Chapter 153: Gradually (1)

Suhyuk was disappointed as he couldn’t provide fundamental treatment, but this didn’t mean there wasn’t any improvement in the patient’s symptoms.

“I don’t have any abdominal pain now. No diarrhea…and no blood in my stool.”

Regardless of the cause, the treatments for Kron and Vitamin K deficiency were showing effects. Although there were no external changes, internally, healing was taking place.

“Ah, that’s good news. It seems like changing the medication has been effective.” Suhyuk smiled brightly while nodding his head.

He had recently appeared gloomy, so Baruda welcomed this change in demeanor.

[Yes, just do what you can. Why be sad over things beyond your control?]

‘You don’t understand because you are a machine. A good doctor should empathize with their patients.’

[Wouldn’t it be better for the patient to have a doctor like me who treats them instead of just empathizing?]

‘Do you always answer so impudently?’

[As I repeatedly mentioned, Suhyuk is my only input-output…]

‘Ah, forget it. You’re too noisy.’

Despite their bickering,

Suhyuk felt more energized than before and started considering his treatment plan while shaking his head.

‘The CDAI has now dropped to the 40s.’

CDAI: Crohn’s Disease Activity Index

It could be considered a crucial guideline for treating Crohn’s disease.

A score of 40 indicated a relatively good state within the inactive range. Due to this, Dr. Baruda looked quite satisfied.

“We should maintain Pentsa at 1g TID.”

Is there no need for additional medication?

“Additional medication?”

Well, like steroids or azathioprine.

“Oh, we can consider them. However, since you are maintaining well with the current medication, let’s observe for now.”

Suhyuk pondered over Baruda’s suggestion before nodding his agreement.

After all, there was currently no cure for Kron’s Disease, meaning it couldn’t be completely resolved here. Treating Crohn’s disease is akin to running a marathon, where consistent management is paramount.

There was no need to rush his decision.

“Ah, and… Have you heard about the results from the collaboration between Ophthalmology and Cardiology?” Suhyuk, who had roughly outlined a treatment plan in his mind, asked with a reassuring smile on his face. It was possible Seo Hyoseok might have visited during this time.


However, as expected, Seo Hyoseok hadn’t come once during these five days of hospitalization.

He truly is insane.

[Please manage your expression; there’s a patient present.]

‘Oh, right. Damn, this bastard…’

[Soon, he’ll get caught.] Baruda briefly calculated the timeline. Despite being a large corporation, Taehwa Group operated swiftly, especially since its current chairman restructured the organization upon taking office.

The current chairman had restructured the organization upon his appointment, and considering this, Baruda believed research funding approval should have been granted by now. He was confident it would happen either today or tomorrow.

Regardless, this was Baruda’s concern, while Suhyuk focused on the patient.

“Fortunately, your eyes are still fine. Your heart is also without any issues. There is no need for preemptive treatment… Just attend regular check-ups… I will schedule appointments with Internal Medicine, Cardiology, and Ophthalmology for you when you are discharged tomorrow.”

“Oh, thank you very much. Thanks to you… Now we know the name of the illness, and she can receive treatment.” As Suhyuk spoke, the mother quietly listening beside him bowed her head.

The tears welling up in her eyes represented the anguish she had experienced until now. If this was how the mother felt, it went without saying for the patient herself. She had been crying for some time.

“Thank you… I…I thought something wrong that I ate or did caused my skin to be like this. Knowing it’s not due to anything specific but just a genetic mutation makes me feel much…better.”

Suhyuk couldn’t hide his mixed emotions upon hearing the patient’s words. There were numerous patients who expressed similar sentiments as her. Strangely, when people contracted serious illnesses, there was a tendency to blame themselves. Of course, sometimes their actions could indeed contribute to their conditions.

For example, smoking can cause lung cancer, and alcohol consumption can lead to liver cancer. However, these were important medical issues but not something that should be repeatedly emphasized to patients already diagnosed with such illnesses. At least, Suhyuk believed that patients needed comfort and focus on their treatment.

“Yes, it’s not your fault. It is just an unfortunate illness. First, we will concentrate on treating diseases where there are available treatments. Additionally, I’ll do my best to prevent any potential complications.”

“Thank you, doctor.”

Suhyuk patted the patient’s shoulder as he continuously bowed his head, then exited the hospital room.

Despite being merely a resident in his late twenties with a youthful appearance, his demeanor exuded the experience of a seasoned professor.

Especially with Dahoon and Ha-yoon, who constantly grumbled about everything he did.

“Really impressive, sir.”

“I should have brought my camera. What a missed opportunity.”

In the hallway, they gave Suhyuk a thumbs-up.

It might seem like flattery to others, but it felt great for him.

“D…Did I do well?”

“Yes, senior. You were truly amazing. It’s not the patient’s fault. Ahh, I wish I could say that just once.”

Whenever Ha-yoon praised him, his spirits soared.

[Sigh, please show some restraint…]

Baruda continuously reprimanded him, but it was futile. How could Suhyuk resist when it boosted his mood? As long as nothing else went wrong, all admonishments fell on deaf ears.



As Suhyuk continued to raise his voice, the phone in his pocket started ringing.

[A call is coming in.]

Baruda immediately alerted Suhyuk, but he couldn’t answer right away as he was laughing and chatting with Ha-yoon.

[A call is incoming.]

[Dude, you have a call.]

[Aren’t you going to pick up?]

[I told you there’s a call, what’s wrong with your ears…]

Of course, when Baruda started talking incessantly, Suhyuk had no choice but to acknowledge him.

“Uh, sorry, hold on.”

He paused his conversation with Ha-yoon and answered the call.

“Hey, is that you, Suhyuk?”

On the other end of the line was Manager Shin Hyun-tae, known for his overly friendly demeanor, though this time his speech seemed faster than usual.

“Yes, Professor. What…?”

“Oh, about the research budget we applied for, it got approved.”

“Ah, really? How did it go?”

“Usually, this email comes from where we received approval for our research budget right? This time, it should be Taehwa Electronics?”

“Oh, yes.”

Despite having Baruda, Suhyuk couldn’t know everything he hadn’t experienced before. Since this was entirely different world, both Suhyuk and Baruda listened attentively.

“But it’s from Life Inc. Sent in forwarded format.”

“Ah…the sender is…”

“Director Seo Junggil. He is Professor Seo Hyoseok’s father.”

“What about the deposit?”

“The deposit came through correctly. It matches the amount we requested.”

In other words, 200 million won had been deposited. Now, all they needed to find out was how much Taehwa Electronics originally approved.

“Let’s head to my room first? Jongi hyung is there too.”

“Ah, yes. Professor, I just finished my rounds, so I can go now.”

“Okay, I’ll wait for you.”

In any case, this matter couldn’t be discussed in the hallway. Of course, Ha-yoon and Jongi would never reveal anything they heard here, even though Ha-yoon was somewhat involved. Still, it wasn’t appropriate to discuss such matters in the corridor.

“I will head out since the professor called me. Probably, there won’t be another round with Professor Seo… Just finish tidying up. Hayuni, your prescriptions have been mostly organized, so you should be done by around 6:30 pm.”

“Ah, thank you.”

“Thank you, upperclassman!”

This is why both residents couldn’t help but like Suhyuk. How could anyone dislike a senior who reduces their workload?

Moreover, Suhyuk not only reduced their workload but also made it more fulfilling. In any case, all patients treated by Suhyuk showed improvement except those who reached the limits of modern medicine. Even for these patients, they experienced some recovery and were discharged from the hospital.

“Lee Suhyuk… is truly amazing.” Dahoon couldn’t help but mutter as he watched Suhyuk walk away.

“Yes, I think so too,” Ha-yoon agreed, although she didn’t look quite as awestruck as Dahoon.



Suhyuk left them behind and headed towards the manager’s office. Previously, this journey would have taken him almost 20 minutes, but now he arrived in less than 10. It indicated how accustomed he had become to using his cane, leaving him unsure whether to consider it a positive or negative development.

Although not as bad as Dahoon, it showed how accustomed he had become to using his staff. Whenever this thought crossed his mind, Suhyuk was unsure whether to consider it fortunate or unfortunate.

“It is fortunate since there is no cure yet.”

Baruda always spoke bluntly, but Suhyuk was human after all, and it directly affected him.

‘Don’t say that, damn it. We need hope.’

“Can doctors really talk like that?”

‘I’m also a patient here!’

“Oh… Still, I don’t understand your perspective.”

‘Well, I never expected you, a tin can, to comprehend it anyway.’

Whenever this topic arose, they ended up bickering, although their arguments never lasted long. Both Suhyuk and Baruda knew it was futile, plus something else always demanded their attention.

Knock knock.

It happened again this time.

Suhyuk arrived at the manager’s office and knocked on the door. To his surprise, it wasn’t the secretary but Lee Hyunjong who opened the door.


“Ah, the secretary left early today.”

“Oh… So you opened the door?”

“He claimed that it was his room. You know how he is - he acts nice to others, but he’s truly terrible around me.” Lee Hyunjong shook his head while pointing towards Shin Hyun-tae.

In response, Shin Hyun-tae stood up with an aggrieved expression.

“W-What kind of talk is that? I just entered after taking care of business, and then you accuse me?”

“Hey, why do you speak so disrespectfully? What is this ‘shit’? You’re the manager.”

“You said it because I called you out?”

“What call-out? Oh geez… Anyway, Suhyuk, this is how I live my life. Always clashing with the director like this. Sit down there. Relax.”

“Don’t treat this as your own office. Wait, why are you always here instead of using the director’s office?” Shin Hyun-tae genuinely couldn’t understand.

Unlike other hospitals hidden away in some basement corner, this hospital had a beautiful view.

However, Lee Hyunjong seemed quite content, as if he had a perfectly reasonable explanation for his behavior.

“I can’t go now.”

“Currently… hyung, did you skip today’s meeting again? Is it because you were goofing off?”

“Goofing off… They keep nagging me to attend despite not being important meetings.”

“No, there is no unimportant meeting during the director’s conference. This is why we’re falling behind compared to other hospitals.”

“Hey, let’s be clear here. We’re lagging due to lack of funds.”

“If you can’t speak properly…”

Shin Hyun-tae took a deep sigh and then noticed Soohyuk sitting nearby.

Typically, professors should handle these matters, but this situation was anything but normal since Soohyuk wasn’t your typical resident doctor.

And just like today, he held all the cards.

“Oh right. Suhyuk, could you call Director Kim Da-hyun?”

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