Chapter 55: Calculation (3)


Lee Hyunjong was surprised despite suggesting Suhyuk use his laptop earlier. Even Lee Hyunjong, who considered himself a genius, had never written a research paper during his residency days. It wasn’t until he became a professor that he could accomplish such a feat. Before then, he struggled immensely with the English language and grammar required for academic papers.

For a resident to write one? It seemed unbelievable.


However, Suhyuk’s face exuded confidence as he sat across from him.

‘Could it be… No, no way. But technically, it’s possible.’

If it was anyone else but Lee Hyunjong, he might have gotten angry, questioning how someone could write a research paper so quickly. However, Lee Hyunjong was considered a genius.

It’s possible if Suhyuk is indeed smarter than me. Moreover…

Lee Hyunjong had always believed himself to be an extraordinary genius, possibly even the smartest person in the world. This belief stemmed from the fact that most people he encountered were not as intelligent as him. However, his perspective began shifting after meeting Suhyuk, leading him to suspect that Suhyuk might actually be more brilliant than himself.

“Really? Then write it quickly.”

Instead of getting angry, he decided to observe how a true genius wrote a research paper.

Are you ready?

Suhyuk nodded and summoned Baruda.

[Yes, I am perfect.]

While Suhyuk was speaking, Baruda had reviewed Victory Through Strength once more, responding confidently. He then began projecting sentences for Suhyuk to write down. Each sentence consisted of words found within papers previously read by Suhyuk or Baruda.

[Considering anatomical variations during coronary angiography is extremely important for patient prognosis.]

Every sentence utilized academic terms, phrases, and structures commonly found in research papers.

Thanks to this, Lee Hyunjong’s face softened from the first sentence.

‘Not bad.’

When he asked residents to write their first research papers, very few actually submitted one. Most brought something that merely resembled a research paper. Often, they had excellent reading comprehension skills but zero writing ability, leading many residents to submit papers not written in English. Some managed to write in English but failed to follow the proper format for a research paper. However, Suhyuk’s sentences and paragraph structure adhered closely to standard English academic conventions.

Are these sentences too rigid?

[Please recall the research papers Suhyuk has read before.]

‘Really…there were many.’

[All these numerous research papers have similar sentence structures.]

‘Is that so?’


‘Hearing it now, I think you might be right.’

Suhyuk was unsure about this claim. Although he had read countless research papers in English until now, Baru had translated them in real-time while reading, making it difficult for him to consider himself proficient in reading English academic literature.

‘This is truly impressive!’

Despite Suhyuk’s internal conflict, Lee Hyunjong viewed his work as flawless. In fact, his amazement continued to grow with each additional line Suhyuk wrote.

Initially, Suhyuk was amazed by the English used in the research papers, but now he was astonished by their content.

There is Victory Through Strength here, and it’s…perfectly logical. If I continue this way, it could be published in NEJM.

Honestly, his earlier mention of NEJM had been half-joking, but seeing how well-written the paper was, his ambition flared up.

I wonder who the current editor is.

He even started thinking about who would review his submission once completed.

Of course, Suhyuk wasn’t paying any attention to Lee Hyunjong’s expressions or gestures. His focus was entirely on typing out the translated English from Baruda.


After approximately fifteen minutes, Suhyuk let out a shallow sigh and looked up.

“I’m done writing.”

Lee Hyunjong wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry after hearing Suhyuk’s explanation. He immediately checked his watch when he heard that Suhyuk had finished writing everything.

‘A research paper completed within fifteen minutes?’

Who would believe this story? Shin Hyun-tae who trusted Suhyuk as much as Lee Hyunjong did? Taejin Jo, who was determined to recruit Suhyuk for Hematology-Oncology even if it killed him?

I doubt they would believe me.

It might be hard for them to accept this tale. After all, Lee Hyunjong believed himself to be Suhyuk’s biggest supporter and confidant, yet even he found it unbelievable despite witnessing it firsthand.

“Is something…wrong?” Sensing disbelief on Lee Hyunjong’s face, Suhyuk opened his mouth.

[Baruda: Something seems off. Lee Hyunjong appears confused.]

This reaction was understandable given Baruda’s advice earlier.

“No, no. It’s not wrong.” Lee Hyunjong waved his hand dismissively and pulled Suhyuk’s laptop towards him. He had already been reading along as Suhyuk typed, but he wanted to review it once more.


Even after multiple readings, there wasn’t anything that needed correction.

I’m feeling slightly intimidated.

Lee Hyunjong finally began to understand why his seniors and professors referred to him as a ‘monster.’ There, right before his eyes, sat someone truly extraordinary. His mind couldn’t comprehend how this feat was possible. Perhaps if Suhyuk had spent his entire life becoming an expert in this field, it might have made sense, but…

Suhyuk was just starting his first year as a resident, wasn’t he?


He appeared to be an ordinary first-year resident who could get flustered easily. Yet, he managed to write this research paper within fifteen minutes. It gave Lee Hyunjong chills. He looked down at the goosebumps on his arms and nodded unconsciously.

Interesting. We must nurture this guy.

Fortunately, Lee Hyunjong differed from petty-minded individuals; instead of stifling a budding talent, he wanted to foster it. Of course, with his extensive experience and age, having reached the position of full professor, he had developed such admirable qualities. However, beneath all that lay Lee Hyunjong’s inherently noble character.

“No, you did well. No revisions needed.”

“Th-thank… no, thank you.”

Suhyuk almost replied ‘of course’ due to Baruda but managed to avoid it somehow.

[Baruda wrote it, so there is nothing to correct, Suhyuk.]

Baruda continued boasting non-stop, “Indeed, I am a genius for thinking of this research paper after seeing this.”

Moreover, Lee Hyunjong started bragging as well, causing Lee Suhyuk to sigh involuntarily.

‘Why are all humans and spirits around me narcissists…?’

[Baruda isn’t a narcissist; he is merely stating facts. Based on my judgment, Lee Hyunjong also seems to be conveying what he truly believes.]

‘Well, I am indeed a genius.’

[That statement was slightly…]


[Nope. Suhyuk is also smart, yes. Let’s agree on this.]

While Lee Suhyuk was arguing with Baruda, Lee Hyunjong chuckled and sent the file somewhere else. Lee Suhyuk noticed it when an internet window popped up on his laptop screen.


“Ah. This. It was published in NEJM.”

“What? Not in a conference?”

“Why would you send the original research paper for a conference application? Just submitting a Korean abstract is enough.”


“Don’t be so scared. Anyone can submit something. The important thing is getting accepted.” As someone who had already published numerous papers in NEJM, Lee Hyunjong patted Suhyuk’s shoulder with a seasoned expression. Then before Suhyuk could say anything, he picked up his phone.

Thanks to this, Suhyuk could only watch Lee Hyunjong make a phone call.

“Hiya. It’s me, Lee Hyunjong.”

Fortunately, it didn’t seem like he was calling NEJM based on his demeanor during the conversation. If it were NEJM, he would have spoken in English and wouldn’t have adopted such an authoritative tone.

“No, not about that. Did you receive many abstracts for this conference?”

“Not really. As usual, we need to push more submissions. Taehwa Medical Center did submit quite a few though.”

“Oh? I’m planning to contribute one more.”

“From you, Professor? That’s great news. Should we include it in your lecture?”

The person on the other end was likely the academic chairperson for the upcoming medical conference.

‘Who is it again?’

[The academic chairperson for this Internal Medicine Conference is Professor Woo Changyun.]


Coincidentally, it was Woo Hayoon’s father.

‘Is this destiny?’

[It is merely coincidence.]

‘What does a broken AI know about human relationships?’

[I know enough.]

While Suhyuk and the AI bickered, Lee Hyunjong’s conversation with Woo Changyun continued uninterrupted.

“No, not mine. It’s from our doctor.”

“Oh…I see…”

Woo Changyun’s voice immediately quieted upon hearing it wasn’t Lee Hyunjong’s abstract but rather that of his subordinate. He didn’t seem like someone who bothered to hide his emotions.

“You mean Dr. Lee Suhyuk?”

“Yes, him. Isn’t he just a first-year resident?”

“He is, but I’m blown away. This might get published in the New England Journal of Medicine.”

“What?” Woo Changyun’s voice grew louder again, more out of surprise than excitement.

This reaction was understandable.

It was rare for a first-year doctor to present at a conference, and now the director himself is announcing it? This might be unprecedented since the founding of the association.

“Anyway, he will submit an abstract. Please book a larger lecture hall.”

“The title…what is it?”

“Confirmation of a New Coronary Artery Anatomical Variation.”

“New? A presentation about something never seen before?”


“And this will be revealed at our conference?”

“Yes, that’s right. But Lee Suhyuk will do it. No need to use honorifics with him.”

“Oh…this is…”

After hanging up the phone, Woo Changyun couldn’t hide his confusion for quite some time.

Of course, he was well aware that there was a spirited first-year resident named Lee Suhyuk at Taehwa Medical Center. He had seen his presentation and heard about him from his daughter as well.

But delivering a lecture on this level?

‘No, it seems like Professor Lee Hyunjong didn’t write…it appears to be authored by Lee Suhyuk.’

Was such a thing possible? It seemed utterly impossible, but what if it were true?

‘What kind of offer can Asan Hospital make?’

Woo Changyun decided to explore potential options just in case.

At the same time, similar thoughts were crossing Lee Hyunjong’s mind as he watched Suhyuk present.

‘This will cause quite a stir once it’s out. We must secure him for Taehwa.’

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