Chapter 11: Streamer Purple’s Debut, IV

Choi Byunghoon’s head was throbbing.

That bastard Lee Kyungbok really…

He watched Lee Kyungbok’s live broadcast with these thoughts swirling around his mind.

He said he’d take it slow and grow gradually, yet he keeps pulling off legendary feats like this!

Once hooked, he had no intention of stopping. As someone with editing experience, he scrutinized the footage for potential improvements while monitoring the broadcast. However, there was absolutely no need for any edits.

“Wow…this is gold.”

Anyone watching would agree that the footage didn’t require any additional editing. While Lee Kyungbok’s martial arts display resembled something straight out of an action movie, Sandra’s transformation stole the show.

People who’ve experienced Bark won’t be able to resist this.

Sandra, previously known as a tough and feisty character labeled “Tsundere,” revealed another side of herself. This exclusive footage showcased her unique personality, unseen anywhere else.

“Damn, but how did he manage to get this…?”

The next video showed another epic moment involving a vending machine prize draw. Choi Byunghoon, who had been a Bio Crisis player before becoming an editor, couldn’t help but chuckle.

‘Is it that thing again?’

He immediately thought of Lee Kyungbok’s infamous “that thing.” However, it didn’t make him uncomfortable or wary of his friend. The real issue was elsewhere. With Lee Kyungbok’s performance being so outstanding, Choi Byunghoon felt his role as an editor was diminishing.

‘Still, I have my own part to play.’

Despite feeling disheartened, Choi Byunghoon remained determined. His responsibilities extended beyond just editing for his friend.

‘I need to set up a Youtube channel right away.’

The first idea that popped into his mind after watching the stream was creating a new Youtube channel.

Currently, Lee Kyungbok and Purple were the first to reveal Bio Crisis’s hidden route to the world. However, the issue was that the conditions for unlocking the hidden route had already been exposed.

‘Kyungbok might be the first on Tri, where streaming is key, but it’s different on Youtube.’

Accessing the hidden route wasn’t easy, but considering how vast the world was, someone else might succeed at some point. And if they uploaded their footage to Youtube before anyone else?

‘Streaming has a large market, but more people watch content on Youtube.’

While interacting in real-time was the allure of streaming, many individuals were too busy to fully appreciate it. They preferred edited versions with only the most interesting parts; others even opted for screenshots or GIFs shared across online communities.

It was no wonder streamers also created Youtube channels.

I can’t let this opportunity pass me by.

Choi Byunghoon’s fingers moved swiftly across his keyboard, even faster than his scanning eyes. Monitoring was just the beginning; he needed to edit videos and set up a Youtube channel as well.

Good thing I prepared some ideas for names beforehand.

Fortunately, while brainstorming potential names, he had briefly sketched out concepts for the channel background and icon.

But it doesn’t end there.

As Choi Byunghoon watched Lee Kyungbok’s broadcast, he instinctively realized that the best moments of today’s show were yet to come. More importantly, what would become the most talked-about clip was unfolding right now.

Because this is an unexplored path.

The true hidden route had just begun.

As Lee Kyungbok spoke to Sandra, there was a cut scene. The two of them were leaving the hotel amidst the farewell from the survivors.


At that moment, the child who gave him coins approached through the crowd of survivors.

-Looking cute Jammin

-Cute Cute

-She really has energy~

Lee Kyungbok imagined the fatherly smiles on people’s faces as they read these chat messages. Meanwhile, the child held out a small doll and said:

“Take this.”


“It’s John.” The child spoke proudly.

-Jammin giving something other than coins?

-What is it? A hidden item?

-But why ‘John’?

-Ah Is it that thing (I don’t know)?

-Haha, looks cheap. Did jammin make it herself?

The viewers, Lee Kyungbok and John were all confused.

“It is a doll made by my mother. If I have it with me, monsters won’t come. She said to hide well because we are playing hide-and-seek…” However, as the child continued speaking, the chat window became silent.

-Tarula here?

-Uh… Ah…

-Was the person who called Tarula shabby human?

-I will break his head!

Hearing these words, John smiled bitterly and hugged the doll again towards the child.

“I really appreciate it but I’m fine. I am John.”


“Don’t worry. I’ll return safely.” With those words, John got up. Soon, the screen turned dark, and the background changed.


Dead bodies and blood-covered stairs. Sandra and John, holding flashlights and guns, cautiously descended below. The lights flickered intermittently, exposing grotesque wiring with sparking cables, while shattered advertisement boards emitted faint glows. The ominous and foreboding subway setting left both of them visibly tense.

-Look…the mood is ruined now.

-The subway isn’t even accessible during free play time.

-I see it’s been implemented as a stage.

This scene was new to the viewers as well. Meanwhile, John and Sandra continued downward, heading towards the underground platform.

“This way.”

Sandra inspected the direction of the station with her flashlight before stepping onto the tracks. John landed ahead of her as she moved forward.

“I’ll go first.”

”…Okay.” Sandra smiled gently at his words.

-“Sandra’s being considerate!”

-“Oh, you don’t know about this? It’s called ‘honidra.’”

-“Ah, ah! From now on, I should also take the lead to avoid any issues.”

-The queue-jumping culprit has been apprehended successfully.

As viewers engaged in lively chatter, Lee Kyungbok felt control returning to him. Unlike the lit platform, the railway was completely dark. The pitch-blackness seemed almost tangible, asserting its presence. The flashlight beam felt like a tiny thorn piercing through the dense darkness.

“This is where it begins,” Lee Kyungbok whispered softly as he took determined steps forward.

-H-He isn’t scared at all?

-Can he just walk like that?

-No matter how I look, it seems reckless

-Are there only cowards here? (Stocking up on adult diapers)

Contrary to the concerned chat messages, Lee Kyungbok remained composed. This was because his intuition wasn’t sending any warnings.

“I’ve always had a strong gut instinct.”

In fact, he casually responded to the chat, showing his relaxed demeanor.

-Gut, huh? Gut, huh? Cowardly due to your gut~

-Ugh, so frustrating… Blaming it on having a small gut by nature!

-Haha, if it were me, I’d definitely be petrified at the Styx Stone

For a while, Lee Kyungbok continued steadily. However, he gradually slowed down, sensing a subtle foreboding ahead.

“What is that?”

-What is what?

-I don’t know?

-Are you already getting old…

-Do purple eyes have different clarity?

-Clarity… hahaha

However, soon the viewers were able to identify it. The faint light of a flashlight revealed swollen heads.

“Pop-heads…” Sandra whispered sharply.

Unlike regular zombies, these ones with enlarged heads blocked the railway tracks.

-Wow hahaha

-The difficulty has gone insane!

-Pop-heads already appearing?

-Gumdrop is being presumptuous again.

Lee Kyungbok glanced at the reaction and tilted his head. “Are these guys so dangerous?” He asked the question to the viewers, but the explanation came from Sandra.

“Be careful. When their heads explode, toxic gas will be released.”

-??? : Am I your teacher? Stupid!

-The creature here is a honidra, sir.

-Info: The gas summons other zombies.

-Academic theory suggests aiming for the legs.

-Additional info.

Lee Kyungbok nodded thoughtfully.

“Then we need to clear the way beforehand.”


“Step back.”

With those words, Lee Kyungbok confidently pulled the trigger. A gunshot echoed, followed by a series of explosions. Green gas seeped out, catching the attention of the nearby pop-heads.


-Why did you shoot?!

-What’s wrong with you?!

The viewers were bewildered, but instead of explaining, Lee Kyungbok demonstrated his reasoning. Each time a pop-head rushed towards him, it exploded like a firecracker triggered by a switch. However, something unexpected caught him off guard.

”…I don’t want to raise my child without a father.”


“I’m joking.”

Sandra stood firm beside him with a smile. Lee Kyungbok couldn’t help but laugh at her absurdity.

-Yaah hahaha

-Sandra, you rock!

-Wooo, she’s fierce!

-Ah ha, it’s Sandra indeed.

-No pleasure without responsibility, huh?!

-I didn’t expect such boldness from Sandra!

With Sandra joining the fray, the number of pop-heads rapidly decreased. Soon, all that remained was the dense green fog.

“Sigh… Finally got rid of them.”

However, Lee Kyungbok kept his gun raised, still sensing an ominous presence lingering.

”…Here they come again.”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

Perhaps due to the darkness obscuring their vision, the first thing they noticed was sound—an unpleasant noise akin to nails scraping against metal, gradually growing louder.

The first thing they noticed was sound—a grating noise akin to nails scratching against metal, growing louder by the second.


“We should retreat this time.”

Lee Kyungbok had an ominous feeling and holstered his pistol. Instead, he grabbed the shotgun slung over his back.

“What is it? What’s happening now?”

“Maybe pop-head-led zombies?”

“But they don’t seem like regular ones?”

“Another special zombie here?”

“And amidst all this, a shotgun lesson? Hahahaha”

Sandra hesitated momentarily, seemingly debating whether to follow Lee Kyungbok’s advice. In that instant, Kyungbok swiftly wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her backward.

Soon after, sticky spider webs plopped onto the spot where they had been standing moments ago.

Sandra’s face turned pale as she raised her flashlight upward.


The flashlight barely illuminated the ceiling teeming with spiders. However, these were no ordinary spiders as they had human faces attached to them.

-Look at all those zaracnes! What difficulty level is this?

-I’m seriously getting goosebumps.

-Why do they swarm like that?!

-I hate creatures with too many legs…

-Are you sure this isn’t a prank?

-Stop joking around and call SESCO!

The viewers were terrified by the sheer number of spider zombies and zaracnes appearing on screen.

“Let’s see how it performs.” Lee Kyungbok grimaced slightly, placing the flashlight between his teeth. He then gripped the shotgun firmly with both hands and pulled the trigger.

With thunderous explosions, the zaracnes crumpled like rag dolls.

-That GOLDEN shotgun truly lives up to its reputation!

-Haha, handling it like a pro!

-No match for zaracnes! We’ve got our GOLDEN SHOTGUN!

“Why does he look so cool with that flashlight in his mouth?”

“Ha-ha! He looks like he’s smoking a cigar.”

The shotgun was incredibly powerful. Typically, shotguns lose accuracy as distance increases, but this golden shotgun was different.


Lee Kyungbok’s lips curled up, as he got the hang of it after just one shot.


Despite Sandra’s warning, Lee Kyungbok charged ahead to draw attention away from her and protect her.

“Is he gonna rush straight at them? Is he crazy?”

“This ain’t some video game!”

“How is he going to keep track of everything around him?”

Viewers couldn’t understand what he was doing. To them, it looked like Lee Kyungbok was attempting suicide.

However, their perception quickly changed.

He can hit something no matter where he shoots!

Avoiding spider webs flying at him from all directions wasn’t difficult thanks to his heightened senses warning him beforehand. He dodged them gracefully as if dancing while continuously pulling the trigger. With each flash of light, numerous zaracnes plummeted down.

-Look at that! Hahahaha!

-Were these creatures made just for him?! > Oh yes, indeed!

-Strength creates light! And I’m feeling mighty strong today!

-Hey, there are still some non-believers out there! Golden Headband!

-Coming right up! (Clang, clang!)

His performance couldn’t be explained simply by physical prowess alone. Viewers were mesmerized by his extraordinary movements.

With the extermination of the zaracnes complete…

“Phew… Honestly, having good gear really makes a difference.”

Lee Kyungbok let out a small sigh. Without his shotgun, it would have been quite a challenging battle for him.

“Lol, no way… Even if we had rocket launchers, we couldn’t beat them.”

“Haha, this is all about the player’s skill with that item.”

“This is insane. It’s purely due to the purple shotgun!”

“King-level! God-tier! Legendary-class!”

“Amen! Amen! Amen!”

The viewers refused to acknowledge Lee Kyungbok’s claim. Under similar conditions, they knew they could never replicate such performance.

Smiling, Lee Kyungbok attempted to respond but lost control of the stream as the cutscene began after the battle ended.

“So the zaracnes were nesting underground…” Sandra couldn’t hide her discomfort upon seeing the corpses. With a grave expression, she gazed beyond the railway tracks.

“John, is this truly the right choice?”

In response to Sandra’s question, John briefly glanced into the darkness ahead.

“I don’t know what the right choice is at this moment.” He took another step into the darkness and continued, “We’ll make it the right choice.”


“As I promised, I’m here to help you.” John turned around and took Sandra’s hand. They gazed at each other, becoming the sole illumination amidst the darkness.

As the scene faded once more, the chat window rapidly filled with messages:


-It really was ‘John’ from another Earth!

-I only got scolded by Sandra…

-HighGear, it’s obvious when the pilot changes despite using the same machine.

-WTF, why hide such a route?!

Regardless of the viewers’ complaints, the cutscene continued unabated.


“A train!”

“Can we ride it?”

While walking along the railway tracks, John and Sandra spotted a stationary train.


“We might be able to use this.”

“Yes, if it’s still operational, we can easily relocate other survivors.”

The two approached the last carriage of the train. Apparently, only the tunnel lighting had been cut off, as the subway car’s interior lights were still on, revealing the gruesome scene inside. The seats, windows, and every surface were covered in dried blood, with corpses and chunks of dark-red flesh scattered across the floor.

‘Something feels unsettling.’

Lee Kyungbok experienced an uncomfortable sensation, but he couldn’t intervene during this scene.

“The driver’s room should be at the front.”

“Stay close.”

John and Sandra quickly moved through the passenger compartment. Both of them were cautious about the fallen bodies moving again, but Lee Kyungbok didn’t feel the need for caution.

‘It is outside. Something…is out there.’

As the cutscene progressed, his discomfort intensified. Lee Kyungbok had experienced a similar feeling before.

“This is the driver’s room.”

“Do you know how to operate it?”

”…Just make it move.”

Sandra shrugged and grabbed the largest lever. As she pushed forward, the train slowly started to advance.

–Ah, that’s right

–No need for announcements

–Ah ah, passengers who have lost their heads should now disembark.

–What? Hahaha

While the viewers were laughing, Lee Kyungbok guessed the identity of his intuition:

‘It is similar to when there was a cluster. No, it is even stronger…!’

The ominous feeling rapidly intensified, ringing alarm bells in his mind. At the same time, the situation in the cutscene changed instantly.

“It’s okay!”


As the train moved forward, its headlights turned on, revealing a massive shape beyond them. John immediately grabbed Sandra and pulled her backward just as most of the driver’s compartment became covered with slimy mucus.

“What is this?!”

“What is that…!”

A huge zaracne, the size of one carriage, was attached to the tunnel above them. It approached with eerie cries, but that wasn’t the only problem.

“John! The handle!”


The giant zaracne’s web had completely immobilized the driver’s cabin. Meanwhile, the train’s speed continued to increase. At this rate, it would inevitably collide with another train ahead.


-Time attack, huh?

-The difficulty is insane, right?

-Hey! Was this made just to break us?!

-Didn’t I say something earlier? ㅋㅋ

-Let’s watch these fools struggle ㅋㅋㅋ

As viewers cursed at the developers, the train suddenly jolted with a loud thud.

“Could it be…?”

“Hurry up!”

It was clear that the massive zaracne had climbed onto the carriage. At the same time, Lee Kyungbok regained control.

“Wow, it’s even creepier when bigger.” This was Lee Kyungbok’s first remark as he entered the boss battle. Nonchalantly, he loosened his grip and grabbed two pistols, one for each hand.

“This time, I’ll try dual-wielding.”

His statement filled the chat window with question marks.

-What is this confidence?

-Ah, he has nerves of steel.

-But it seems like it wasn’t made to be defeated ㅋㅋㅋ

-Is escaping within the given time more important than dealing with the boss?

-Yup, looks like it.

-I remember similar cases in previous routes too.

The viewers concluded that the objective of this boss fight was escape. In earlier routes, defeating the boss wasn’t always a requirement for clearing the scenario.

However, Lee Kyungbok raised an eyebrow.

“Escape? I don’t think so…” Lee Kyungbok spoke and immediately aimed outside the window, pulling the trigger. With the sound of gunfire, a huge zaracne appeared and was repelled away.

“You can kill them by shooting.”

Lee Kyungbok demonstrated this with his actions. Alongside Sandra, he accurately predicted where the giant araknes would appear, causing damage with his pistol.

The viewers were bewildered.

-Like, just shoot anywhere and it hits?

-How did they know where it would come from?

-Wasn’t this originally meant to be done back-to-back with Sandra?

-Haha, Sandra tried to turn around but was too fast, spinning instead! Hahaha

-Developer: Ah, that’s not how it was intended… You’re supposed to cooperate with Sandra…

-???: Can’t it be done alone?

-Ah too easy to clear~

Their speed was relentless, almost like jogging. Eventually, they reached the last carriage of the train. However, the boss battle wasn’t over yet.

“Yes, this is what I’ve been waiting for.” Lee Kyungbok’s lips twisted at the ominous feeling. Soon, with a loud cracking noise, the rear of the train twisted and detached.

Beyond that, a massive zaracne clinging to the ceiling pursued them at a terrifying pace.


-Phase 2

-Purple might catch it

-Missed their chance to escape from the spider, huh?

The viewers anticipated the start of a full-blown battle, but the unfolding events took an unexpected turn.


“Grab onto anything you can!”

The zaracne spewed spider webs covering the train, causing it to shake violently as if there was an earthquake.

-The spider is cheating;;

-No; at least let him aim!

-How can he aim with this happening?

-In fact, isn’t the subway route for a bad ending?

Lee Kyungbok’s eyes rapidly moved around. If left unchecked, the train would derail, leading to certain game over.

‘That’s it.’

Most gamers might panic in such sudden situations, but Lee Kyungbok was different. His heightened senses and intuition detected a breakthrough moment. Without hesitation, he followed his instincts.

A single gunshot echoed through the area. The bullet fired from the muzzle pierced the spider web connecting the zaracne to the train.


The sudden break of the spider thread caused the huge zaracne’s body to twist greatly. At the same time, its head emerged from the distorted back. Lee Kyungbok pulled the trigger with his other hand holding the gun. The sound of gunfire echoed, and bullets pierced through the darkness. With a ‘puk’ sound, blood burst from the back of the giant zaracne. Then like a puppet whose strings were cut, it collapsed onto the ground.

-What did I just see?


-A monster more monstrous than the monster…

-Is this… ‘Perfect’?

-One shot one kill LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO

-WTF! Did you not see that?!

-I really feel for the zaracne LMAO

-Haha, it must be so unfair LMAO

The viewers were literally enjoying a festival atmosphere, but Lee Kyungbok couldn’t laugh along.

“Ladies and gentlemen, it isn’t over yet.”

Despite defeating the boss, there was no cutscene transition. In other words, there remained unfinished business.

-Ah, right.

-The train…?

-It’s moving too fast now?

-At least zaracne slowed it down earlier.

The train continued to run out of control. Sandra managed to regain her footing and approached him.


Lee Kyungbok rapidly scanned his surroundings before turning back to Sandra.

“Sandra, give me your knife!”

“Huh? Oh, yes!” Despite being startled, she promptly handed him the knife. Lee Kyungbok swiftly cut away the tangled spider webs from the derailed train.


-Something, something is happening…

-Judgment skills! Quick action!

-I knew Sandra would be impressed

-If it were me, I’d save and watch a guide

-The raid is being revealed for the first time, but where’s the strategy?

Meanwhile, Lee Kyungbok was weaving the spider silk together.

As expected, it still has its stickiness.

He got this idea after seeing how the driver’s compartment had been bound. He gathered the spider silk, braided it like a rope, and tied it around his waist.

“Do you trust me?”

”…Yes!” Sandra nodded.

-Only three words, yet they’re so cool! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I believe in hyung too!


-I believe!

-Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Sandra hugged Lee Kyungbok tightly, her rapid heartbeat palpable against him. While marveling at the detailed realism, Lee Kyungbok focused intently on their surroundings.

‘In a game, we shouldn’t really die.’

With all his might, he threw the spider silk. It caught securely around a pillar, becoming taut and pulling them towards it. Reflexively, Lee Kyungbok held Sandra firmly.


Surprisingly, there was a shock transmitted to him. It momentarily took his breath away. However, he didn’t feel any pain as control immediately disappeared, and it transitioned to a cutscene.

-Oh, it’s a cutscene.

-Phew, it is over.

-Wow… then they cleared it.

-I think so.

The viewers finally seemed relieved. At that moment, the train running through the darkness derailed with a loud noise.

-Damn! That was unexpected!

-If it were just 10 seconds later, they would’ve been killed.

-Ah, it must be part of the production. Right…?

Meanwhile, Sandra stumbled as she emerged from John’s arms.

“We survived… We survived! John!” She looked back at John with joy but quickly became very serious.


There was a close-up on her startled face before the scene suddenly went black.


-WTF…? What’s going on?

-Is this a bad ending?!

-No way…

-Come on! Come on! Come on!

It can’t really be a bad ending, right?

The viewers were ready to storm the developer’s office. Lee Kyungbok was also startled but then noticed the message appearing on his screen:

[Chapter 2: ‘Survivors’ End’]

It wasn’t a bad ending; rather, it signaled the conclusion of Chapter 2.


-Ah, got me there for a moment.

-Just messing with us once again?

As the chat calmed down, the preview cutscene for Chapter 3 began. However, something seemed off.


“John, you’re… No, I’m sorry.”

Sandra distanced herself from John, looking utterly confused.

The chat window was flooded with question marks.


-WTF? What is this?


-Fuckkkk… These idiots are making bank LMAO

The cutscene rapidly unfolded.

“Fortunately, it seems fine.”

“Yes, this should be… Wait, that?”

They arrived at their destination, the outlet mall. Fortunately, the outlet appeared to be safe. However, the problem lay beyond it.

“Military personnel?”

“What’s going on here?”

There were soldiers encircling the outskirts of the city.

-Why are there soldiers?

-Huh? Are they sealing off the city for Lifenem?

-Spoiler alert, keep your mouth shut, Calvin.

-WTF, how is this a spoiler?

-Aha! They bypassed the restricted area using the subway!

-Exactly! This is completely outside the city!

-Lol, is this game volume larger than previous routes?

-Wow… This broadcast is truly legendary in many ways

It was an unfamiliar scene even to existing Bio Crisis users.

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