Chapter 38: The Anatomy of a Master (5)
Ep. 38—The Anatomy of a Master (V)
Kyungbok’s words flooded the chat with question marks.
-New humans?!
-Did he mean “sin” instead?
-Huh?! Is this some kind of joke?
-WTF is he talking about? LOLLLLLL
-OH, I get it… LOL He means someone close to being godlike!
-But Gadfly literally is God, right?
“Okay, okay, focus. Let me explain before we dive into the dissection.” Kyungbok lightly clapped his hands to regain everyone’s attention amidst the flurry of messages.
“This can be easily misunderstood if not explained properly, so let’s take it step-by-step. First off, even ordinary people possess five senses, but they don’t pay attention to all of them.”
He gently tapped his head as he continued. “Why not? Because our brains have limitations on how much information we can process at once. Most people aren’t good multitaskers anyway, am I right?”
-LOL, what a loser
-Got friends like that LOL
-What’s with all this talk about friends?
-Old people used to play multiple games at once on their computers.
-LOl’ geezer…
Kyungbok nodded at some of these reactions.
“Yes, everyone has different limits, but there is still a limit nonetheless. That means our brains have to choose and focus on certain things. Right? It decides which senses should be prioritized and how much attention they deserve. Have you ever felt your other senses dulling when deeply immersed in something?”
-I think video games are the best example, no?
-When I’m gaming, time flies by!
-But if you can’t concentrate, it feels like time drags on forever LOL
-Like when you’re bored out of your mind, someone suggests doing planks for motivation
-Planking FTW LOL
-That’s why we end up with turtle necks LOL
—That’s right! Before you know it, your neck and shoulders will be hunched over.
Viewers shared their own experiences as Kyungbok clapped to get everyone’s attention again.
“Yes, let me give you an example. You’ve probably seen this while browsing the Internet at some point.” He snapped his fingers, and a short message popped up onscreen.
[Lord, I can control your body. LOL]
[From now on, breathing will be manual.
From now on, blinking will be manual.
From now on, swallowing saliva will be manual.
From now on, tongue positioning will be manual.]
The effect was immediate.
—Hey, you jerk!
—Manual mode is no joke, lol
—I suddenly feel so uncomfortable, haha
—Dude? Are you messing with us?
—Ah, there’s no shield for this one
—Wait…; There must be a reason you’re doing this, right?!
Kyungbok chuckled at the intense reaction in the chat and raised his hand.
“Oh, my apologies. But it’s clear that the effect is working, right? Once your brain becomes conscious of something you used to do unconsciously, perception kicks in. This is evidence that our brains have become adept at choosing what to focus on.”
The smile faded from Kyungbok’s face as he moved on to Purple’s story.
“So, they said all areas of Purple’s brain were activated, but this doesn’t mean Purple consciously controls every single movement. That would be incredibly inefficient. However! It does mean that once Purple focuses, even minute movements can be controlled with precision.”
“Wow, so that’s how she pulls off those insane moves?”
-The superhuman race indeed LOLLLL
-Upgrade my brain too, please!
-LOL Look at our hyung’s mad anatomy skills
-There’s always a method to his madness
Viewers couldn’t contain their admiration.
“But there’s something even more important than that.” Kyungbok was just getting started with his analysis.
-Something more impressive than this?
-Dude, isn’t he already amazing enough?
-Huh? What could be so interesting now?
-Heh-heh, I’m intrigued.
-Aha-ha-ha… Old habits die hard, huh?
-I know you’re good at hosting, so spill it!
Kyungbok’s pause had viewers clamoring for him to continue. He lightly snapped his fingers and displayed some text on-screen:
Question marks flooded the chat room. The reaction was so intense, Kyungbok could almost picture jaws dropping.
AOh! I know what this is!
A~ Synesthesia (idk)
-I think… Saw it in a textbook once
-The sun is crisp, and the sky is so blue it hurts my eyes.
-Oh, haha, that’s definitely synesthesia.
As some viewers caught on to what he was saying, Kyungbok lightly clapped for them.
“Oh, nice examples. You guys are smarter than I expected. Synesthesia is indeed often used as a literary device. It means one sense evokes another.”
-But why bring this up all of a sudden?
-Wait, could it be…?
-Purple has all five senses activated, right?
-Wow, haha, Gadfly thinks perception refers to synesthesia?
The viewers were already starting to guess where Kyungbok was going with this.
“Yes, Purple might actually have synesthesia, not just using it figuratively. Explaining this concept is difficult because I don’t possess this ability. So please listen carefully, understanding that everything from here on out is purely theoretical.”
Kyungbok brought up Purple’s brain on-screen again, still glowing brightly.
“So, all his senses being activated could mean that they’re interconnected somehow. In other words, Purple might be able to see sounds or hear smells—something beyond our comprehension.”
-I don’t get it!
-Doyou mean he can see sound?!
-Is he like a superhero now?!!
-I remember this old movie about a blind guy who navigates using echolocation.
-Do you mean Daredevil?
-Yeah, exactly!
-So is that what it feels like?
The chat became more animated. Kyungbok quietly pulled up some footage.
“Guys, I know this sounds crazy, but bear with me. Watch closely and you’ll understand where I’m coming from. Okay, pay attention!”
The footage he’d prepared showed Purple taking the basic physical test. Kyungbok pointed at him as he sprinted through a dark forest while avoiding traps.
“Those of you who watched the stream know that Purple never once fell for any of them. Honestly, I thought it was impossible, but there’s no denying what we saw with our own eyes.”
–Never got caught even once? Seriously?
–LMAO! That Genom guy failed to supervise properly LOL
–It really was incredible.
–LOL! The Perfect Hunter is truly on another level.
–But it actually happened.
Viewers expressed their awe, likely reminiscing about the scene. Meanwhile, Kyungbok brought up another video—a close-up of Purple’s eyes during the run.
“Hey, guys, check this out! See how Purple’s eyes dart around as he runs? Surprisingly, though, it wasn’t because of the pitfall trap.” Kyungbok’s comment flooded the chat with question marks once more.
He quickly continued his explanation. “I’ve indicated where his gaze was focused to make things clearer for you all. Do you see that? Purple is solely looking at the quickest route and completely ignores the trap. What do you think this means?”
-Lol;;; He avoided the trap without even seeing it?!
-Is that possible?
-But wouldn’t he have had to spot it first to avoid it?
-I bet he saw it from afar.
Kyungbok glanced through the comments before responding.
“Oh yeah, good point. At first, I thought, Wow, did he spot it from that far away? That would’ve been amazing in its own right, but actually, it’s impossible.”
With a wave of his hand, Kyungbok changed the screen to show concentric circles emanating from Lee Kyungbok’s position.
“It might be possible in real life, but this is my stage. The lighting was set extremely narrow. In other words, any traps at this distance were completely unlit—no light whatsoever. And without light, how can your eyes work? No, they wouldn’t. So not being able to see them makes sense, don’t you think?”
-LMAO OMG, giving me chills
-Did he really detect the location of the trap without seeing it?
-Then does that mean his perception ability kicked in?
-LMAO, this is truly legendary stuff
-He even did it all with just his gauntlets
-LOL, insane precision control, right?!
-OMG, that was art
-That’s why martial arts are called “martial arts” LOL
Kyungbok played another clip, once again in slow motion.
“Now, pay attention to this part. Purple swung at one of the dummies, right? At the same time, two others rushed him from either side while a spear flew toward him from behind.”
It looked like certain doom to anyone watching. However, everyone knew Lee Kyungbok had survived this crisis.
“I didn’t realize it when I first watched because everything happened so quickly, but analyzing it frame by frame really blew my mind. Seriously, how did Purple know there was a spear flying at him from behind?”
“Well, obviously, he heard it.”
“LMAO, isn’t that too easy?”
“Hmm, maybe there’s more to it…”
“LOL, something tells me you’re right, bro.”
“Damn! My brain can’t even begin to comprehend this!”
Most viewers assumed he’d heard the sound of the weapon coming. But Kyungbok shook his head.
“That’s what I initially thought as well, but nope. Listen carefully.”
As Kyungbok increased the playback speed, the sound began to slow down. The noise of gauntlets hitting dummies echoed for a long time. Lee Kyungbok continuously struck at the dummies attacking him from both sides. As a result, the sounds of impact didn’t stop ringing out.
“Did you see that? It is also a noise coming from close proximity. Naturally, small sounds behind would be drowned out. This shouldn’t have been known. But what happened?”
The video continued immediately. After eliminating both opponents, Lee Kyungbok twisted his waist and delivered a backspin blow. With the clang of metal, the gauntlet deflected the spear blade off its trajectory. Then without missing a beat, Lee Kyungbok successfully targeted the weak spot of the dummy holding the spear.
“Did you see that? Not only did he sense it coming but also perfectly blocked and countered! Isn’t it hard enough to pull off such moves even when you can actually see them? If my theory about heightened perception is correct, then he definitely felt the air being sliced by the spear.”
-LMAO; if other craftsmen could do this, they’d be gods, so why does Purple get all the credit?
-LOL OMG, slow-mo makes it look even crazier
-Oh LOL, didn’t you notice? He’s got eyes on the back of his head.
-He sensed the flow of air? Is that for real?
-Either way, he’s a god!
The chat window was a boiling pot of excitement and confusion.
Kyungbok exhaled lightly as he commented, “Okay, let’s say I gave him some leeway with sound effects. But sensing distance at this level? That’s insane in its own right.” Kyungbok shook his head in amazement before continuing. “Wow, no offense to any of the other masters out there, but compared to Purple, everyone else just seems like a newbie.”
-LOL, there’s no denying it.
-It’s just…perfect.
-I have to question whether they’re true artisans LLOL
-No need to question—it’s a fact LOL
-There aren’t two masters here; there’s only one LOLLL
While viewers were still buzzing, Kyungbok quickly changed slides and brought up something new.
“But I saved the best for last. This is even more incredible.”
-Stop! Please don’t!
-Is this some kind of occult special today?
-Are you going to surprise us again?
-Whaaaaat?! LOL
-Wait, is this a prank show? Am I right?
The audience reacted with utter disbelief as Kyungbok promptly played another video.
“The footage of the bargain deal and shooting test, right? It’s already proof that he’s godlike, but I couldn’t help analyzing it, you know? So here goes.”
The video was split into two parts: one tracking the bullet fired by Lee Kyungbok and another zoomed in on his gun muzzle.
-Looking at slow-mo again LOL
-Godly skills can only be analyzed with divine eyes!
-Haha, no one knew about this yesterday
-Watching it like this, every moment is legendary
-Ha-ha-ha, dead center!
-Bull’s-eye? More like Purple’s-eye!
Flames erupted from the muzzle as the bullet slowly flew through the air until finally striking its target.
Kyungbok paused the video and yelled excitedly as the chat window filled with question marks.
“Okay, let’s play it back even slower.” Kyungbok adjusted the playback speed to capture an extremely brief moment that lasted only 0.000001 seconds.
-The muzzle started spinning just now?
-Is he reacting at this speed?!
-???: Well, not so hard, right?
The muzzle began rotating slightly after the bullet hit its target, but that wasn’t what Kyungbok wanted to show them.
“This is just a taste of what’s coming. The next one will blow your minds! Watch this!”
A second screen popped up, leaving viewers puzzled by the empty space shown on it.
“If you zoom in here… Can you see this? This thing right here?”
As he magnified the screen, viewers spotted a small object Kyungbok had marked beforehand. The object multiplied and transformed into targets as the video played back slowly. At that moment, bullets pierced them.
Did he pinpoint their location based on just those tiny pieces?!
LOL OMG, this is gold!
This has to be edited, right?
Huh? Is this some kind of joke? Right?!
Is this what it’s like to have God’s perspective…?
The chat window filled with shock, but Kyungbok wasn’t done yet.
“Nope, not quite. I didn’t even know about this myself until now.” With a flick of his finger, Kyungbok rewound the footage to when the first target appeared.
Soon, audio appeared on-screen next to him.
“When this target was created, it made that sound. It’s so faint that you wouldn’t have noticed unless you singled it out like I just did.”
-Did anyone else hear that?
-No way we could’ve heard over those gunshots.
-Then is it synesthesia? Like seeing sounds?
-Oh my gosh LMFAO, he ain’t human LMFAO!
-Yeah LOL, Purple must be Reptilian LOL.
-Whew, and here I thought he was a newbie…
-Nah, not a newbie but an alien LOL
-Genoms lost their minds LOL
As chaos reigned supreme in the chat room, Kyungbok chuckled heartily before clapping his hands again to regain everyone’s attention. All the images and scans disappeared from the screen, leaving only Kyungbok.
“Okay, everyone, focus! As you know, I never give up, but this time, I have to abandon the autopsy.” Kyungbok announced his surrender for the first time ever in the history of his anatomy content. After all, giving up on the dissection would be dishonoring the name “anatomy,” wouldn’t it?
However, there was a clear reason behind his decision.
“Purple’s physical ability is…beyond my comprehension. No, how can I explain something that combines all five senses? This is entirely new territory. You could consider it a sixth sense.”
–OMG, plot twist like in The Sixth Sense!
–Is Purple the Sixth Sense guy?!
–Wow…I get why people call him the next step in human evolution now.
–Shouldn’t we invite Gadfly back and ask him to explain things?
Kyungbok shook his head as he read the chat.
“No, even Purple wouldn’t be able to explain this properly. Can you describe what your intuition feels like? No, right? There aren’t any words for it yet, so I tried my best to find terms that would make sense to most people. And among those, shared senses seemed appropriate.”
“Today’s episode is all about Gadfly!”
“LOL, he’s gone off on one of his tangents again.”
“Wow… What kind of sensation could that be?”
“It must suck to have such a heightened sixth sense.”
“Purple with his superhuman intuition…!”
“His senses must be too strong… Too strong…”
“Are you out of your mind?! HAHAHAHAHAHA!”
Kyungbok clapped his hands together to get everyone’s attention.
“Well then, apologies if today’s dissection wasn’t very clear, but there’s one thing I’m certain of.” He looked straight at the camera and spoke confidently. “I’m not joking when I say Purple is truly legendary—a prodigy blessed by the heavens.”
Lee Kyungbok transcended the category of mere mortals; he was indeed a genius.
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