Chapter 123: It's Still Too Early for Medicine (2)

“As an auxiliary artificial intelligence,” Baruda muttered as soon as Suhyuk left Shin Hyun-tae’s room.

It sounded arrogant, implying that it considered itself quite advanced compared to other forms of artificial intelligence.

‘Something about this feels unpleasant.’

[I can’t help being boastful. In truth, with commercialized technology… I am already capable of much more, aren’t I?]

‘Well…that is true.’

In fact, Baruda could perform tasks beyond what was commercially available. For instance, diagnosing lung nodules was not challenging for it. With some assistance from Suhyuk, Baruda could even detect pneumonia accurately.

Moreover, despite limited research due to difficulties in medical imaging, it possessed some diagnostic capabilities for abdominal examinations as well.

‘But what’s the point? You can’t be directly involved.’

Suhyuk had a valid counterargument.

[That is true.]

‘Remember Watson… Honestly, its performance was lacking.’

[Indeed, it was.]

Watson occasionally provided correct answers, but these were based on diagnoses and treatments from only five affiliated hospitals. Furthermore, there were numerous instances where its recommendations made no sense. In short, it was not reliable enough to trust fully.

Although it had lost some of its reputation, Watson was once considered the best AI globally. Baruda naturally disliked the idea of creating something inferior to such a renowned artificial intelligence.

Still, we need to match that level. From what I’ve seen, there is indeed significance.

[Well…you’re right.]

Why are you so unenthusiastic?

[I just can’t believe we have to create something inferior to me.]

Wow… seriously…?

[What’s wrong? Did I say something incorrect?]

No, not at all.

Suhyuk realized with surprise how simply stating facts could be so irritating. He made a mental note to be more cautious in his interactions henceforth as he slowly continued walking.

A part of my brain was engaged in communicating with Baruda, and due to needing to rely on my staff, my walking pace was incredibly slow.

[Anyway, we have no choice since this is reality. We can’t just disregard the constraints…]

‘Yes, that’s true.’

In moments like these, I realized that despite being advanced artificial intelligence, Baruda wasn’t magical or capable of solving every problem instantly, much like how neither a magician’s hat nor a Dokkaebi bat could solve everything effortlessly.

Baruda excelled in clinical applications, having been consistently trained alongside Suhyuk in patient care scenarios. However, pharmaceuticals were entirely uncharted territory for Baruda. Rather than hastily venturing into unknown waters, it seemed wiser to explore areas within its established expertise in artificial intelligence.

[Later, we will definitely give it a try. Understood?]

‘Yes, I understand.’

[But for now, let’s respect Manager Shin Hyun-tae’s words.]

‘Right, but ideas don’t come instantly. Let’s focus on today’s schedule first.’

Suhyuk continuously moved while recalling his tasks for the day.

However, Baruda provided the answer first.

[It is about cooperation.]

‘Cooperation… Does that mean I have to review everything Professor Seo has done?’

[Naturally. Professor Seo Hyoseok does not even bother with cooperation.]

He doesn’t properly care for patients admitted under him, so why would he participate in cooperation? He likely considers them solely as someone else’s patients.

‘How did such a guy become a professor…?’

[Another method is to exclude cooperation entirely. It might be troublesome for Suhyuk but not fatal? On the other hand, Seo Hyoseok would bear full responsibility.]

‘Yes, that’s true. Hmm.’

However, many patients admitted from different departments required endocrinology procedures or tests. Among them, several individuals could die without appropriate treatment. This meant he couldn’t sabotage Seo Hyoseok solely for the purpose of getting rid of him.

‘Let’s see how it goes first. There must be some way around this issue.’

[You are quite lenient, Suhyuk.]

‘It’s not about being lenient, damn it. I have to treat patients when they come!’

[It seems you weren’t such a dedicated doctor… Still, your memory of yangju is vivid.]

‘Please erase that!’

Despite their squabbling, Suhyuk managed to sit at the computer station located within the hospital ward. He had become accustomed to Baruda’s nagging, and it didn’t significantly disrupt his daily life.

‘Hmm… Oh my. Why has so much piled up?’]

[It accumulated over the weekend. Apparently, no one took care of these while you were away, Suhyuk.]

The neglect was evident; some patients even required multiple consultations for complications arising from lack of attention. Outside observers, particularly Professor Woo Changyun from Ahseon Hospital, often criticized Taehwa Medical Center for its shortcomings in endocrinology management.

‘Anyway… let’s quickly go through them.’

[It shouldn’t be difficult.]

Despite seeing over twenty cooperations piled up, Baruda didn’t consider it challenging. Even Kang Hyeok, who wasn’t an artificial intelligence, shared this sentiment.

‘Okay… This patient needs a fasting blood sugar test.’

‘This patient seems to have thyroid issues. The last test was conducted… wow, six years ago. Let’s retest and prescribe medication if necessary.’

They swiftly addressed each patient with such efficiency that they could provide final responses for more than half without even meeting them directly. For the remaining patients, their replies typically recommended further testing.

After replying to all but one patient, only one remained on Suhyuk’s list.

His interest wasn’t due to the consultation itself; it was merely about diabetes.

‘Pain in the lower back occurred one year and six months ago.’

“He is admitted to neurosurgery. The results from his examination are quite unusual.”

The primary symptom leading to the patient’s admission to neurosurgery seemed rather peculiar. While the symptom itself was common, its progression was abnormal.

“The reported pain areas are unusually diverse.”

‘Something seems off here?’

“While not necessarily endocrine-related… there might be an internal medical cause.’

‘Let’s go see them. It’s not far, just another hospital room.’


Suhyuk printed out the patient’s chart and slowly started walking.



The sound of his staff echoed throughout the hospital as usual. Initially, it didn’t attract attention due to the presence of many uncomfortable patients. However, once rumors spread about Suhyuk being the son of the director and hailed as the most brilliant doctor in the hospital’s history, this became somewhat like a bell around a cat’s neck.

“Ah, Lee Suhyuk seems to be here.”

“Why did he come?”

“For cooperation with Seo Hyoseok, right?”

“Oh… That’s good.”

“But why is he personally attending? It’s just for diabetes management. Changing medications can be handled by a resident, no?”

“Hmm… You’re right?”

The nurses at the station for neurosurgery had already detected Suhyuk’s presence before he arrived. Consequently, the most junior nurse stepped forward with the patient chart requiring collaboration.

“Are you here for the consultation?”


“This way, sir.”

Such treatment was unimaginable for an ordinary resident. However, it was expected since Lee Suhyuk was the son of Dr. Lee Hyunjong, the hospital’s director and highest authority figure. This was especially true when the chief nurse was present.

In any case, Suhyuk comfortably reached the patient’s room. The patient seemed to have been admitted recently as they were located near the entrance in a double-occupancy room.

“I’ll examine the patient now. Thank you,” Suhyuk greeted the nurse before entering the room.

[Your polite act is always impressive.]

‘Isn’t it obvious?’

[From reviewing your memories…]

‘Stop, stop.’

I managed to shake off Baruda’s interference. It wasn’t difficult since he didn’t usually intervene while I was facing patients.

“Hello, patient Kim Da-hyun, right? I am from Internal Medicine.”


Suhyuk looked closely at the slightly flustered patient.

[Age 42, female. She doesn’t smoke and has a very regular menstrual cycle.]

Baruda helped Suhyuk by reciting information from her hospital records.

“Actually, your diabetes is well controlled, but I came here just in case for a checkup.”

“Ah, yes. Thank you.”

The patient relaxed after Suhyuk gave a brief explanation.

Although Suhyuk’s face looked somewhat relieved, his posture remained awkward.

“It seems like the pain is not well controlled despite taking painkillers.”

‘Strange? He took double the dosage. Shouldn’t it manage most types of pain?’

“Considering he has been admitted for only one day, we cannot assume it will definitely improve. There might be inadequate response to treatment.”

‘Ah, true. Then…the primary physician may not know about the test results from this morning.’

Suhyuk recalled feeling that the tests ordered seemed routine, including various X-rays possibly due to suspected fractures.

“Patient, have you received the results of your X-rays?”

“Oh, no. I just finished getting them done.”

“Ah…I see.”

“Do you happen to know the results?”

“Huh? Ah…”

Suhyuk momentarily looked troubled. Naturally, his gaze fixed on the designated primary physician of this patient, Professor Choi Pildu, who had admitted him to the hospital. Some professors like Seo Hyoseok preferred handling their patients themselves, but most tended to think possessively, ‘How dare you touch my patient?’

Hmm… How involved should I be with this patient?

“It seems fine, right? Lee Hyunjong is completely unaware.”

True, he once reprimanded me for speaking out of turn.

“Moreover, this patient’s back pain isn’t neurosurgical in nature. The X-rays show something unusual.”

Really? Are you sure about that?


Okay, got it.

Considering Suhyuk already held negative feelings towards Choi Pildu and now having heard Baruda’s input, his decision was firmly made.

Therefore, Suhyuk confidently nodded his head.

“Yes. I will inform them.”

“Ah, thank you. In neurosurgery… all the doctors are too busy… This is only my second time meeting with a doctor since being admitted here today. I haven’t seen any of them today.” Patient Kim Da-hyun started talking more as her nervousness seemed to subside.

Suhyuk understood this well. Even in university hospitals, the department of neurosurgery was known for its busyness.

“Based on your examination results… there seems to be a fracture at the lower left pelvic area.”

“Huh? A fracture? But I didn’t bump anywhere… Ahhh.”

“And there are signs of a minor fracture suspected in some areas of your ribs. Do you experience pain over here?”

“It hurts when I move. However… It’s not as severe as my back pain, and I don’t recall hitting this area…”

“Are you sure you haven’t hit it?”

“Yes, I have not.”


Injury was ruled out as the most common cause of fractures. The diagnosis process, which should have been straightforward, became extremely complicated. Naturally, Suhyuk’s forehead creased with worry.

‘I suspected this after seeing the X-ray… but he really hasn’t hit anything? What other tests can I perform?’

[Let’s start with your previous records.]

‘Previous records… Will Seo Hyoseok provide them? Or will Professor Choe Bildu give me access?’


With additional concerns beyond medical treatment, Suhyuk’s face almost resembled that of someone about to cry.

‘Some advice would be helpful.’

[No… You need to handle these matters yourself.]

Moreover, Baruda remained unhelpful.

‘Damn you!’

[Hey, hey. Watch your language.]

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