Chapter 42: Gunner’s Ground, III

Lee Kyungbok checked the number of survivors while riding his bike along the road:

[59 survivors remaining]

A total of 100 players participated in each game. The magnetic field was activated once the survival rate reached 60%, reducing the survivor count to 60.

‘And after that, it’s mentioned in the guide that the safe zone shrinks every time 10 more people die.’

Recalling the guide’s information, he examined the map. He noticed the boundary lines gradually encroaching from the outskirts towards the center.

“At this rate, the final safe zone will likely be in downtown.”

The center of the magnetic field lay within downtown, and viewers agreed with him:

-Downtown is going to turn into a dogfight

-Laughing, but I’m scared about potential alleyway ambushes

-Look out behind you

-Hahahaha why bring that up here?

-A mud fight? Bring it on.

-Purple wouldn’t get a speck of dirt on him.

-GunKing is king

As its name implied, downtown was a run-down area. There were hardly any high-rise buildings; most structures had only one floor, and navigating through narrow alleys was unavoidable. With limited mobility and poor visibility, surprise attacks or getting ambushed from behind were common occurrences.

“It’d be best to head there first and clear the way.” Lee Kyungbok grinned as he accelerated, causing his engine to roar louder while picking up speed.

-Yikes! He’s speeding!

-King of the road!

-Scary stuff coming from a guy with patchy facial hair

-This village will become a battlefield today!

-King of Trolls, get outta here!

-Duel City, what’s with all this nonsense? LOL

-Trot user, your spectrum is so wide, good job!

The viewers were having fun joking around.

[‘I’m a man of integrity’ has proposed a quest!]

[Condition - Accumulate 10,000 won per kill for this round.]

Everyone focused on the quest suggested by a viewer.

“Ah, thank you for proposing the quest, Lee Namjin!”


-Why did you shorten my name without permission? LOL LOL LOL

-Sounds like a fish name LOL

-Are you calling the police station? I have a contract killing request!

-Nope LOL If someone gets paid just 10,000 won for a hit, they’re not a hitman but a serial killer!

-Haha, true LOL

-People go crazy when money is involved!

Naturally, viewers assumed Lee Kyungbok would accept the quest. There was no reason for him to decline it. However, he didn’t take the quest immediately.

“If this is about ‘this round,’ does that include the seven kills at the military base?”

-Looking closely ᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ

-Gotta consider everything ᄏᄏ

-HaHa, since it says ‘this round’, they should count.

-It’ll instantly add 70,000 won, right?

-HaHa, if only dualists paid attention to every text detail

-Pleas, stop with the dualist stuff!

-What’s wrong with you? Let’s decide by duel!

In response to Lee Kyungbok’s question, other viewers promptly took sides. Whether they had intended this from the start or were swayed by public opinion remained unclear.

[Success - 70,000 won]

The quest prize started at seven million won.

“Yes, thank you! The number of survivors is…fifty-six now.”

Three more people had died while he was on the move. Lee Kyungbok’s disappointed expression made viewers laugh.

-Lamenting over losing three million won?

-He sees humans as money bags!

-Are you a bounty hunter or something? LOL

-Kinglon could potentially add another fifty-six million this round! Haha

-Typical BlackEnterpriseJangOchang response

Lee Kyungbok chuckled after reading the chat comments.

“If they’re going to die anyway, wouldn’t it be better if I killed them myself? At least then, I’d get paid for it.”

-Did he say “they’re all gonna die” earlier…?

-Payback mode activated!

-Is he declaring his intent to finish first?!

-Bwa-ha-ha-ha! Talk about fierce ambition!

-The epitome of BlackEnterprise thinking…

-But what makes it scarier is that he might actually pull it off.

-Hahahaha, his display at the military base was insane!

LMAO, this is [p][e][r][f][e][c][t] trolling

Lee Kyungbok couldn’t help but laugh at his satisfied viewers—until…


He suddenly felt an uncomfortable prickling sensation, like someone was watching him, and he whipped around to investigate.


“Look out! He’s coming!”

“He’s heading straight for downtown.”

“How’d he spot you…? I can’t even hear anything!”

“I just saw him, that’s how!”

“It could be cuz of [P][P], tho”

A cloud of dust rose along the ridge far ahead. Judging by its direction, it appeared as though another player was also headed toward downtown.

“If you were walking down the street and spotted some money on the ground, what would you do?” Lee Kyungbok didn’t wait for answers before turning sharply and accelerating. The engine roared as he picked up speed.


-Money on the ground LMAO

-I’d definitely pick up 10,000 won if I saw it!

-Is this…a Battle Royale?

–I also want to try this instead of just surviving ᅲ特别声明

As Lee Kyungbok approached, his opponent noticed and abruptly changed direction. The viewers erupted with laughter at the sight.


–Did he think it was easy pickings?

–Ahahaha, overconfident much?

–Press X to express your joy.

–It’s like a new genre of game LOL

However, the mood in the chat suddenly shifted when the opponent let go of the steering wheel, leaned out the window, and started firing.

–Is he actually going for it?!

–Whoa;;; Not a newbie, then

–This could get intense ᐠ

–A bike can’t block bullets, though;;

–But Gadfly can still dodge!


Unlike the car driven by the opponent, Lee Kyungbok’s motorcycle couldn’t deflect bullets. Additionally, maintaining control on a bike while letting go of the handlebars was challenging due to its instability, making accurate aiming difficult.

Despite being Purple rank, he knew this wouldn’t be easy under these conditions. Nonetheless, his anticipation outweighed any anxiety because as a Purple ranker, Lee Kyungbok had never failed to meet expectations.

“Hahahaha! Dodged them all!”

“What? You can actually see the bullets?”

“It’s possible.”

“I can spot everything with Eyes of God ^^”

As if sensing the incoming fire, he swiftly changed direction and avoided getting hit. The sharp turn kicked up a cloud of dust.

The opponent regained control of their vehicle and started closing the gap once more.


Lee Kyungbok smiled at the sight. His heightened perception gathered information from his surroundings, showing him how to eliminate the threat. He began following its guidance.

“Huh? Wha…?”


“What is he doing?”

His speedometer kept climbing without hitting any brakes, and up ahead lay a large rock blocking his path. On the other side of it, an enemy vehicle was speeding toward him at an angle.

As soon as question marks flooded the chat window, Lee Kyungbok rode onto the rock and pulled his front wheel high into the air.


The opponent’s scream coincided with their car spinning 360 degrees. The bike and the vehicle crossed paths.

-Holy shit!

-Was Purple a former stuntman?

-LMAO Why is he filming an action movie by himself?

-This footage should be cut for sure.

Viewers assumed that Lee Kyungbok had managed to escape from a tough spot, but they were mistaken.

With a metallic clang, a grenade landed on the hood of the car. As soon as the bike touched down, there was a massive explosion behind him.

Soon, a kill message appeared:

[Perfect Play > Frag Grenade > Gorge’s Monopoly]

Lee Kyungbok naturally accelerated without even looking back.

“I’ve earned one million won, so I’m going again.”

His words caused the chat window to explode like the recent blast.

-Cool! Cool! Cool!

-Wow, it was like something out of a movie!

-Pe[rfect Action!] Pe[rfect Action!] Pe[rfect Action!]

-Running with explosions behind you is a National Rule!

-An Indian Army level performance!

-LMAO Why mention the Indian Army?

-His sense of balance is insane! LMAO

-Where did my beloved Gorge go? Where did he go?!

-Solo on another level, seriously LMAO

As Lee Kyungbok read these comments, his smile grew wider with satisfaction.

By the time we reached downtown, the number of survivors had decreased to around forty. At the same time, the magnetic field continued to expand its domain.

“There are already many guests here.”

Lee Kyungbok spoke as he parked his bike.

-I can’t help it because it’s far from the barracks

-I still arrived incredibly fast ᄏᄏ

-Haha, this is like a legendary steamroll

-The tempo has been greatly accelerated due to rapid army organization

Judging by the vehicles parked on the outskirts of town, other players must have already secured their positions. In fact, I detected quite a significant number of enemies using my perception skill.

‘There should be about 20 people left in downtown now.’

Lee Kyungbok made this estimation while unfolding the map. It was based on the count of detected enemies and the size of downtown.

The rest are probably those enduring within their magnetic fields.

In Battle Royale games, the sole condition for victory is survival. Regardless of how many kills one racks up like Lee Kyungbok, it’s game over if they die.

LBy the way, surprisingly few vehicles here?

LLooks like some people are playing defensively with first aid kits on hand.

LI didn’t have enough time to farm.

LIs this just a Gandhi meta now?

LLooks like they’re coming out again haha

Viewers speculated about each player’s situation. Some were likely holed up with first aid kits as recovery items, while others employed a nonviolent “Gandhi” strategy, avoiding combat and focusing solely on survival.

Lee Kyungbok briefly rolled his eyes before smiling faintly. “Master Lee Namjin, would you count deaths caused by my magnetic field towards my kill count?”

The sudden comment prompted numerous question marks to flood the chat window. Since the magnetic field was part of the system, how could it be counted as Purple’s kill?

-Like, what?!


-What is this nonsense?

-Is he gonna push them with his magnetic field?

As viewers became increasingly confused, Lee Kyungbok’s smile widened further. However, instead of explaining himself, he opted for action, just like always. With all their locations detected, launching attacks on the enemies proved easy enough.




In various hiding spots such as one-story buildings, alleyways, and bathrooms, Players were dropping rapidly.

-The bullet hit…a really bad spot!

-I’m…gonna die!

–I can’t take this anymore! Let’s just quit!

–How does he know where to find us?

–There’s no hint of any debuffs…

–Oh, I get it. It’s nuclear strikes! Haha

–He’s literally leveling everything like an atomic bomb! Hahahaha

–Is this possible without HUD?

The number of survivors rapidly dwindled until only thirty remained.

[The combat zone will shrink! Please hurry!]

A message about the expanding magnetic field appeared on screen. Perhaps unexpectedly, the expansion occurred sooner than anticipated.

[SYSTEM >> Electro Field >> Surviving is Victory]

Some players succumbed to the magnetic field and died.

–Wait, what?!

–Huh? Does “magnetic field kill” mean this?

–I control the magnetic field.

–Ah, haha! By reducing the number of survivors, he advanced the magnetic field! Haha


-This is King’s doing lmaoooooo

-Lmaooo, he controls it once he kills ten directly

Finally, viewers understood what Lee Kyungbok had been hinting at.

[Success - 190,000 won.]

The viewer who set this quest accepted Lee Kyungbok’s proposal, including themselves as one of the victims killed by the magnetic field.

“Yes, thank you, Ahjin Lee-nim! I’ll work even harder now!” Lee Kyungbok beamed and reloaded his gun. His genuine smile lifted the spirits of the viewers as well.

-Ahhh lmao, he’s having too much fun alone.

-His money keeps multiplying!

-Shouldn’t it be GAT instead of Gorge?

-Great Auto Thief!

-Because he gets cash for killing people, it should be Great Auto Thief

The viewers felt like they were watching a different genre of game altogether. Instead of the tension typically associated with Battle Royale games, this was filled with pursuits, gunfire, and repeated victories. The continuous kill notifications popping up on screen along with the increasing prize money brought them great joy, as if it were their own achievements.

-It feels like we’re suddenly playing a bear-themed game LOL

-LOL Every gunshot sounds like someone dying!

-Bear noises and screams getting closer LOL

-I admit, I’d team up under these circumstances LOL

-Yikes… Is he actually running away?

Lee Kyungbok had just dispatched his opponent hiding in the restroom when he spotted people fleeing the village toward the ridge outside town through one of the small windows.

“That’s strange. Shouldn’t they be avoiding magnetic fields?”

Lee Kyungbok wasn’t about to let them escape. He immediately rushed outside and targeted those fleeing from the building.

–The man scarier than magnetic fields…!

–Certain death vs extending your life with first aid kits

–LMAO, what a backstabber!

–LOL, he’s ruthless.

Despite the considerable distance, each time Lee Kyungbok pulled the trigger, people fell like flies. With his assault rifle equipped with a dot sight, his sniping remained precise as ever.

–He’s shooting at someone who surrendered! You demon!

–Demon: Huh? I’m running away too, you know?

–Even demons would run from him LOL

–Purple, awakened by murderous intent and capitalism…!

–What do you mean “capitalism wave”? LOLLLLL

As viewers playfully teased him, Lee Kyungbok chuckled and shrugged nonchalantly.

“There’s no mercy on the battlefield. It’s either kill or be killed.”

-Haha! Don’t say that with a smile on your face!

-Kill with a Smile (29 kills)

-It’s true though ᅠ salarié

-Well, you won’t die anyway…

-Ah ᅠ if you’re so tough, try killing me then.

Meanwhile, thanks to the sacrifices (?) of other Players, one managed to hide behind a tree atop the ridge. Lee Kyungbok frowned slightly.

-Ah, I missed one!

-Is this considered surviving by a hair?

-Ha-ha-ha! With nineteen dead and one alive, it should be called surviving by nineteen hairs.

-He’ll probably still get killed by the magnetic field, though.

-I bet he’s cursing while wrapping his bandages.

-Lol, it’s like surviving a natural disaster.

The viewers didn’t think Lee Kyungbok would bother finishing off the last Player. Shooting from cover seemed impossible, and since kills via the magnetic field were counted, it’d be better to search for another enemy. Hence, they were puzzled when Lee Kyungbok once again raised his rifle and took aim.

Instead of explaining, Lee Kyungbok demonstrated his point once again. With one gunshot, flames erupted from the muzzle, but nothing happened to the tree.

-WTF is he doing?

-A warning shot? LMAO

-Purple made a mistake LOL

-It really was a human…!

-No way! He’s a god!

-Something, something…

-Haha, seems like God’s Eyes spotted something

Just as viewers were about to mock Lee Kyungbok, there was an explosion behind the tree.

[KoreanBeefIsLife>>FRAG GRENADE>>KoreanBeefIsLife]

The kill message flooded the chat with question marks.

-Did it commit suicide?

-Shocked by the warning shot?

-What? What just happened?

-Why would it kill itself after all that running? LOL

-What the heck?!

Lee Kyungbok casually responded while glancing at the chat window.

“I shot it because the grenade was slightly protruding from its hiding spot.”




-Are you lying or what?

-Was there actually a heat box around the grenade?!


Lee Kyungbok nodded matter-of-factly. The viewers couldn’t believe him, but he spoke the truth.

“To be exact, I spotted the safety pin of the grenade. So I aimed for it to pull it out.”

What had been visible next to the tree wasn’t the grenade itself but its thin safety pin. Lee Kyungbok had hit the pin dead-on with his bullet, removing it and detonating the grenade.

“You’ll count this as a kill, right?” His cheerful question elicited more admiration in the chat.

-Never fails LOL

-I missed that! Missed it!

-Gonna watch the replay once this is over LOL

-Wow LOL how did he hit something so small?

-Ah LOL, he’s the new human LOL

-The divine new human indeed LOL

[Permen][Permen][Permen] (Kiddocon)

[Shin]: I don’t know what that is… Scary…

[Satan]: Me neither… What’s going on…?

[Breaking News: The Navy SEALs have invited Purple to be their instructor.]

As viewers continued their heated debate, Lee Kyungbok discreetly turned away from his monitor. He had eliminated all enemies within downtown. Now, only those being chased by the electromagnetic field remained.

[SYSTEM > Electro Field > Parking King]

[SYSTEM > Electro Field > Who’s Driving This?]

[SYSTEM > Electro Field > One More Round]

However, as the magnetic field rapidly expanded, casualties mounted quickly. And there was more…

“Hey, this reminds me of Mad Max.” Lee Kyungbok observed cars racing along the ridge like madmen.

The Players had been relaxing outside but hurriedly drove their vehicles towards the safety zone due to the rapidly expanding magnetic field.

-LMAO… Road of Rage for real

-V8! V8! V8! V8! V8!

-I’ll remember this moment!

-Purple-sama looked at me!

-No, he saw me!

-Haha, aren’t you supposed to die if seen?

-Ah, newbie LMAO This is Battle Royale.

However, was there not enough time? The speeding players slammed their heads onto the steering wheels. Some horns blared loudly as they were inadvertently pressed under the impact.

-LMAO… Paralyzing fun

-More effective than grabbing someone’s collar after a car accident

-HAHAHA, it drives opponents insane when you do that

-LMAO, it’s really funny ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Cute, how many angles did you find?!

-God of Broadcasting…!

The paralysis occurred due to prolonged exposure to the magnetic field. Unlike fainting, it had a short duration but occurred frequently as a penalty. However, the acceleration of vehicles continued unabated. Eventually, some cars crashed into trees and buildings, exploding on impact.

“Wah, they even gave us fireworks. There was no need to celebrate this much.”

As Lee Kyungbok joked, the chat window filled with ‘LOL’.

-WTF is wrong with your personality?

-Are we here to celebrate? LOL

-Is there a festival going on?

-Nope, it’s a funeral.

-Lol, background music automatically played for the funeral

-Dum dum dum dum~

-How old is this meme? Hahaha

In the end, no survivors entered the safe zone. Soon, my vision darkened, and messages appeared before me:

[Perfect Play]

[Victory! Tonight’s dinner will be Korean beef!]

[Ranking #1 / Kills 26]

It was a victory message announcing the last survivor. Additionally, another message popped up separately:

[Quest Success!]

[‘I’m a man of integrity’ has sponsored you 450,000 won!]

This indicated the successful completion of the quest. Including the magnetic field kills, I had killed a total of 45 people in this game.

-Gadfly wins! Gadfly wins! Gadfly wins!

-Another perfect performance!

-I thought the meta was all about Yibo? Then what were those earlier games?

-Objective: Survive from Purple

-It turned out to be a game of avoiding Purple all along.

-LOL, Battle Royale should’ve been reserved for the other 99 players only.

-Intelligence Service’s top pick for streamer recruitment.

-Why would they rank such things?!

-BREAKING: The adult diaper industry sees a continuous boom! “Purple broadcasts have skyrocketed sales.”

The viewers relished his victory.


“Oh, dear Lee Namjin! Thank you once again for suggesting this enjoyable quest! It reminds me of Qudari. I hope he’s doing well…”

-Is that a dig at him?

-LOL, can’t believe he brought it up here

-LMAO, Qudari’s mysterious first loss.

-He’s already been thoroughly exposed.

-It was really awful LMAOOOOO

-Qudari? Do you mean Cue Agent?

-LMAO, he got utterly crushed by Gadfly.

-HOXY, are you upset? If so…you know what happens next, right?

-Aha LMAO, to restore his honor, he should take on a quest LMAO

With Lee Kyungbok’s final comment, the first game ended.

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