really? Ha-ha, no need to worry about that. If he’s your nephew, then he’s my nephew too! I’ll make sure our men safely escort him back home. Natalie, could you please take care of this young man?”
“Haha, absolutely!”
“No, uh… That is…”
Pablo’s hesitation made Louis sigh deeply as he sent a message with his eyes.
Haah… Fine. Let them play. Since they’re offering free elixirs, we should at least let them have some fun. But bring back those potions for sure. And Fin will accompany you.
At Louis’s command, Fin obediently hid inside Pablo’s pocket without question. Pablo brightened and nodded vigorously before quickly draping his arm over Terius’s shoulder and making their exit, lest Louis change his mind.
Left alone, Louis sensed a shadow approaching him.
“Ohhh… Aren’t you just adorable?” The countess knelt down and gazed lovingly at Louis’s fair face before carefully extending her hand to him. “Would you like to go with Auntie? I’ll give you something tasty.”
At the mention of food, Louis eagerly grabbed the countess’s hand without hesitation. She smiled warmly as she felt his soft skin, typical of young children, and led him somewhere else.
Unfortunately for Louis, he encountered yet another unwelcome sight there.
Oh no, not this one again!
“I’ll be right back with some yummy treats. Play with your brother here while you wait.” Countess Natalie patted Louis on the head and left them alone together.
Just then, Carrie, who had been engrossed in something at their desk, looked up and made eye contact with Louis. At that moment, Louis was certain:
I’m sure we were fated to meet under unfortunate circumstances in my previous life too.
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