Chapter 10: On Call Duty (1)

‘Did I do well?’

Dr. Shin Hyun-tae, the Head of Internal Medicine at Taehwa Medical Center, was quite influential. Firstly, he possessed outstanding abilities, and secondly, his marriage to the daughter of the Taehwa Electronics chairman, who also held a managerial position, significantly boosted his standing. It was widely accepted that it was just a matter of time before Shin Hyun-tae would become the director of Taehwa Medical Center.

‘Is this really pushing me forward? Then seriously…’

“Why is only one corner of your mouth raised?”

‘Can you see it?’

“I can sense it.”

‘S-something about that wording feels odd…’

Despite Suhyuk’s thoughts, the corners of his lips continued to soar towards the sky. This was because Shin Hyun-tae, destined to be the next director, had taken notice of him as a potential future department head.

‘Maybe I could really become a professor.’

Of course, it was too early to celebrate, but there seemed to be hope for him - something that Lee Suhyuk never experienced before.

Gradually yet surely…

[I will support you on this matter.]

‘Can we remove “on this matter”?’

[I’ll support you.]

‘Stop talking…’

Suhyuk shook his head and filled out the admission order for Oh Jin-kyung’s chart. Naturally, Shin Hyun-tae was designated as her attending physician, while Suhyuk himself would be her primary doctor.

He prescribed doxycycline antibiotics for both Kim Jinchul and Oh Jin-kyung. If effective, they should show improvement by the end of the weekend. Parrot disease is quite unique, but once diagnosed, it isn’t difficult to treat.

“Yes, please rest well, and I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

“Thank you, Dr. Hwang.”

After escorting patient Oh Jin-kyung to her hospital room, Suhyuk entered the doctors’ lounge. A few individuals inside greeted him awkwardly before quickly leaving as if a high-ranking person had arrived. It felt strange enough to make Suhyuk raise an eyebrow.

Are they all extremely busy?

From Suhyuk’s perspective, it wasn’t a bad situation since he could now use the spacious lounge by himself.

‘It’s not even 10 PM yet… After documenting everything, I should head straight to bed.’

[Shouldn’t you study?] Baruda once again emphasized the importance and necessity of studying to Suhyuk.

‘Damn…I have to be on call tomorrow…and it’s my first shift in the emergency room.’

He would be paired with the second-year resident, Hwang Sunwoo, for this duty.

‘Haaah… Seriously… All I can do is sigh. You wouldn’t understand how I feel right now. I’m not even sleepy.’

Just thinking about going down to the ER with Hwang Sunwoo gave him a headache. She had a bad temper already, so working alongside her during their shift was bound to be hellish. Even angels turn into demons on-call days.

“Then shouldn’t you study harder?”

Baruda showed his own demonic side as well.

‘Stop talking nonsense. Let me finish up quickly, and then we’ll see.’

Suhyuk opened the chart and started writing the progress notes.

When Suhyuk was a student, he had written several mock charts before, and his colleagues mentioned that he was quite good at it. However, he had never found it this easy like now.

‘Understanding the diagnostic process from start to finish feels like this.’

Why did they perform these tests? Why were these questions asked? Why were the medications changed?

As a medical student, he honestly didn’t fully comprehend the reasons behind the decisions made by residents when writing admission notes or progress reports. This time, with a deep understanding of the rationale, the documentation flowed effortlessly as if water coursing through a stream.

In just 20 minutes, Suhyuk completed the chart without any apparent dissatisfaction from Baruda regarding its quality. In fact, Baruda seemed rather pleased and boastful.

[I must have been immensely helpful.]

‘What nonsense! I wrote it all myself.’

[Weren’t you relying on my diagnosis process?]


To be honest, it was still impossible for Suhyuk to think outside the box as Baruda had done earlier. In other words, Baruda’s existence was indeed helpful to Suhyuk. Although, at times, he proved more annoying than useful.

‘Ah, whatever. It’s fine for now. This is just too exhausting.’

Suhyuk hadn’t yet adjusted to his injured left leg and heavily relied on his crutches, making everyday tasks incredibly challenging. Eventually, once he got used to it, even if he limped, he might not need the crutches anymore. But for now, it felt overwhelming.


Just as Suhyuk attempted to stand up, a strange alarm sound echoed around him. The noise instantly dampened his mood.

‘What the hell is this crazy thing doing?’

[I have replicated your most hated sound based on Lee Suhyuk’s memories.]

‘Why are you doing this?!’


‘You crazy bastard.’



After hearing the alarm twice more, Lee Suhyuk glanced at the clock. It was not yet 10 pm, so it felt quite early. Moreover, his shift started at 7 am tomorrow, and he didn’t expect any late-night calls.

‘Fine… Damn it, let’s study. Study.’

[Do you hate studying so much that it makes you curse? Today’s content could provide crucial clues to save someone’s life.]

‘No… I meant figuratively speaking. Why… why do you talk so rudely?’

[I am Baruda, an AI continuously improving my conversational patterns through deep learning.]

‘Why did you suddenly introduce yourself?’

[I wanted to inform you that my speech pattern is influenced solely by Lee Suhyuk, who is my only input source.]


At a loss for words, Suhyuk started cursing while searching through the books on display. As expected of Taehwa Hospital’s Internal Medicine Department, there were numerous medical books available. Some appeared untouched, but regardless, the department continued investing in literature.

‘Yes… I should study and become successful…’

This sentiment had always been true, but it was even more so now with Baruda’s assistance. Every book he read was stored somewhere in his brain, readily accessible at any time. By accumulating this knowledge, he might one day become the world’s best internal medicine specialist.

‘If that happens…’

He could finally experience flying first class, something he’d never done before.

He could try cutting into a steak, wear designer clothes, and drive a foreign car.

[Your motivation is impure, but I support your studying.]

‘Well, it’s impure in this capitalist society.’

After saying this, Lee Suhyuk slowly started turning the pages of his book. It was entirely written in English, but he didn’t find reading it problematic. After all, Suhyuk had graduated fourth from Taehwa University’s medical school, considered the best in Korea. Although speaking English was a different matter, he was confident in his reading ability.

[By the way, Suhyuk.]

What? You told me to study, so why interrupt now?

[Why do you seem so reluctant to study? The memories indicate that past Suhyuk wasn’t like this.]

Baruda’s words caused the corners of Suhyuk’s mouth to curve upwards towards the sky. His expression resembled the one earlier, but the feeling behind it was completely different.

‘I don’t know why I am saying this to you…’

[In terms of mental health, expressing one’s thoughts has significance.]

‘What use is there talking like this?’

However, as memories resurfaced thanks to Baruda, Suhyuk felt the desire to confide in someone. It wasn’t anything grandiose; it was just a conversation with club seniors. They were ordinary people sharing space, but he realized they lived in a different world than him.

“I’m not sure about Suhyuk, but both myself and this guy receive support from our families. Nowadays, becoming a professor doesn’t happen in just 1 or 2 years. You need to wait at least 4 or 5 years. Regardless, I want to become a professor by any means necessary.”

They were selected as professors based on certain conditions. It wasn’t due to their passion for research or accumulated knowledge. Instead, it was about having enough money to endure the years waiting to become a professor and pay graduate school tuition fees. In essence, it all boiled down to wealth.

‘Yes, this world has become one where you can’t become a professor without money. And I am someone lacking that money.’

[I see, so you decided to make some money.]

‘Something like that. But not anymore.’

Suhyuk believed there was no one within his university cohort, nor even among those several years above or below him, who studied as diligently as he did. No one else managed to juggle tutoring sessions up until the night before exams while pulling all-nighters to prepare. Yet despite his efforts, the reality of being unable to secure a professorship shattered his dreams. Now, however, those dreams began stirring once again.

He possessed skills that could overcome money and power. He had it all within his grasp.


Baruda remained silent as if pleased by the sound of pages turning faster and faster.

The next morning at six o’clock, he started making noise again.

[Beeeep beeeep beeeep.]

It was the dreadful alarm clock sound.


Suhyuk instinctively screamed and sat up quickly. As he slept on the top bunk like any other on-call room, he almost hit his head against the ceiling.

[Your reaction is excellent.]

‘What the hell…? I set the alarm before going to sleep!’

[Did you mean 6:50 AM? I judged it to be too tight.]

‘This bastard… It’s my duty shift… At least let me get some decent sleep.’

[In any case, there will be more patients later.]


If Baruda hadn’t spoken, I wouldn’t have known. However, Baruda always chose his words carefully, making it impossible to refute him and increasing my anger even more.


I wanted to sleep more, but the alarm ringing in my head was too shocking, preventing me from falling back asleep. Since I was already awake, I decided to do my morning rounds early. After all, I had to make them at some point during the day anyway.

“How are you feeling?”

“Much better. Not sure if it’s just how I feel right now…”

Fortunately, both Kim Jinchul and Oh Jin-kyung showed dramatic improvements in their conditions. Thanks to this, Suhyuk regained some energy and managed to eat breakfast at the hospital cafeteria.

[I told you waking up early is beneficial, didn’t I?]

However, he didn’t respond to Baruda’s comment. It felt like admitting defeat, and besides, there was no time to answer every remark.


At precisely 7:00 AM, as if waiting for the exact moment, his phone rang.

One could think of it as an unbelievable coincidence, but most calls arrived at this time. It was somewhat ambiguous whether patients arriving after 6:40 should be notified to the on-call doctor from the previous day or not.

“This is Dr. Lee Suhyuk, first-year resident from Internal Medicine.”

“Yes, Doctor. I’m calling about Ms. Lee Jieun, a 45-year-old female patient with abdominal mass and weight loss. She has been transferred here from another hospital due to her condition.”

Abdominal mass and weight loss… At a glance, it seemed like cancer.

Suhyuk nodded his agreement internally.

“Yes, I’ll come down now.”

“Understood, Doctor.”

With confidence, Suhyuk contacted Hwang Sunwoo.

“It’s cancer. Go downstairs, check the patient’s face, then bring them up for blood tests.”

“Yes, Doctor.”

Hwang Sunwoo also headed towards the emergency room assuming it was obviously cancer.

As she looked at the abdominal CT scan taken by the other hospital, Baruda opened its mouth.

[It isn’t cancer.]

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