Chapter 185: The Demon King, I


The armrest of the throne reverberated with a deafening crack as the Emperor’s fist slammed down. His gestures, gaze, and every expression radiated fury. The court officials who witnessed this hastily bowed their heads in deference.

Meanwhile, the color drained from the face of Duke Samuel, the one responsible for this incident and privy to the most information.

The Emperor’s angry voice thundered at him, “What in blazes happened here?”

“Y-Your Majesty…”

“Weren’t you certain there would be no problems?”

“T-That’s true, sir.”

“Then why in the name of the gods are those monsters heading straight for our lands?”

“W-We’re still investigating the cause.”

Duke Samuel couldn’t even spare a moment to wipe the cold sweat beading on his forehead; he simply bowed his head deeply.

That was truly all he could do at this point.

From… from where on did things go wrong?

There was nothing inherently flawed about his plan. In fact, the results had been deeply satisfying so far. Yet what was unfolding now defied all common sense and comprehension. According to the original scheme, the Snow King and monsters should’ve already turned the kingdom of Kanburk into a heap of rubble…

How dare those monsters ignore humans and just pass by?!

Was this even remotely possible?!

As Duke Samuel hung his head low in thought, the Emperor’s deep voice cut through his musings once again.

“Still assessing the situation? When will you have any conclusive results for me?”


“Are you waiting until those monsters set foot on my lands to report back to me?”

“N-no, Your Majesty!”

“Find out. Discover why the monsters bypass the lands of Kanburk and instead rally against my territory.”

“I-I shall do as you command.”

“Discover it, you must. Or else… your head will be forfeit.”


Duke Samuel’s eyes widened in disbelief.

What an outrageously unreasonable order! he thought.

Yet, he couldn’t possibly defy it.

He had no choice but to bow his head and risk his life.

The only way I can survive is to bring the emperor what he desires, he realized with grim determination.

“I shall… obey your command,” he managed to say, his complexion as pale as death.

The Duke Samuel finally retreated from this hair-raising scene.

The emperor, still present, now surveyed the surrounding audience.

Nobles of the Empire stood in two ordered rows on either side.

Once, only a few aristocrats knew of the Kanburk Kingdom and the Snow King. But with circumstances as they were, it was no longer possible to keep such information hidden.

Since the early morning, news had been spreading, gathering the nobles on the islet with stony expressions.

The Emperor turned to them with a question. “What are your thoughts?”

Silence briefly engulled the room at the Emperor’s inquiry.

Then, an elderly man with silvery hair stepped forward.

“Your Majesty.”

“Speak, Imperial Mystic.”

“In my humble opinion, this is all snow king’s doing.”

“That’s a bit too obvious, isn’t it?”

“Indeed, it’s obvious. But it’s not as simple as it seems.”

“Not simple?”

“According to ancient texts, the Snow King’s intelligence far surpasses that of ordinary monsters. The one controlling and orchestrating this vast army of monsters is the Snow King himself. In other words, everything happening now is the direct result of the Snow King’s actions. If he is bypassing Kanburk and heading directly for our empire, it means he has a specific objective in mind.”

“A purpose for a mere monster…?”

“As I mentioned earlier, we cannot dismiss the Snow King as just another monster.”

“So what should we do?”

“Firstly… we must determine what the Snow King desires.”

“You’re suggesting we ask the monster what it wants? Isn’t that absurd?”

“If there’s no other alternative, I suppose we must. That’s what the Palace Mystic has just explained.”

The Emperor’s gaze turned to Duke Samuel.

“Do you hear this, Duke?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“What is your role in this?”

“I will discover the Snow King’s purpose. If I cannot ascertain it… I will confront the monster myself to learn its intentions.”

“Very well.”

Duke Samuel bowed his head and clenched his jaw.

To penetrate the ranks of 80,000 monsters and reach the Snow King was akin to walking into certain death. But now, these words were necessary. For they would ensure the safety of his father and his entire lineage.

As the Duke Samuel bowed his head, another figure stepped forward to confront the emperor.

“Your Holiness, may I be granted permission to speak?”

“Speak, Hoan.”

Hoan Dorian. Born into a mere baron’s family, he had risen to the position of Duke through sheer strength of character, making him a formidable presence to behold. As a swordsman, he stood at the pinnacle of the second-tier Nu attribute, possessing the keen edge of a blade in human form. In combat, despite his usually boisterous demeanor, he exuded icy composure, slicing through adversaries with lethal precision. Those who knew him dubbed him the “Cold Bear,” and at just over forty, he was already considered the Empire’s greatest sword.

In addition, Hoan held the title of commander of the Eastern Division, overseeing the region’s military forces.

With the emperor’s nod, Hoan’s measured voice resonated through the hall.

“Regardless of the Snow King’s motives, what we do know is that an army of 80,000 is bearing down on our empire. However, with our current forces in the east, it would be difficult to contend with such a vast host.”

His words rang true.

The Eastern Division boasted a formidable 20,000 souls. Of course, if they were to wage a defensive battle from their fortress, they’d have the might to face off against the 80,000-strong horde. But it would be perilous to assume that the monsters would oblige them with a straightforward siege. History had already attested to this danger—the appearance of the Snow King’s army some years ago.

In those days, a host of a hundred thousand had laid waste to the continent, roaming freely across the open plains. And for good reason: it hadn’t been the empire’s fortifications they had overcome, but their own complacency and naivety in the face of an enemy that refused to play by the rules.

”…So?” the Emperor prodded, his chin resting in his hand.

“The monster hoard must be contained at the border before it sets foot on Your Majesty’s soil. Thus… I beseech Your Majesty to issue a conscription decree.”

No sooner had Marquis Hoan finished his plea than a ripple of murmurs spread throughout the hall.

The Emperor’s face darkened, and he pounded the armrest once more. “Silence!”

With the room instantly subdued, the Emperor turned to Hoan, who stood proudly before him. “How many soldiers do you require?”

“I request permission to conscript an additional 30,000.”

“Could 50,000 men halt their advance?”

“That is sufficient, Your Majesty.”


While the Emperor mulled over this, the Palace Mystic interjected. “Their numbers are already double what you propose, my lord. According to ancient texts, to confront the creatures of the Snow King, one must command at least twice as many forces as they possess.”

Hoan sneered at the Palace Mystic’s words. “Ancient texts… Palace Mystic, this is no longer the year 1200.”


“Do not compare the training methods, military techniques, and tactics of our Dominant Empire’s soldiers with those of a long-lost Empire that fell twelve centuries ago.”


“Moreover, we possess Transcendents, which were unheard of 1,200 years ago. My White Bear Battalion alone could repel their invasion—or annihilate them—with just 50,000 troops.”

The Palace Mystic fell silent at Hoan’s words, while the other nobles nodded in agreement.

Duke Hoan was right: This was no longer the year 1200.

Over centuries, humans had developed and refined their training methods and tactics to an extent that far surpassed anything from the past. There was undoubtedly a significant difference compared to a thousand two hundred years ago.

Moreover, the Transcendents, classified as strategic weapons, truly shone in large-scale wars rather than individual combat. On the battlefield, a single 4th-rank Transcendent could match the capabilities of dozens of ordinary 3rd-tier warriors. To soldiers unable to harness elemental powers, facing this massive armored figure with a sword that seemed impervious to spears and blades was far more daunting than even a 3rd-tier warrior.

As the Palace Mystic withdrew without further comment after listening to Duke Hoan’s account, the Emperor waved his hand, signifying the end of the discussion.

“We hereby authorize this conscription.”

“The next time you enter this hall, you must bring the Snow King’s head with you.”

“You can count on it, Hoan. And Samuel.”


“Hoan shall be informed immediately of any information you gather.”

“As you command!”

As the situation was resolved, each division of the Empire sprang into action, making rapid preparations for war. By the time the Snow King’s army was about fourteen days away from reaching the Empire, the Emperor had issued a call-up order across his dominion. The noble families responded by sending their military forces to the eastern command center.

The Dominant Empire’s eastern elite forces numbered 20,000.

There were 1,000 White bear guard.

Among them, 300 transcendent beings belonged to the 4th rank, while 40 transcended the 3rd rank.

Including the 2nd rank commanders’ exclusive gear, there were seven such transcendent beings.

Additionally, there were 30,000 noble soldiers conscripted under the imperial edict.

1,500 guards protected local nobles, along with 700 transcendent beings of the 4th rank and 20 of the 3rd rank.

In total, there were 50,000 soldiers and 2,500 guards, including over a thousand transcendent beings.

This was the final strength gathered at the Eastern Command after the conscription order ended.

One could clearly see why the Dominant Empire earned its name just from the might amassed in the eastern region alone.

Time passed.

A scout who had ventured outside the camp reported that the massive monster army was now two days away.

In the midst of this, Duke Hoan was receiving a report from his assistant.

“Two days away… Are we ready?”

“The military formation is complete, but the local nobles continue to make requests of the officers.”


“Specifically, the requests are from nobles with Transcendants. They want their Transcendants sent to the front lines.”

What the local nobles wanted most was admission to the Islet. No matter how powerful they were in their own regions, before the nobles of the central government, they were just weak nobles from the sticks. This war, therefore, was an opportunity for the local nobles. By achieving distinctions in battle, they could enter the Islet. From there, they could break into the central political scene. That’s why the local nobles were constantly making entreaties to the mid-level officers, not wanting to miss this chance, which might not come again.

Hoan, well aware of their motives, scoffed. ”…So we’ve pretty much won this war, huh?”

Despite the 80,000-strong horde of monsters breathing down their necks, the Eastern Command Post wasn’t particularly tense.

From the nobles to the lowliest soldiers, all saw this conflict not as a war, but merely a simple monster extermination. The nobles, in particular, were obsessed with cutting down as many beasts as possible to amass military honors.

Hoan spoke with a hint of mockery in his voice. “Tell the officials to indulge their desires and let them have things their way. If they promise to minimize the army’s losses, there’s no reason to refuse their requests.”

“Understood.” The assistant gave a brief farewell and left the tent.

Left alone, Count Hoan muttered under his breath. “It’s like dealing with these backwater bumpkins. Do they consider war some kind of game?” His eyes flashed as he snarled quietly. Despite his frustration with the provincial nobles, he, too, was devoid of tension. He firmly believed that this war was simply too important to lose.

Dawn broke two days later.


The long blast of a horn sent the Eastern Command Post’s entire military force into orderly action.

And before them…

The Snow King’s army emerged from the east, with the rising sun at their backs.

“G-God, that’s so many.”

“Are all those monsters?”

The soldiers who had been laid back just the day before couldn’t help but tense up at the sight of this vast horde of monsters. But their nervousness vanished when they saw over a thousand Transcendent units line up at the front.


The soldiers let out a thunderous cheer as they took in the sight of these Transcendent units.

There were various Transcendent units gathered by the nobles, along with the pride of the Eastern Command Post, the White Bear Iron Battalion’s Transcendents. The soldiers had unwavering faith that no monster could ever get past these iron giants.


Then, from the rear of the thousand-strong Transcendent army, appeared an even more formidable figure—a transcendent wearing a bear-head helmet that roared with each step.

“It’s the commander in chief!”

“The invincible White Bear!”

The soldiers cheered wildly.

In response, the commander raised his enormous sword.

Click… Clang!

As he moved, the entire army began to advance.

Watching the Snow King’s army charging toward them, Duke Hoan licked his lips.

Come at me.

Although he’d handed the vanguard over to local nobles, he hadn’t relinquished any claim on the glory of victory. No, none were as thirsty for military achievement as Duke Hoan Doolian. After all, his rise from lowly son of a Baron to noble Duke had been fueled by nothing but achievement on the battlefield.

If everything goes as planned…

If they could repel this eighty-thousand-strong monster army and bring back the Snow King’s head…

I might even be able to cross the line to a duchate.

That swarm of monsters would soon be his offerings for success.

Come… faster!

He stared into the distance with eyes full of greed and excitement.

1,000 meters.

900 meters.

800 meters.

700 meters.

The distance between the two armies gradually decreased. When their separation had narrowed to 300 meters—the point where a clash seemed inevitable—

“Prepare for… what?!” In the moment before he was about to issue orders to his troops, Duke Hoan spotted something peculiar.

Is that…?

A comet-like light rose from the ranks of the Snow King’s army and hurtled toward his forces at astonishing speed.


In a split second, the streak of light descended upon the center of the camp, engulfing everything in its path.


Woooooo… woooommmm…

The transcendental eyes lost their radiance.

“Wh-what is this?!” Hoan the Duke let out a cry of shock as his command device went dark.

The same phenomenon was unfolding across battlefields worldwide.

“My Transcendent! It’s… It’s not responding!”

“M-move! Make it move!”

“What’s happening?! What’s going on?!”

As over a thousand Transcendents suddenly ceased their functions, darkness enveloped the eastern command post.

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