Chapter 96: Breaking the Seal (2)

Suhyuk glanced at the guard and then looked back at Steve. Although not as imposing as the guard, Steve was still quite large. In comparison, the patient standing before him had a menacing expression but lacked physical presence.

“Still, we should run if necessary. We can’t handle this.”

‘I know, me too.’

Of course, despite everything, the patient was larger than Suhyuk.


Moreover, the tattoo covering his neck added to his intimidating aura regardless of size. Consequently, Suhyuk cleared his throat once more before speaking.

“Patient, I’m Lee Suhyuk. Nice to meet you.”

Once he opened his mouth, Suhyuk decided to go all-in, just like before.

Thanks to this, the patient nodded without much caution. It wasn’t a friendly response, but there was no hostility present either. Relieved, Suhyuk continued talking.

“Your name…is Jesse Atwood.”

“Just call me Jesse.”

“Yes, Jesse. May I ask what kind of work you do?” Suhyuk briefly glanced at the medical report brought by the patient.

Unlike Korea, the details provided were extensive, including one’s occupation.

[A grocery store employee…]

Would you hire someone like him?


Doesn’t it sound unbelievable?

[Yes, perhaps. Although, things might be different in the United States.]

It seemed surprising that such a person would be employed at a grocery store.

Although America was known for its freedom, there had to be limits somewhere. Moreover, Jesse’s casual attitude and behavior were quite extraordinary. At least, that was Baru and Suhyuk’s judgment.

“Isn’t it written here? He worked at a grocery store.”

“Yes, well…”

However, they couldn’t abruptly ask him, ‘Are you lying?’ If they did, his fists adorned with numerous unidentified rings might fly towards them.

“So what kind of work did you do at the grocery store?”

“What did I do?”


“Well…” The patient seemed momentarily lost in thought before suddenly becoming angry. “Is that important? This is a hospital, not a police station!”

The guard approached quickly due to the loud noise. Steve also extended his hand as if he was going to drag Suhyuk away.

[Analysis result: This person’s emotion is fear, not anger.]

However, thanks to Baruda, Suhyuk had gained some understanding of Jesse’s situation. Thus, Suhyuk lowered his hand and continued speaking calmly.

“It is important. Your illness may be related to your job.”

“What…? What…? I’m the only one coughing around here!”

“Not everyone who smokes gets lung cancer, but smoking can cause it, right? It could be similar for you.”


Jesse started to say something but let out a deep sigh as if he was disappointed. Through Jesse’s open mouth, Suhyuk could see his teeth, which were indeed a mess. No, ‘a mess’ didn’t adequately describe them. He had never seen such dental conditions while in Korea.

[Indeed, she isn’t a grocery store employee?]

‘Is it due to drugs?’

Jesse’s teeth were blackened here and there, but it wasn’t just typical tooth decay. They appeared burnt or charred.

[I have seen case reports stating this occurs when methamphetamine is smoked.]

‘Methamphetamine… Crystal meth, right?’


‘Even in America, they wouldn’t hire someone using crystal meth at a grocery store.’

[Of course.]

Thanks to this, Suhyuk was convinced that the patient’s real job wasn’t working at a grocery store. Naturally, his tone became more assertive than before. It could be said that he was overflowing with confidence.

In any case, it was like that.

“So please tell me exactly what you do at the grocery store.”


On the other hand, Jesse’s eyes darted around frantically, but they couldn’t form words. To answer convincingly, one would need actual experience working at a grocery store. As Jesse stumbled over their response, Suhyuk posed another question.

“Then let me know when you usually work. That shouldn’t be a difficult question, right?”


It seemed indeed not challenging for someone genuinely employed there. Jesse’s expression, initially reflecting the strain of being cornered, visibly relaxed slightly.

“Uh… yes. Mainly on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. I work on those days.”

“Hmm. That’s unusual?”

“W-What’s so unusual about it?”

“In any case, understood. Friday, Saturday, Sunday.” Suhyuk closed his eyes while repeating ‘Friday, Saturday, Sunday’ several times.

To others, it might seem like he was deep in thought, but in reality, he was communicating with Baruda.

[Is that correct?]

‘Um, but is it safe?’

[Well… Do you think she would cause trouble at the hospital? She can’t escape even if she breaks through the guard.]

‘I suppose not.’

The guard had already opened the glass door and entered the room. Although they didn’t rush towards Jesse due to Suhyuk’s earlier gesture, just having them stationed near the door provided immense comfort.

This might put pressure on Jesse. Suhyuk’s face relaxed as he opened his mouth to speak.

“By any chance, is your condition worst on Fridays?”


“Doesn’t your cough worsen significantly on Fridays?”

“Oh… Hmm. Now that you mention it…”

Jesse scratched his chin while pondering over Suhyuk’s question. His unruly beard was stained with something resembling ketchup. At first glance, he didn’t seem like someone who could afford treatment at this expensive university hospital. However, considering how confidently he presented himself, Suhyuk surmised that Jesse must be enduring immense pain from these coughing and breathing issues, indicating that he likely had more money than appearances suggested.

“It seems so…”

“At that time, did you feel any chest pain?”

“Uh… Yes. That’s correct. Did it mention that?”

Now Jesse looked quite surprised, and understandably so. During her year of visiting other hospitals, she had never been asked these questions, yet each inquiry seemed to pinpoint her condition precisely.


“But how did you know?”

“These symptoms match the disease I suspect you have.”

“W-What is my illness?” Jesse now appeared incredibly desperate compared to earlier.

Standing nearby, Steve also stared wide-eyed at Suhyuk.

Based on just one X-ray…he diagnosed her after only a few conversations?

Jesse couldn’t comprehend the situation at all. Even if Professor Ep came here, the result would likely be the same. Often, even with MRI and CT scans, it was difficult to provide an accurate diagnosis. It wasn’t due to lack of expertise; interstitial pneumonia has always been challenging to diagnose. There’s a reason why it is called ‘difficult-to-cure pneumonia.’

Can he really… diagnose it so easily? No way…

Naturally, Steve assumed that Suhyuk must have misunderstood something. Although Suhyuk’s performance yesterday was quite impressive, this seemed too far-fetched. However, there was no trace of doubt on Suhyuk’s face; only unwavering confidence shone through.

“Before I give you the diagnosis, let me ask you one more question. Can you answer truthfully?”

“O-of course. I’ll tell you anything.”

“W-what do you exactly do on Friday, Sunday, and Wednesday?”

“I already told you! I work at a grocery store!”

“If you lie to me, I won’t be able to cure your illness.”

“Lie… Hmm.” Jesse was about to vehemently deny it but stopped herself. It seemed like this doctor could potentially heal her ailment, but he claimed he wouldn’t if she lied.


She had suffered immensely due to this damn condition. Coughing fits struck without warning, leaving her breathless. Even attempting simple tasks caused tightness in her chest. Lately, even when giving instructions to her subordinates, uncontrollable coughs would seize her, making her feel as though death were imminent.

And upstairs… They’re considering forcing me to retire.

Retirement was not an option for him. Besides, he might recover fully someday.

“The…doctors said…” Jesse hesitated before continuing with a worried look on his face directed at the guard rather than hostility.

“Yes, please go ahead.”

“They have that whole patient confidentiality thing, right? It’s part of their oath.” Even his tone had changed.

“Oh, yes, I can only share your medical information for treatment purposes.”

“Right, then… Could you ask everyone else to leave the room briefly? I swear I won’t cause any trouble.”

He even added ‘please’.

[Was that a cross on your forearm?]

‘Yes. I guess he attends church.’

Moreover, Steve swore while wearing the cross. It wasn’t particularly convincing, but according to Baruda’s analysis, the likelihood of him causing trouble was close to zero.

“Is it okay?”

Thus, Suhyuk asked the guard to leave briefly. The guard seemed hesitant, but Steve’s expression showed understanding - after all, he was a doctor, albeit a young and ambitious one. As long as the price wasn’t too harsh, Steve desperately wanted to hear this patient’s diagnosis. Honestly, his curiosity was driving him insane.

“I’ll call you back immediately.”

Consequently, Steve also ushered the guard out of the room.

“Ummm… Understood. If anything seems unusual, I will immediately enter.”

“Yes. Thank you.”

Regardless of their role, guards were meant to assist with medical procedures smoothly. Since Steve, who was responsible for Jesse’s treatment, requested this, there was no reason for the guard to stay inside. Thus, after hastily searching Jesse’s body for weapons, the guard exited the room.

Jesse also demonstrated that she had no weapons on her person.

“Well then, please tell me. What do you do on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays?” Suhyuk asked once again in the clinic now occupied by only three people.

In response, Jesse sighed deeply as if confessing her sins.


“It’s okay. Your secrets are safe with me. I’ll share it solely for your treatment.”

“Alright… I understand. In return, you must treat me.”

“Of course.”

“I see… Hmm.” Jesse tapped her fingers several times before finally nodding.

“Well…I am involved in the dama business.”

“Huh? Dama?”

“Eh-hei! Don’t shout!”

“Oh, sorry.”

Jesse’s unexpected words surprised Steve, and she quickly pointed at him to keep quiet. The gesture was meant to silence him, but with the added tattoos, it was quite persuasive. Consequently, Steve became absolutely silent, like a mouse tiptoeing through the room.

In contrast, Suhyuk remained composed.

‘As expected, that X-ray pattern indicated…’

“[If coughs persist despite medication, this diagnosis should be suspected.]”

He was already confident about his diagnosis.

“Well, now that I’ve told you my thoughts, please give me your diagnosis and treatment.”

“Yes, of course. The patient’s illness is ‘Byssinosis’.”

“Byss… what?”

“Byssinosis. It usually occurs among people working in poorly ventilated textile factories… However, it rarely happens these days. Licensed factories have proper equipment.”

It was one of those diseases gradually being forgotten. Nonetheless, there was a growing trend for this condition within certain professions.

“However, dama can also be a cause. Since places dealing with dama aren’t legally permitted, cases often arise here.”

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