Chapter 118: The Wedding of Blood (I)

The ministers had dispersed after their meeting, but not all returned home. Some of those who had scattered reassembled at another location—for a genuine gathering, unlike the meaningless conference at Bernium Palace.

“Please come in. They’ve been waiting for you.”

Following the head housekeeper’s lead, ten nobles hurried through the mansion. Their destination lay below ground.

In the cellar of Levans’ residence was a chamber modeled after the hall in Bernium Palace—the so-called “execution room.” It was a place where only ten individuals chosen by Levans could set foot.


The heavy door swung open, allowing the ten nobles to enter.

At the seat of honor in this vast chamber sat the leader of these nobles—the Prime Minister himself.

“Come, my lords,” Levans greeted his comrades as they took their seats. He silently scanned the room filled with young nobles whose ages barely exceeded fifty. They called themselves the Enlightenment Faction, gathering beneath Levans’ banner driven by the belief that only they were truly awake and destined to forge a new world with their own hands.

It has been quite a journey…

Over two decades had passed since he began systematically exiling the pro-monarchist nobles to remote regions or orchestrating their removal for those too stubborn to adapt. Through attrition and selection, these remaining few had proven themselves loyal to Levans. As he gazed upon them gathered in his mansion, his eyes reflected unwavering faith in their shared vision.

These individuals embody the achievements that prove the path I’ve walked.

Having finished reminiscing about past years, Levans opened his mouth.

“It is time.”

It was a short declaration.

The faces of all ten people present shifted instantly.

Levens turned to the person seated at his right.

“Are preparations complete?”

“All members have gathered. We could rush straight to Bernium Palace upon your command, Chairman. What should we do?”



“The implementation date is two weeks from now. Hold off until then.”

”…Understood.” The questioner nodded slightly, looking somewhat disappointed.

They had been preparing and waiting for this moment for twenty years.

Though they felt a bit let down, it wasn’t as if they couldn’t wait another two weeks.

However, not everyone present shared this reaction.

“Mr. Chairman.”

“Yes, speak your mind, Anderson,” Levans permitted.

The oldest-looking individual among them opened his mouth at Levans’ cue.

Anderson spoke with a voice laced with concern. “Is this truly wise?”

“What do you mean?”

“It has been twenty years. We have strived alongside our comrades to absorb everything from the Frenche Kingdom in order to usher in a new era.”


“We endured hardships and traversed a long road for one purpose: to suppress the chaos of systemic transformation and stabilize the nation as swiftly as possible. Yet if we act so abruptly…”

Rebans smiled at Anderson’s words.

“You’re right,” he said. “We could have eliminated the king and implemented our reforms quickly, but we’ve chosen a longer path to allow the seeds of the new world we envision to fully blossom.”

“So… if we openly depose the king, how will it appear in the eyes of the citizens? I fear…”

“We must depose him either way. He is a relic of the old era. It’s an inevitable step.”

“Then perhaps we should wait a bit longer—”

“Normally, I’d agree, but haven’t circumstances changed?”

Everyone present knew what Rebans meant by ‘circumstances’.

The return of the only heir to the throne, pregnant with child, had thrown everything off balance. Page and her unborn were formidable obstacles for those dreaming of a new world order.

Aware of this fact, Anderson kept his mouth shut.

Instead, Levans grinned widely as he spoke up:

“I am well aware of your concerns. You’re worried our long-planned scheme might be jeopardized.”

“That is correct…”

“Fear not,” Levans reassured him. “History is written by the victors, isn’t it? In the annals we shall pen, King Frenche will surely go down as an inept ruler whose demise was both inevitable and just.”

The ten individuals present displayed unwavering conviction at Levans’ words, their belief in the impending success of their plan unshakable.

Meeting their trust-filled gazes directed towards himself, Levans smiled in response.

“The date for execution is set two weeks from now: Princess Page’s wedding day.”

”…You mean the very day of the wedding?”

“It seems like it’ll be the last ceremony of the Frenche monarchy… Shouldn’t we send a substantial delegation?”


“Even if blood stains the wedding hall,” Levans said, his eyes gleaming.

Finally… finally, I will get my hands on it.

He thought everything was going according to plan.

However, Levans didn’t know that behind Page and Pablo, whom he considered variables, there loomed an even greater variable.

Nor did he realize that he himself was like a fish thrashing about in a net.

“Well then, I must take my leave.” As Levans rose from his seat, the people gathered in the mansion began to disperse.

Shortly after everyone had left…


In a corner of the room, hidden by a drawer, a small white head poked out from a mousehole.


The creature’s eyes sparkled in the darkness as it emitted a peculiar cry before vanishing back into its hole.

A secret stronghold of the Leon Revolutionary Army.


Kai scurried up to Louis.

Tweedle! Tweedle-tweedle-tweedle!

Kai animatedly conveyed the information he had seen and heard. To anyone else, it would have looked like a white-footed twirler was just showing off its tricks.

That’s what Greg thought too.

“What is that thing doing?”

”…Just watch for now,” Page whispered in response to Greg’s question.

At that moment, a voice burrowed into his ears:

“They’ve gathered their forces and plan to sneak them in disguised as wedding guests! …Or so I hear.”

“What?!” Greg’s eyes widened at the unexpected sound of Fin’s voice. At first, he was startled by the sudden noise coming from nowhere.

“Th-that… is that true?!” The information conveyed through his voice astonished Greg next.

A murderous aura emanated from his eyes.

“That bastard Levans! How dare he repay me by elevating a mere commoner to such heights!”

Seeing Greg spewing flames of fury, Louis snorted derisively.

“Calm down, you weak old man. You’ll collapse if you keep this up.”

“Do I look like I’m calming down right now?”

“What’s the point in getting worked up over it now? Didn’t we expect something like this from the start? Whether they’re trying to kill him once or twice doesn’t make much difference.”

”…Ugh…” A groan finally escaped Greg’s lips.

Page observed Louis laughing at the scene and asked:

“Is something good happening?”

“Something good? Of course there is. Are you not feeling good?”


How could I feel good knowing that Levans was determined to swallow up the entire kingdom?

Louis clicked his tongue as he watched Page with wide eyes.

“Tsk tsk, of course you should be feeling good.”

“Why is that?”

“Because Levans is moving just as we thought he would.”

”…Don’t you mean just as you thought, Prince Louis?”

“That’s exactly it.”

Louis waved his hand, dismissing any further discussion on the matter.

“In any case, isn’t it strange how easily everything is falling into place? He’s gathering all his forces and offering to bring them here on a day of our choosing.”


Page was at a loss for words. Things were indeed progressing smoothly as Louis had said. But she knew well how tirelessly he worked day and night to maintain this facade.

She cautiously asked him while gazing up at Louis:

“My lord… have you heard the rumors circulating in the palace?”

“That you two play with fire every night?” he teased.

“N-no! I mean, not that one!” Page stammered, her face flushing red.

Pablo beside her cleared his throat awkwardly.

“What exactly do you think we’re doing in there to spark such gossip?”

“Ah, I’m not doing anything!”

“Then why is there smoke coming out of a chimney that isn’t even lit?”

“I really am doing nothing!” Page shouted before realizing Louis was laughing at her antics. She sighed heavily.

“Oh dear… The rumors about a ghost haunting the palace… It’s you, isn’t it, Prince Louis?”


“What on earth do you think you’re up to every night?”

“Heh-heh-heh, curious now?”


“I won’t tell you.”


Veins began to bulge on Page’s forehead as she struggled with herself. She desperately wanted to grab those pretty cheeks grinning so smugly and stretch them wide apart. Of course, lacking the courage for such an act, all she could do was suppress her anger and endure it silently.

Louis watched Page fidgeting with amusement. “Trust me and focus on preparing for our wedding.”

“It’s not a wedding but war you should be worried about.”

“Can’t we do both?”

In the end, Louis chuckled at Page’s flustered state before standing up. “Well then, I’ll take my leave now.”

He ambled away, his footsteps soft against the ground.

Night had fallen, signaling it was time for Louis to move once again.

As he departed, Page stared blankly at the spot where Louis had been sitting and muttered:

“If all children were like Prince Louis, I wouldn’t want any kids myself.”

“Huh?! What kind of talk is that?!” Ha exclaimed indignantly, his face stiffening as he scolded her firmly. “If there were more children like him in this world, it would surely bring calamity upon us! So stop worrying so much about your second child…”

“Why is Pablo concerned about my plans for a second child?”

“Well, naturally I’m…”

“Why are you blushing like that?!”

“Princess Page’s face seems flushed too, though.”

“I… it’s just, it’s so warm in here!”

Watching their bickering, Greg shook his head with amusement.

They’re quite the pair.

Meanwhile, Louis headed towards the palace under cover of darkness, gazing at the direction where Levans’ mansion stood. The smile on his lips had vanished without a trace.

“This wedding will be awash in blood,” he murmured.

Coincidentally, both Louis and Levans uttered these identical words. Of course, the meaning behind them differed greatly—the blood they spoke of belonged to different parties entirely.

The marriage of a kingdom’s crown princess was indeed cause for celebration throughout the land. Typically, such an event would have the entire nation abuzz with excitement. However, Princess Page’s wedding differed greatly from tradition—it remained unannounced to the public and quietly prepared behind closed doors.

Two weeks flew by, and it was finally the day of her nuptials. Only on this occasion could one vaguely surmise that something significant was happening due to the arrival of guests from abroad and the palace staff bustling about in preparation.

In the room where the bride-to-be awaited everyone’s blessings sat Louis dressed formally like a child on the long sofa. Beside him were his twin siblings equally well-dressed. Across from them stood the main character of the wedding herself—Page adorned beautifully in a stunning dress.

“Ahhh… Ahhhhhh…” Seeing Page anxiously tapping her foot, Louis couldn’t help but chuckle softly at her unease.

“Relax. This isn’t your first marriage.”

“My first!” Page yelped at Louis’s joke.

The outburst was so loud that a passing court attendant flinched outside the door.

Despite the jest, Page remained somewhat tense as he glanced sidelong at Louis. “Aren’t you nervous?”

“Why should I be? It’s not me getting married.”

”…That’s not what I’m asking about.”

On the surface, today’s event appeared to be a wedding ceremony. However, beneath this facade lay a far greater stakes—the hegemony of the Frenche Kingdom hung in the balance.

Facing such monumental consequences, Louis showed no signs of nerves, leaving Page utterly amazed by his composure.

Louis smiled warmly at Page. “Want to know my secret for staying calm?”

“How do you do it?”

“Just have faith in yourself.”


“I believe in myself—my abilities.”

“…I see.” Page stared at Louis as if he were from another planet.

What exactly is this young master Louis?

He had an ethereal beauty like a fairy. He possessed incredible power that could stop a massive falling direwolf dead in its tracks. On top of all that, his brain worked incredibly fast for someone so young.

Page couldn’t figure him out. To him, Louis was simply an enigma.

Is he some kind of dragon straight out of legend?

Page scoffed inwardly at such an absurd thought, unaware it held more truth than fiction.

Well, who cares about his true identity anyway?

The important thing was those terrifying powers were now on their side instead of against them. The mere presence of Louis brought a strange sense of security to Page.

Just then, there came a knock at the door.

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